Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30, 2009

Date: December 30, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Public Hearing
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
Roll call of members: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor and Trustee Patrick present. Absent: Trustee Kurkowski and Dawley.
Discussion on the repeal of the Local Law of the Village of Richfield Springs, regarding the residency requirements for the Cemetery Commission. Duane Pierson asked why this local law is being addressed. It was explained that as the local law reads now, a person must live in the town or village of Richfield Springs to be on the cemetery commission. This change would open this up to people living in the county who would want to participate on the cemetery commission. After discussion, it was decided to wait until the next meeting for a vote.
Public hearing closed at 7:07pm.

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne at 7:07 pm.
Roll call of members: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, and Trustee Patrick present. Absent: Trustee Dawley and Trustee Kurkowski.
3) Mayor asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading of the minutes of the December 8, 2009 meeting. No objection. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor to approve the December 8, 2009 minutes, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-Yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell-
1) Correction made on Abstract #12, General fund should have been $5998.19.
2) Abstract #14- attached to minutes. Motion to approve made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
3) Resolution for village election to be held at Town Hall on March 16, 2010. Attached to minutes.
4) Job interview set up for 12/31/2009 for the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer position. Motion was made by Trustee Patrick to offer minimum of $9.00 with a maximum of $10.00 depending on qualifications, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
5) Per Tom Shypski, the water plant needs a variable speed motor drive for intake pump, can’t run one of two pumps because they have no back-up. Estimated cost $3500.00 to $4000.00. Ed Bello is going to check on pricing and is looking into possibly getting a refurbished one. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Mayor Frohne stated that Tom Shypski spoke to him about coming to the board and discussing the long term planning and needs for the water plant. Was suggested by Trustee O’Connor to come to the end of the month meeting.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) Would like a thank you note written to Assemblyman Magee for the help in receiving the $125,000.00 grant for the library building roof and back wall. The board agreed and Mayor Frohne will write this.
2) Treasurer received a call from Larry Stockigt on Dec. 28th. 2009 asking to have the sewer reconnected at the 10 Linden Ave. property which is outside the village. Was told no, the village is under a consent order with the DEC. and can not hook anymore outside users up to the sewer lines. He then called the DEC and spoke to Kevin O’Connor who told him it was not a problem. Then on Dec. 30th Mrs. Stockigt came into the office to get the sewer hooked up. She was told the same thing that Larry Stockigt was told on the phone the previous day. The previous owner called and asked the treasurer to explain this to her, she was told the same thing and was told if they wanted to come to the Board meeting and ask the board about it, they were welcome to do so. The board was in agreement that this would be considered a new user and per prior board resolution no new outside users would be connected to the sewer line.
3) The Clerk has not received the minutes for the last cemetery meeting. Trustee Patrick said there will be another meeting on January 13th, 2010.
4) Tax money was received from the county.
5) Resolution to approve the Reed bed contract: this is a professional agreement for planting the Reed bed and maintaining it and then 1 year later checking to see that everything is working properly. One year from then there will be a $6000.00 charge. Resolution attached to minutes.
6) Line transfer $2000.00 from G8197.2 (Capitol Expenses-Sewer Fund) to G1940.2 (Land Acquisition and Easement). Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Mayor Frohne

Trustee O’Connor-
a) Report from WWTP was passed out to all trustees and Mayor Frohne, attached to minutes.
b) Report from Water plant, passed out. The water plant just finished a 2 year phase of testing, and now has to start a new phase of testing. This testing has to do with the amount of nitrogen in the water. Also approximately 1 million gallons of water is being lost somewhere in the village. Can’t find it unless it comes to the surface, otherwise it will be next spring or summer before the problem can be located.

Trustee Patrick:
a) Report from the DPW passed out to all trustees and Mayor Frohne.
b) Reported that the shared services from the school would like to invite the representatives from the sports groups to come to the next meeting. Trustee Patrick or a representative from the school will notify the groups of the date and time. Mayor Frohne and Trustee Patrick will attend and possibly Trustee Dawley.
c) Trustee Patrick will attend the job interview for the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer position on 12/31/2009.

Trustee Dawley: Absent

Trustee Kurkowski; Absent

Attorney Cavic:
a) There are 9 more properties that will need easement searches done.
Motion authorizing the Village Attorney to do the 9 searches needed for the stimulus package, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Motion to go into executive session for personnel and potential litigation reasons made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Gerald Zavitch left at this time.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Resolution to appoint Chris Butler and Jim Malinowski as owners representatives on the stimulus project made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Resolution attached to minutes.

Motion to adjourn: made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

Date: December 15, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Mayor Frohne, Trustees Kurkowski, Patrick, Dawley present. Trustee O’Connor absent.

Special Business:
Vouchers to be signed and approved:
1) 4 wheel dr. hybrid pickup truck- $36,548.50
2) Title, plates & registration fees - $165.00
3) John Deere Gator Electric (145amp) - $8500.00
4) John Deere X748 W/62X mower deck - $10,650.00
5) Snow blower and Soft cab - $6100.00

Motion to approve the vouchers made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Resolution to authorize the Treasurer to pay for vehicles out of General Fund money in the ARRA account made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

Nick Green from Lamont stated that before he presented the contracts he wanted to make it clear that
Contract 4 and 5 did not have all the documents available. He stated that he was told all paper work should be available by December 18th, 2009.
Clerk read the resolution to the Board, Mayor and public.

Nick Green then presented the Contracts to the Mayor and Board for the WWTP project:
Contract No 1: Sanitary sewer replacement awarded to G. De Vincentis & Son Const. Inc.
Contract No 2: General Const. awarded to Blue Heron Const. Co. LLC.
Contract No 3: Electrical awarded to Stilsing Electric Inc.
Contract No 4: Plumbing awarded to John V. Warren, Inc.
Contract No 5: HVAC awarded to John V. Warren, Inc.

Resolution to accept contracts attached to minutes.

Nick Green also passed out Change Order to each Trustee and Mayor Frohne for Contract No.1,
Motion was made to adopt the change order for Contract No. 1 made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried. Change order attached to minutes.

Resolution to accept the Amendment No.2 Agreement for Engineering Services made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.
Report attached to minutes.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell: nothing at this time.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) Resolution was made at Dec. 8th. 2009 for Mayor Frohne to sign the contract for the grant awarded to the Village from the State Dormitory Authority for the roof and back wall of the Public Library to be fixed, the Treasurer has received the contract and Mayor Frohne will sign.

2) Resolution to add snow blower and soft side cab to the Green Project reserve money, the Sewer Fund will pay $1750.00; the balance of $4300.00 will be submitted to EFC under the Green Project reserve to bring the total spent to the $15,000.00 grant, made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

3) Resolution to continue with MVP insurance coverage(MCR), current rate $77.30 per person, will go to $91.09 in January 2010 per person X three is $41.37 per mo. extra for 5 months, total of $206.85, made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

Mayor Frohne:

1) Next Board meeting will be Dec. 30, 2009
2) We have a job interview set up for Dec. 31, 2009 at 1:00 pm. for the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer position. Mayor Frohne, Trustee Patrick, Clerk, Diane Blackwell and Treasurer, Donna Wells will interview.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

Date: December 8, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustees Kurkowski, O’Connor, Patrick, Dawley and Mayor Frohne present.
3) Mayor Frohne asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 25, 2009 meeting. No objection.
Motion to approve minutes made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Special Business:
1) Trooper Burdick and Mrs. Hill were present to ask the board to give approval for the Richfield Springs Athletic Assoc. to use the Village ball field in the spring. Also asked about the key to get equipment out of the storage building, was told to come to the Village office and sign form to use the key and return it. Trustee Patrick also made them aware that the shared services between the Town, Village and school are talking about a field on Walnut St. for possible future use. After discussion, motion was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

4) Code enforcement- nothing at this time.

5) Fire Dept. - Clerk passed out report to all trustees.
Tom Hallock asked the board to check the procurement book; he has listed in the book for 2 pagers, and needs another signature for approval to purchase.
2) Bids for surplus equipment:
a. 2 - tractor tires, 15-28, Jack Van Buren, bid $35.00
b) 3 bids on the John Deere 214 tractor, 46” mower deck, snow thrower:
1) Kenneth Wilson, bid $700.00, 2) Lyle Wilbert, bid $403.00, 3) A. Miller. Jr. bid $597.97.
Trustee O’Connor made a motion to table the bids for Jim Malinowski to review and decide. After discussion
Trustee O’Connor withdrew his motion. A motion was then made to accept the bids and award to the highest bidder by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. The bid for the tires was awarded to Jack Van Buren for $35.00, and the bid for the tractor was awarded to Ken Wilson for $700.00.
Bids for WWTP vehicles:
a. Hybrid Pickup truck, 2009, 4 wheel drive half ton,
1) Country Club Chevrolet, $36,548.50, title plates and registration billed separately (approximately $165.00). Does meet all specks.
2) Steete Ponte Chevrolet, $35,851.00. Did not meet all specks.
Motion to accept Country Club Chevrolet bid of $36,548.50 meeting all required specks included, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
b. Bio-diesel ready riding lawn mower, 24 horse power, 4 wheel dr., 62 in. mower deck.
1) John Deere 748, from Cazenovia Equipment Co. Inc. bid $10,650.00.
Motion to accept bid from Cazenovia Equipment Co. for $10,650.00 for the bio-diesel riding lawn mower, made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowsk-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

2) John Deere Gator 4x2 145 amp, bid from Cazenovia Equipment Co. Inc. for $8500.00.
Motion to accept the bid from Cazenovia Equipment Co. Inc. for $8500.00 for John Deere Gator made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell-
1) Abstract #13. Attached to minutes.
2) Resolultion to repeal 4-107(C) of the Village Code of the Village of Richfield Springs in its entirety made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawly-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.
Resolution for Public Hearing with respect to the adoption of said local law to be held on December 30, 2009 in the Memorial Room of the Public Library at 102 Main St. Richfield Springs, NY, made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowsk-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.
3) Clerk received a call from Theresa Oakes about giving the Santa a gas gift card for coming every year to the Xmas Tree Lighting. The Municipal law states that gifts or donations are not allowed except in very limited circumstances.
4) Susan Van Riper requested to renew liquor license for The Genesee Tap Room. The board had no objection.
5) Bassett Health Care needs a form signed to continue the employee PE’s., PFT’s. Respiratory fit test, and Physician review-OSHA form. Mayor will sign, and clerk will send back.
6) Clerk asks for permission to close Village office at 3:00 pm. on Dec. 24, 2009. Permission was given.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) The Treasurer recommended to keep the loan portion of the ARRA funds at $1.4 million, so it is possible to do more of the ad alt’s under the grant.
Resolution made to use excess money from grant on add alternatives by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) The Village has been awarded $125,000.00 from Assembly Magee through the State Dormitory Authority for the repair of the Public Library building roof and back wall. Treasurer asked for approval for Bob Graepel to help her with the estimate, will possibly be a need for overtime. All members and Mayor Frohne approved.
Resolution made to authorize the Treasurer and Mayor Frohne to sign contracts for the project, by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.
3) A check was received for the dividend from the Fire Ins. contract in the amount of $2487.60.
4) Balance sheets and profit and loss passed out. Bank reconciliations are done.
5) Historical society having Xmas party in Memorial Room on 12/14/2009. There is no ins. certificate from the historical society. After discussion was suggested to go into executive session under potential litigation. Motion made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. All board members, Mayor and Attorney left the room for executive session.
Motion made to come out of executive session made by Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.
Motion made to waive the insurance for the Historical Society for the Dec. 14, 2009 function scheduled, but for future functions criteria will be set for all groups using the Memorial Room, by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-abstained, Mayor Frohne-yes.
Clerk asked why the scheduling for the Memorial Room was not done in the Village office? Attorney Cavic suggested that the Mayor appoint one or two individuals to set guidelines for the use of the Memorial Room, and also decide who should be in charge of the scheduling.

Mayor Frohne
1) Was invited to speak to the Richfield Springs Rotary Club on Dec. 3rd. 2009.
2) Spedies report back, going to require twice as many tests as before and wet testing.

Trustees Reports:
Trustee O’Connor-
No new business at this time

Trustee Patrick:
1) Mayor Frohne and Trustee Patrick attended the November Cemetery meeting.

Trustee Kurkowski;
1) Received a letter on the e-mail from Joseph Spytko. After discussion, was decided that all is being done that can be. The Village has done what they can to keep consistent with the contract documents and village codes and DEC regulations.
2) Residents from Walnut St. have spoke to Trustee Kurkowski about the vandalism going on.
3) Trustee Kurkowski is very concerned about the lack of order of the cemetery records. The Cemetery commission agreed to purchase card boxes for the records to help start getting records in order.

Trustee Dawley:
No new business at this time.

Attorney Cavic:
For the Opera, there has been no objection to the village acting as Lead Agency.
Resolution to resolve that the village will conduct a coordinated review of the various environmental and potential environmental impacts and solicit comments from interested agencies, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-no, Mayor Frohne-yes,
Attorney Cavic suggested the board members and Mayor Frohne make a list of questions and concerns.
A coordinated review gives the village the option to issue what’s known as a conditional negative declaration, which says that provided that the applicant follows certain steps there will be no environmental issues.

Motion to go into executive session for personnel matters, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Gerry Zavitch, Wayne King, Kenneth Wilson and
Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 25, 2009

Date: November 25, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustee Patrick absent, Trustees Kurkowski, O’Connor, Dawley and Mayor Frohne present.
3) Mayor asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 10, 2009 meeting. No objection. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor to approve the November 10, 2009 minutes, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-Yes, Mayor Frohne-yes, Trustee Dawley-abstained.

Special Business:
1) Richard Wright, wanted to comment on the Opera building. Very worried about the increase of drainage, also concerned about the sulphur problem becoming worse. With Mr. Wright was his daughter-in-law B. Wright, who is a professional engineer. She came to speak on behalf of Mr. Wright and his concerns, about the wetlands being properly drained. They feel that this project, if approved, would add to an already bad drainage situation. Mr. Wright’s son also spoke about the sulphur problem. Mayor Frohne told them that the Village is in a very early stage of this project and no decisions have been made yet. Mr. Wright also asked about the article in the Freeman’s Journal about the Opera building 2 buildings now, instead of 1. The Attorney informed them that the information they read in the Freeman’s Journal was concerning a different location.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell-
1) Correction made on Abstract #11, Total spent should have been $60,328.38.
2) Abstract #12- attached to minutes. Motion to approve made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
3) Clerk received a call from Theresa Oakes to ask Mayor Frohne and all Trustees to come to the tree lighting ceremony held in Spring Park on November 29, 2009 at 6:00pm. She would also like Mayor Frohne to speak and any trustees who would like to.
4) Clerk gave all trustees and Mayor Frohne paperwork concerning the NIMS training. Is mandatory for all elected officials. Was also noted that it can be done on-line.
5) Clerk received a registration form from Jim Malinowski for a seminar to be held at no charge by Vellano Bros. in Latham, NY. on Dec. 4th, 2009, from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. Jim would like all of his men to attend and Tom Shypski would also attend. Motion to approve made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) Resolution to transfer $5000.00 from General fund A9901.03 to Library fund L5031. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.
2) Resolution to approve WWTP to purchase Alum from Slack Chemical Co. Inc. at the cost of $1.89 per gallon. The estimated cost per year is $7000.00. The initial cost for setup and 5-55 gallon drums will be approximately $769.75.
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.

Unfinisihed Business:
1) Cemetery resolution and appeal residency requirement, tabled for future meeting. Attorney Cavic is working on this.

Mayor Frohne
1) Spoke to several people about the vandalism in the village. Also spoke to Doug Bordinger about possible ways to work on solving this problem.

Trustees Reports:

Trustee O’Connor- nothing at this time
Report from WWTP was passed out to all trustees and Mayor Frohne, attached to minutes.

Trustee Patrick: absent
Report was passed out to trustees by Clerk from DPW, attached to minutes.

Trustee Dawley:
1) Trustee Dawley and Trustee Patrick attended the Town Board meeting on Nov. 16th, 2009 representing the Village as Shared Services members.

Trustee Kurkowski;
1) Expressed his concern about the vandalism that is happening in the Village. Discussion about hiring a night watchman. No decision made.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 7:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009

Date: November 10, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers: Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustee Dawley absent, Trustees Kurkowski, O’Connor, Patrick and Mayor Frohne present.
3) Mayor asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the October 28, 2009 meeting. No objection.
4) Code enforcement- nothing at this time
5) Fire Dept. clerk passed out report to all trustees.

Special Business:
1) Wayne King commented on village and Opera Zoning business.
2) Members from the Richfield Springs School Board were in attendance to discuss the Shared Services business. Scott Mondore, Supt. Barraco, and Brad Smith. Discussion on use of the Bond field and use of school fields for youth sports. The Bond Field has a very bad problem with drainage and needs work done to improve it’s condition. There are restrictions on the work that can be done from the DEC, Wildlife Division. After discussion, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne agreed to go forward with the school to work on the Youth sports group to use the school fields. The location being discussed is on Walnut St. by the Zone building. Wayne King invited the shared services members to attend the next Town Board meeting on Nov. 16, 2009. Lori Bond was also in attendance representing the Town Board, suggested to make an ice skating rink on the Bond field being it is such a wet area. If the village decides to pursue the Bond field with the DEC, an engineer would have to be hired.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell-
1) Correction made on Abstract #10, General Fund reported $7,639.06, should have been $7,600.80.
2) Abstract #11- attached to minutes. Motion to approve made by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
3) Amended:
Motion to amend resolution for Opera zoning change to correct address of 169 Main St.; made by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
4) Report of unpaid taxes sent back to County, 52 parcels, totaling $52,303.42, which includes the water and sewer that was levied. Also the clerks report for October was $106.00.
5) Clerk received an invitation to share with the Board and Mayor from the Zone Youth and after school programs that included dinner and auction with complimentary tickets for 2. The date for this is Nov. 21st. 2009.
6) Boy scout leader was in office on Nov. 9th, 2009, and asked if the scouts could sell Xmas trees that have been donated to the scouts on the lawn of the parking lot. One of the scout leaders was in attendance and explained that the money would be used for the summer of 2010 Boy scout Jamboree. The dates they picked would be Nov. 28th & 29th, and Dec. 5th & 6th 2009. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
7) Motion made to allow clerk to place bid in paper for the Hybrid Truck, electric utility vehicle, and energy efficient lawn mower, with bids to be opened on 12/08/09 at the regular board meeting, made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes, Motion carried.
8) Contracts must be signed no later than December 15, 2009 for the WWTP project. If the insurance papers are in by the December 8th, 2009 meeting, we will sign the contracts then, if not a special meeting will have to be held for the signing and resolution to be made.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) Electric Contract from Municipal Electrical Alliance Inc. (Integry Energy Servies, Inc.), they have dropped the price of electricity considerably, and we can extend our two year contract through 2011. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) Treasurer reported that of the unpaid taxes returned to the County, $16,224.64 was water/sewer and $36,078.78 was taxes.
3) Treasurer received payment from EFC and they had deducted the engineering fees for Darrell Deckers revision, did not qualify, $2441.00. Asked Lamont to call and tell them why it had to be done. Judy Pangman is going to call and let Donna know.
4) Treasurer had conference call with NYSERDA, EFC, Lamont Engineer, and Chris Butler. The report for the energy audit NYSERDA did was not complete per the contract, so they agreed to come back at no charge to finish the audit.
5) Balance sheet and profit and loss handed out by Treasurer.
6) Green reserve; letter on the way telling us all the items listed on the Green Reserve were approved. Treasurer called Lamont, 11/10/2009; Jim Malinowski asked if it would be possible to get a sewer jettier. We are getting a camera to go down into the sewer, so Lamont will put in for the jettier also.
7) Chips payment, paperwork sent in and shows that mid December it should be back
8) Chenel property, attorney Cavic said he will ask for the recording fees to be paid by them.
9) Transfers: from Contingency account (A1990.4) $1885.46 to unallocated ins. (A1910.4) and from Machinery contractual (A5130.4) to Chips (A5112.2) which is $86.00 over. Resolution made for transfers by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

Mayor Frohne
1) Inter-municipal Agreement between the town and village for use of the Transfer site. Village will install locks and have control of the keys. Resolution made by the Village of Richfield Springs to enter into an Inter-municipal Agreement with the Town of Richfield Springs for maintaining of the transfer site. Motion by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.
2) Traffic safety done by the Sheriff Dept. on 9/30/2009 from 6:00am to 6:00 pm. Report attached to minutes.
3) Mayor attended the NYSDEC and FEMA program at the Meadows in Cooperstown on 11/03/2009 about the flood zones. At this time there are 12 people in the village with flood insurance.
4) Letter from Bill Hill concerning the RSAA. Was agreed to allow them to have the key to get their property out of the building. They will sign a form for the key and return it to the Village office.

Trustees Reports:
Trustee O’Connor- no business to discuss at this time.

Trustee Patrick:
1) Reported on the Cemetery Commission meeting held on November 4th, 2009. Mayor Frohne also attended.
They were made aware that they needed to make the report available to the Village treasurer to be turned into the State Comptrollers office, also all financial records should be kept in the Village Clerk’s office. The Mayor encouraged them to use an agenda, and that all minutes must be kept in the Village Clerk’s office. . They were also told that the transfer of plots is a matter of personal business, but the transfers must be recorded in the Village office. They were also reminded that they need to make their own accounts for purchasing supplies and doing repairs. As the meeting went on, Trustee Patrick and Mayor Frohne realized that the Village Board has not appointed positions to the cemetery members. Also discussed the membership, how many years each member has. Was suggested in the following order: Ken Dreis, 1 yr., Jim Malinowski, 2 yr. Geralding Crist, 3 yr. and Linda Dufloe, 4 yr. This will be left as is at this time, and then at the Organizational meeting in April 2010, the appointments will be made by the Village Board. Currently members of the commission must be a resident in the village or town, with discussion about changing the law. Was decided to table the resolution until the Nov. 25th, 2009 meeting. A decision needs to be made if 4 members be named or change the law to 5 members. Lori Bond asked if the books would be audited yearly by the board as well. Mayor Frohne responded yes they would be.
2) Requested executive session at end of meeting to discuss personnel matters.
3) Property codes, discussion about checking into a company who would get the village codes updated.
4) Cemetery commission would like record of deposits. Treasurer Wells gives them the records.

Trustee Kurkowski;
1) Suggested looking into a company to get the Cemetery records up to date. At this point in time, the records are not in very good order. Very important for these records to be updated and organized.
2) Meeting at end of month, all in agreement to meet regular time on Wed. Nov. 25th, 2009.

Motion to go into executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Date: October 28, 2009
Time: 700 pm

Attendees (elected): Mayor Frohne , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Call to order: Mayor Frohne, 7:00 pm
Roll call of members: Trustee Dawley absent, Trustees O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne, present
Mayor asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the October 13th, 2009 meeting. No objection.

Code Enforcement (Property Maintenance) Doug Bordinger
1) Rosewood Terrace- graffiti on building. Also, noted that the bathhouse is open. Doug will contact the owner again.

Clerk-Diane Blackwell
1) Correction on Abstract #09. Sewer Fund, was reported as $2,903.41. Should have been $2,919.81.
2) Abstract #10:
A General Fund $ 7,639.06
FX Water Fund 4,332.69
G Sewer Fund 4,018.57
TA Trust & Agency 1,341.58
Total: $ 17,331.90
Motion to accept and pay abstract #10, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

3) Resolution made to authorize Clerk to return all unpaid village taxes to Otsego Co. no later than Nov. 6th. 2009. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Resolution attached to minutes.
4) Motion made to appoint Clerk, Diane Blackwell as Registrar, and Treasurer, Donna Wells as Deputy Registrar. Motion by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer-Donna Wells
1) Transfer site- inter-municipal agreement, would like added that the brush pile be used by village and town residents. Town manages the land, the village manages the lot and keys. Motion to table signing of the inter-municipal agreement for future meeting, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.
2) State Police Barracks, state mandates they must have a standby generator. Asked if they could hook into the water plant. After discussion, was decided that it would be more costly to connect with water plant. Was decided that they should get a stand alone generator.
3) Flex spending for insurance, can be canceled anytime, cost is $973.00. Employees are in agreement with canceling. Treasurer suggested to do a health reimbursement for each full time employee, if they have a co-pay, bring the receipt to treasurer and they will get reimbursed up to a certain amount, which will be decided at a later date.
Motion to cancel flex plan agreement, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
4) Resolution made to remove former Deputy Treasurer, Susan J. Putnam, from the village bank accounts, motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Resolution attached to minutes.

Unfinished business:
1) Opera came to Oct. 13th, 2009 board meeting requesting a zoning change. Mayor proposes that the board of trustees declare it an unlisted action under the SEQRA review process, and further declares its intention to coordinate review of the process as lead agency. Resolution attached to minutes.
2) Tabled for Nov. 10th, 2009 meeting, to change the Nov. 25th, 2009 or not because it is evening before Thanksgiving.

Special Business:
1) Bids awarded for WWTP project.
a. contract #1- collection system, awarded to G. De Vincentis, Binghamton, NY, Base bid,$1,692,000.00. Motion to accept made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
b. contract #2-general construction, awarded to Blue Heron Construction, Jordan, NY, base bid $1,643,355.00. Motion to accept made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
c. contract #3-electrical, awarded to Stilsing Electric, Rensselaer, NY, base bid $398,375.00. Motion made to accept made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
d. contract #4-plumbing, awarded to John V. Warren, Inc. Green Island, NY. base bid $10,900.00.
e. contract #5-HVAC, awarded to John V. Warren, Inc. Green Island, NY. base bid $ 28,700.00. Motion to accept contract #4 and #5 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

2) Resignation of deputy clerk/treasurer. Motion to accept made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried. Mayor asked for executed session to discuss personnel issues.

Public Comments:
Jerry Zavitch, asked if commercial property owners pay more taxes than residential property. Was told the zoning has nothing to do with the property tax. Mr. Zavitch stated that he felt the Welcome home should be zoned residential. Wanted to know if the sewer lines on Rt. 20 are going to be done. Was told most of the project work will be south of Rt. 20.

Mayor Frohne:
1) Survey for Chenel property. Motion made to accept, subject to boundary line agreement to be recorded in the Otsego County Clerks office, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) Policy for sign in park- would like a policy in writing.
3) Village codes upgrade, would like to look into a company to help get our codes up to date.

Trustee O’Connor:
1) Water/Sewer reports passed out to all trustees. Copies attached to minutes.
2) No other new business at this time.

Trustee Patrick:
1) DPW report passed out to all trustees. Copy attached to minutese.
2) Will have report on Cemetery Commission after the upcoming meeting on Nov. 4, 2009. Will talk to them about membership, meeting minutes and reports and papers should all be kept in the village clerks office.
3) Shared services, meeting went well. Trustee Patrick passed on an invitation to the members of shared services to come our next board meeting. He stated to the shared services group that the village doesn’t have anything to offer at this time. It does appear that the school has a lot to offer, such as athletic fields, rooms, could hold community activities. Need an assessment review by the DEC on the ball field. Mayor said he would get that for him. Trustee Patrick about the stimulus money, to what extent that can be used? Answer is that it can only be used for WWTP project. Trustee Patrick would like to see the Town, Village and School work more together for the better of the community.
4) Trustee Patrick received a call from Ray Duncan regarding a water problem.
5) Jim Malinowski had problem with sander, cost $975.00. Got two signatures and ordered what he needed.
6) Surplus equipment sale: motion made to put surplus equipment up for bid and to open bids at the Dec. 8th, 2009 meeting, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Trustee Kurkowski:
1) Stated that he is not impressed with the construction company and their work. Not happy about them cutting a whole in the wall in the memorial room to make a door. It was also stated that they still do not have a clerk of the works.
2) EMT- for ambulance, Bassett’s charge is $604.60 for physicals and shots per person. Agreement with Fire Dept. and the Village is that the Fire Dept. will buy the books and the village will pay for the physicals and shots. Books cost about $150.00 to $160.00. Next year there will be 4 men going through EMT class. The books from this year will be no good for next year. The cost for books next year will be about $600.00 for the Fire Dept. and about $2500.00 for the village for the physicals and shots.

Trustee Dawley:
Clerk read a report from Trustee Dawley, attached to minutes. In his report he mentioned the website for the village, should be up and running by the beginning of 2010. Also mentioned was the meeting he and Trustee Patrick attended the previous night for the shared services.

Motion made to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters and to reconvene in open session, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor –yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.

Jerry Zavitch, Diane Blackwell and Donna Wells left the room for executive session.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowsk-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

Date: October 13, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustee Dawley absent, Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, and Patrick present.
Clerk- Diane Blackwell- motion to waive the reading of the August 26, 2009 minutes and to approve made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Code Enforcement:

1) 24 Lake St. Cert. Mail returned unclaimed.
2) 51 Main St. Cert. Mail returned unclaimed, discussion about what to do about the pigeon mess. Trustee Patrick concerned about it becoming a health issue. Was decided the Mayor will call Willa Wright the village health officer and also the owner’s real estate broker, to try again to get some action taken on this matter.

Tom Hallock, Fire Chief:

1) Test results on fire truck, 10/05/09; crack in weld on top of lower boom at midway pt. crack is 10” long. Tom called Rick Starr and Jason Purcell who are state certified welders, came on a Sunday morning and welded the crack for them. A thank you note will be sent to these two men for their help. This saved the village an outstanding amount of money to repair this crack. American testing will have to come back to finish the testing, now that the crack is welded.
2) Also had to repair the hydraulic hose that was cracked. Doug Brooks and Tom Hallock fixed this.
3) Signs are needed on sides of the truck, stating electrical hazard for fire truck.
4) Tom passed out a letter pertaining to the State budget, regarding Fire Training that will be cut back. Many volunteers will not get any training. Would like a letter written to the Governor to ask not to cut back on the money for the training of our volunteers.
5) Need to contact the oil company; one of the furnaces in the fire house is not operating properly.
6) At their monthly meeting it was voted to send $4000.00 for power pushers, extenders to help with extrication at car accidents to go with the jaws. Fire Dept. will purchase with their funds.
7) No pagers left to give out. Since Jan. 2004, 22 new members have joined, 2 have left since. 5 taking EMS classes. The daytime ALS provider is no longer certified, so shorthanded on ALS calls.

Special Business:

1) Glimmerglass Opera- Zoning change request.
Representing the Opera were John McManus, Engineer, Andrea Lyons, and Joe Galati.
Mr. McManus asked the board what was needed from them now that the ZBA has voted no for the Opera to build in the village. The Mayor informed the Opera people they would have to fill out a new long form application and present it to the Village and would be starting fresh. Fire Chief Tom Hallock asked who would be the key holder, because in the past when the fire dept. was called to the Opera building, the key holder lived in another town and would not come to open the building for the fire co. Was stated that the key holder would be in the area so that would not happen again.
The question was asked why they chose Richfield Springs and not somewhere else? Andrea Lyons replied the property in Warren is held in trust by someone else, not owned by the Opera, same as the old motel that is up the road from the Opera itself, also is held in trust. Also at the building on campus they had archeological problems. They feel bringing people into Richfield Springs gives them more to offer with the stores, restaurants and gas stations that are available.

Clerk Reports:

Abstract #009:
A General Fund, $ 27,633.01
FX Water Fund 611.22
G Sewer Fund 2,903.41
H Capitol Projects 26,543.21
Totals: $ 57,720.85

Motion to approve and pay bills made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes; Motion carried.
Clerk fees paid to treasurer for month of September, 2009, $74.00
Jim Malinowski put paperwork in to go to a re-certification class for pesticides in Oneonta, 11/13/09. The cost is $135.00.
Motion to approve made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Cindy Talbot from JGB Properties submitted a request for one sandwich board sign to be put in front of 3 different buildings at different times belonging to JGB. Motion to approve for 1 year made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick: yes, Trustee Kurkowski: yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.
Clerk received a call from Theresa Oakes requesting to have the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the Spring Park again this year on November 29th, 2009; at 6:00 pm. Approval was given by the board.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:

1) Passed out the balance sheet thru Sept. 30, 2009.
2) Passed out the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual-June through Sept. 2009, with one correction from last month on the clerks contractual, $1000.00 more in account than on the report. Bank statements are reconciled.
3) Recommended to start charging for requests of copies of village taxes. Suggested $4.00 fee. After discussion a motion was made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried to start immediately.
4) Asked the board about purchasing 5 new programmable thermostats for the Library building, three of which would be in public areas that need to have the locked guard. Motion to buy 5 programmable thermostats not to exceed $500.00 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.
5) Also the lock on the front door of the Library building has to be changed. Will call Miers Lock Co.
6) NYSEG was called on 10/13/2009 to turn off the fountain lights for the winter. Will be off as of 10/14/2009.
7) Not received the 3rd. stimulus money, because of two reasons: 1) abstract, problem whether they will pay or not, and 2) the clarifier parts, the manufacturer having a hard time with made in America certification. Lamonts working on this with Donna.
8) Mirabito was at the Library building to service the furnace, on 10/13/2009.
9) Asked Attorney Cavic about the agreement for the Transfer site. Response was only the draft is done at this time.

Unfininshed Business:

1) 73 Walnut St. Mr. Osborn not grandfathered in. Must act on the garbage problem. As for the scrap, tabled until next meeting. Discussion about the codes, any problems noticed by board members or Mayor should make Doug Bordinger aware of it. Suggested a letter be written to Mr. Osborn regarding the laws pertaining to junk build up on property. Mayor said he would contact the property owner of this issue.

Mayor Frohne:

1) RS Athletic Assoc., Mayor has asked 3 times for copy of the insurance form. As of this date, no copy has been brought to village office. Also, the signs should be removed from the village building.
Motion made to stop the use of the field until they produce the insurance policy to the village office, made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried.

Trustee O’Connor:
Nothing new at this time

Trustee Patrick:

1) Cemetery report- cemetery would like to change the code to allow 5 members on the board rather than 4. They would also like to change the residency code to meet one of the three criteria; 1) to be a village resident, 2) to be a town resident, or 3) to own a plot in the cemetery. Next meeting for Cemetery Commission is Wed. Nov.4th, 2009. After discussion, Trustee Patrick was asked to find out at next meeting how many years left on each member’s term.
3) Cemetery commission was confused on why they were asked to set up there own accounts with Aubuchon, Taylors, Cazenovia Equipment, etc. Reason for this is that they only pay their bills once a month and if the village waits, that makes the bills late and then late charges are added. Trustee Patrick will advise them they need to set up their own accounts.
4) Selling of cemetery plots from one owner to another. Any sale of plots or transfer of plots must be recorded in the Village Clerks office. Nothing states a person can not transfer an individual plot, but it must be recorded in the clerk’s office.
5) Shared services would like a meeting during the last week of October. They want to tour the bus garage at that time.
6) The street light across from the Rosewood Terrace building is on 24/7. NYSEG needs to be called. Mayor will take care of this. The pole number is needed for these calls.
7) Trustee Patrick was approached by Joseph Spytko on the street and asked what the status was. Attorney Cavic is working on a letter to Rerob.
8) Trustee Patrick asked about the estimate received by the treasurer for a pole barn type building that would be used for storage in place of the Richfield Storage for the fire dept. Measurements are 30ft x64ft, 10 ft. tall, erected, floor not included. Estimated cost is $14,800.00.
Tom Hallock said it should be at the fire dept. Treasurer Wells had asked Trustee Kurkowski about the exempt part of the fire co. donating half of the money for the cement slab, and Mike Kress suggested maybe the volunteer part of the fire co. could donate money for the other half. After discussion, was tabled until Oct. 28th, 2009 meeting when Treasurer Wells will have the paperwork to share with the board.

Trustee Kurkowski:

1) Church property on Gould St/Church St. is a mess.
2) Spring park-power problem, need a box put in with 220 amps. that will have 4-5 outlets for 120amps. Needed under the old bandstand, not needed until next spring, need an electrician to do this. The pavilion and the bathrooms electric are alright.
3) Maintenance man, do we need to hire one or not. After discussion, was decided Donna will make calls if things need to be repaired.
4) Asked about crossing guard to work for DPW while school is out. Mayor will speak to Jim Malinowski to see if there would be enough work for an extra man while school is not in session.
5) Man on Elm St. asked Trustee Kurkowski about enforcing sidewalk laws this winter. After discussion, decided that the village is not going to get involved in enforcing the sidewalk issue.

Public Comment:

1) Jerry Zavitch asked about zoning in the village. Was stated that he was informed that the village has absolute last word on zoning in the village. He states that the village zoning map is incorrect. The village zoning map should take precedence over the county. What he feels should be done is the village trustees should find the earliest map they can find and go through all the minutes and update an official zoning map and pay no attention to the county.
Asked what the procedure was for demolition of buildings in the village. Was stated that a permit from the village is to be obtained first, and then submitted to the county.

Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters, made by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.

Jerry Zavitch left at this time.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.

Motion to approve purchase of easements at a price, and through those properties stated in executive session price of properties to be made public upon completion of purchases, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009

Date: September 30, 2009
Time: 700 pm

Attendees (elected): Mayor Frohne , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Call to order: Mayor Frohne, 7:00 pm
Roll call of members: all present
Clerk – Diane Blackwell – reading of minutes- waived by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski,voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes.

Coed Enforcement(Property Maintenance)- Doug Bordinger
1) 24 Lake St.- No response from certified letter mailed on 9/10/2009. After discussion, was decided when the PO rejects the letter and we receive the confirmation date from the PO, use that date for trash removal. Was also suggested by the Attorney to send a bill to owners and let them challenge it. Motion made to use date of confirmation of returned letter for deadline of cleanup, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-no, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) 51 Main St.- Pigeon mess.
3) 73 Walnut St.- Mr. Osborn spoke and said there has been some clean up done. He has a business. After discussion, it was suggested to Mr. Osborn to bring in his deed to see if this property had been grandfathered in, it will be checked by Attorney and was tabled until next meeting. Was suggested to Mr. Osborn that all the village wants is for him to follow the village codes.
4) Doug was questioned about the legality of addition to a mobile home. Was advised for them to fill out building permit.
5) 14 Elm St. sidewalk, has been ordered by homeowners ins. to replace the sidewalk. Wanted to know if he could use crusher run. After discussion, was also made known that the Community Development Loans cover these issues.
6) Cindy Talbot- wants to put a sandwich sign on Main St. for 3 different places. Doug told her to come to village office and fill out permit.
7) Van in village soliciting door to door. Asking to clean carpets, Doug could not find Van, but did make the authorities aware. They did not have a permit for this.
8) Andrew Rudenko, regarding the letter he received from Dan Wilbur, Otsego Co. Code Enforcement Officer. Attorney Cavic gave him Dan Wilbur’s phone number to ask what he is to do. Was also suggested to Mr. Rudenko to try to find someone locally to help him keep his property within codes.
Special Business
1) Richfield Springs Athletic Assoc., President, Scott Streid, and Vice President, Bill Hill. This is strictly a volunteer program. Scott Streid spoke to Village Board about using the Village Field on Linden Ave. for sports teams. Their biggest concern is the condition of the field. Poor drainage makes for very wet field for long period of time. Mayor has spoke to the DEC and said they would favor the drainage, but not fill. Trustee Patrick suggested they speak with the school to use their sports fields. Mr. Streid said they had done that in the past and the problem was the fields are not always available with all the school teams. They are working on getting grants to do work on the field. After discussion, was stated that if they could get the DEC to work with them on the drainage, the village would have no problem with that. Also, they have contractors in the organization that could work on the drainage. Attorney Cavic wanted to make it clear that the village will not be putting money into this project at this time. Trustee Kurkowski asked Mr. Streid if they have liability coverage. He said yes, and would bring a copy to the village office to have on file.
Motion was made by Trustee Kurkowski to give approval to the organization to use the fields with condition that they have insurance coverage, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Clerk: Diane Blackwell
1)Abstract #880
A General Fund $ 55,562.66
FX Water Fund 2,323.54
G Sewer Fund 8,566.72
TA Trust & Agency 2,004.86
H Capitol Projects 73,731.54
Total: $142,589.32
Motion to approve and pay bills made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) Tax report, money given to Village Treasurer for month of September, 2009- $14,123.62.
3) Resolution to dispose of old records made and is attached to minutes.

Treasurer: Donna Wells
1) Handed out Balance Sheet for month August, 2009.
2) Reported on NYCOM workshop. Very informative.
3) Resolution to establish new line item for land acquisition/right of way. Attached to minutes.
4) Meeting, 10/06/2009, at Village Office, for Lamont to answer questions to contractors.
5) Flex spending program. After discussion, motion made to sign contract for 1 year with present company, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
6) Transfer site- Village owned, has been surveyed. Suggest a shared service agreement made by Attorney Cavic for the Oct. 13, 2009 meeting.
7) Treasurer asked that the day after the water meters are read, that Tom Shypski please be available for questions and problems. This is a time sensitive issue, to get the bills out on time.
8) Need to send 2nd. notice to Mr. Famulare for new water meter to be installed and labor for 2 village employees. Ok’d by board.
9) Money owed by Flowers totals as of 9/30/2009- $1384.46.
10) Treasurer spoke to the State Domitory Authority and application for $125,000.00 has been approved, has to go to Senate and Assembly and within 4-6 weeks should get a contract.

Trustees and Dept. Heads reports:
1) Trustee O’Connor-nothing new at this time
1) Water- Tom Shypski: report given to Trustee O’Connor. Attached to minutes

1) Trustee O’Connor
2) Waste Water Plant-Chris Butler: report given to Trustee O’Connor.
Trustee O’Connor stated that Bob Graepple will be taking his test 10/06/2009.
Draining back pond, and storage pond.
Clairifier all set.
Still on Spiedes permit.
6000 gal tank has been removed, DEC signed off on it.
4 in pump just bought in Jan. needs repair, checking on warranty.
2)Trustee Patrick-
a) Gave report on cemetery comm. last meeting.
b) Cem. Comm.. would like code changed to keep non-resident of village on cemetery board.
c) Need to discuss with cemetery comm. about plot selling from one person to another. After discussion was agreed that the deed should be the deciding factor. Once cemetery comm. sells plot to an individual, it is out of their hands if an individual wants to resell their plots. A new deed will not be done in the village office.
2) DPW-Jim Malinowski: report given to Trustee Patrick. Attached to minutes.
Motion made not to exceed $5000.00 to purchase sand from Hansons made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
New truck is currently in Little Falls, body being installed.
3) Trustee Kurkowski
a) Wants to express that all village laws should be enforced.
b) Question about the Summerwood bed and breakfast house on Main St., are they putting apartments in the carriage house? Was stated that it is zoned for single family residence.
c) Mr. Spytko has been to Trustee Kurkowski’s house, also sent letters. Trustee Kurkowski wants to know what the status is on the Express Mart issue.
d) Asked for executive session to discuss personnel issues.
4) Trustee Dawley:
a) Asked about the FEMA training. 1 trustee has been to the training all others must do.
b) Reported on the status of the website. Working on it and is coming along nicely.
c) Asked if okay to speak to Dept. Heads on their ideas for shared services, to take to next shared services meeting with the school.

Mayor Frohne
a) Make a difference day for the Zone. Asked for ideas from the board for the students at the Zone to do projects around the village on that day.
b) Talked to Mrs. Thompson again, she spoke to the President of the Windsor Co., they said someone with authority, such as the Mayor, should ask them to drain the field. After discussion, was decided that it is not a village problem and it is up to the two property owners to work this out.
c. Rerob- Mayor talked to Mr. Spytko about his concerns with Rerob As long as we are within the facts, we will do what we must do. Our contract with Rerob requires us to stay in compliance with codes. Board in agreement for the Village Attorney to write a letter to Rerob addressing the most recent lab reports.
d) Letter received from Donna Borgstrom, from the Trossett Group Attorneys, regarding the Opera. The letter was passed out to all board members. Clerk will file with minutes. Letter was asking about rezoning application. Asking to change the property with tax map #14.17-2-29, from S-1 to B-1, to conform to the rest of the properties in the neighborhood. The representatives from the Opera will attend the Oct. 13, 2009 Village board meeting to ask and answer questions.

Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters: Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes, motion carried.
Guest Gerry Zavitch left at this time.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 9:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8, 2009 Minutes

Date: September 8,, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: all present
Clerk- Diane Blackwell- motion to amend the August 26, 2009 minutes, and to waive the reading of the August 26, 2009 minutes, motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss matters regarding proposed, pending or current litigation,
and to reconvene in Open Session.
Motion to go into Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property,
and to reconvene in Open Session
Motion made to approve the minutes as corrected, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:
1) Chris Yakobucci, from Lamont Engineering spoke to the board about the WWTP project.
1st. issue: Cary Park Rd.- Sewer routing; Existing depth of sewer line is 4ft. deep. Current design for project shows it should be dropped 10ft. Concern is for future expansion for the sewer system. Question is do they want to deal with Gravity sewer vs pump station forced main. Chris explained that a gravity sewer system will outlast a pump station, and pump station forced main will have yearly operational maintenance cost. Cost to dig 4ft. deeper would be $10,000.00. This will be covered in the stimulus package; however, one of the alternates may have to be eliminated.
Resolution made to lower pipes according to the specifications to meet the casing pipes on Route 20. Motion by Trustee Kurkowsk, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes.
2) Chris Yakobucci:
2nd. issue: Cary Park Rd. – Flower sub-division. Chris asked the village if it would prefer to stay with current plan or do the proposed routing for the Flower sub-division. After discussion, it was decided to stay with the current plans and if the Flower Project does develop, it would be their responsibility.

3) Chris Yakobucci:
3rd. issue: Darrell Decker proposal was to relocate sewer main on his property. SHPO did give clearance. Chris asked if the village wants to pursue this relocation. Issues of concern are, 1) don’t know what the area might be filled with, could be chunks of concrete, rock, tree roots, etc. If anything is found during construction, would have to be removed and would be extra cost. 2nd issue, don’t know if any environmental issues related to an industrial facility like this. The other concern is the cost to redesign. $1300.00 has been spent to get SHPO clearance. Estimated cost to do redesign would be $2500.00 for this area. Also, would need easement description and easement map. The money already spent on the design would be lost. On the positive side, would be easy access and operation maintenance in the future.
Resolution made to accept the proposal to relocate sewer main at 43 Langdon Ave., Richfield Springs,NY. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes.
Also, was stated that the DEC has signed off on the review, and got approval from the DEC for the permits to clear out the wetlands. The schedule for bids is September 15, 2009.

Elizabeth and Nathan Thompson approached the board about the water drainage problems they are having on 21 Cary Park Rd. Asked the village if there is anything they can do to help. After discussion, was informed they should approach the DEC about the land, to check if it is wetland or not, and should approach the Winzer Co. that owns Price Chopper. The problem has escalated since the development of Price Chopper and other stores have been put in.

Code Enforcement: Theresa Murwin came to discuss the notice violation she received. She informed the board that she had cleaned up the area but was told she had to report to the board anyway. Mayor Frohne apologized to her for the misunderstanding. Address of property, 44 Church St.

Tom Hallock, Fire Chief:
1) Ambulance is back in service as of 9/4/09. Two lights not working,have to be replaced and are on order. C. Furner sanded and painted 2 doors in back, 1 side door and a couple compartment doors. Tom stated that before winter they would need 4 new tires for the ambulance. He said he would start getting some prices, and would put in the procurement book for approval.
2) There are 4 or 5 people planning to take the Basic EMT course in West Winfield. Cost is $115.00 per person, which the Fire Dept. will pay for the training.
3) There is a new Certified EMT as of Aug. 2009, has had physical and they have waived the 6 mo. waiting period of being in the district.
4) Mayor Frohne asked Tom what progress had been made on possibly eliminating the storage units that cost $2400.00 per year. Discussion about putting a storage barn up to eliminate cost of storage units. Donna asked what the exact measurements are. Mayor and Donna will check into this.

Clerk Reports:
Abstract #007:
A General Fund, $10,180.94
FX Water Fund 8,803.09
G Sewer Fund 5,984.23
$ 24,968.26
Motion to accept and pay bills made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes; Motion carried.

Clerk fees paid to treasurer for month of August, 2009, $79.00
Tax payments taken in as of September 8, 2009, $507,994.00, outstanding, $78,380.98.
Since August 26, 2009 cost of certified mail for property maintenance, $11.08.

Jim Malinowski put paperwork in to go to 4 workshops thru NYRWA at a total cost of $114.00.
Motion to approve made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer-Donna Wells
1) Transfers for new lines: add a new line-A1010.4 Trustee Contractual, Move from: A1990.4 Contingent Acc. $100.00 to A1010.4.
Move from: G8197.2 Capitol Expense. $2000.00 to: G8120.1 Sanitation T/L Personal Services.
Move from: FX 8310.4 Water Contractual $1000.00 to: FX8310.11 Non-Water Personal Services.
Add a new line for ZBA Contractual A8010.41 $1000.00. Move from: A8030.4 Research/Grant Work.
Motion made to transfer and add new lines by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) Mr. Flowers was sent a bill for damage to sewer line on Cary Park Rd. No response as of yet.
3) Check returned for insufficient funds was made good along with $25.00 protest fee paid to bank by Village, and also paid the current bill. Was noted resident is still in the house even though it has been condemned. The County Codes Officer, Dan Wilber was made aware by our treasurer that the resident was still in the house, he stated that the county can not physically remove the resident, the next step would be DA who will issue an eviction notice, and then the sheriff will remove the resident from the premises. The treasurer will call Dan Wilbur, and if no satisfaction then the DA will be notified to see what can be done.
4) Postage meter in village office being replaced by postage scale. The last two payments must be paid. The cost of the postage machine totaled $8487.60.
5) IDA property-there is no access for driveway, mostly wetlands. Donna spoke to Zondra Hart, she said she would check take it to the board and get back to us.
6) Passed out the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual for June through August 2009.
7) Christian Brothers was billed for water cleanup from flood in basement of building on August 29, 2009, bill totaled $186.25. When the asbestos was removed from the roof, the contractors neglected to cover the roof.
8) Letter was received from Judy Pangman concerning the storm water work, from Manley to James to Lake to Bronner St. Was in the green portion of stimulus and was removed because other portions took priority. She recommended we pay Lamont $3000.00 to do a Grant through the DEC which is 85% grant, the rest the village would have to pay. Total cost is estimated at $825,000.00, the village would have to pay $264,000.00. The village can not afford that kind of payment at this time. Deadline for grant is October 16, 2009. After discussion, a motion was made to not do the grant at this time. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
9) Have received 2 signed fire contracts, from Town of Warren and Town of Schuyler.
10) The treasurer would like to go to a payroll workshop in Cooperstown on October 1st. 2009. Motion to approve made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
11) EFC- we received 2nd. payment.
12) Transfer site – surveyor came in and said he would give us a copy of the deed proving the village owns it. Treasurer urging the village board to have a written agreement that the town will not tax that piece of property as long as they are using it.

Code Enforcement Officer- Doug Bordinger
1) 12 West James St.- needs mowing
246 Main St.- needs mowing
19 Lake St. - needs mowing
Motion to order to have mowed made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Doug sent out 10 letters of violation, 7 were mowed, 3 did not respond.
2) Church St.- the Bible Church owns the lot next to the parking lot, a letter will be sent to ask to please mow
the lot.
3) Doug was asked about the corner of Walnut St. He left a notice, but will follow up on it.
4) Asked about the codes to remove “junk” vehicles. After a lengthy discussion, no decision was made.

Mayor Frohne
1) Issue of pigeon droppings at corner of Main St. and Center St.- no change with this situation, after discussion, was decided to send a property maintenance letter out, and if the village does the clean up, the owner will be billed.
2) Mayor Frohne audited the Judges books on 9/5/2009. Followed the check list. Motion made to accept by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-abstained; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Resolution made to accept the findings of the Justice’s books. Resolution attached to minutes.

Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Personal matters: Made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayo Frohne-yes, Motion carried.

Motion to come out of Executive Session, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohen-yes. Motion carried.

Motion for pay raise for Doug Bordinger, $.40 per hour made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor,
Motion amended for $.40 raise to $.25 raise made by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Amended motion,
Trustee O’Connor-no; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-no; Mayor Frohne-yes; motion carried.
Motion for pay raise for Doug Bordinger at $.25 per hr. for crossing guard duties, made by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-no; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-no; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion Carried to start with $.25 pay raise effective immediately.

3) Estimate from Ed Bello for side door of Library building: estimate is $1663.17 for labor and materials, and $75.00 for primed galvanized rust resistant door. After discussion, motion made to approve by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-no; Trustee Patrick-no; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried. Money will come out of the Building Contractual Expenses, per Treasurer Donna Wells. Total cost will be $1738.17.
4) Mayor spoke to Scott Street about use of Village Park on Rt. 28. Mr. Street told Mayor he will bring in proof of insurance to the village office.

Trustees Reports:
Trustee O’Connor-
1) Water meters almost complete
2) Chesapeake Bay water testing,2 year program, every month for 26 months, Tom Shypski has to take to Utica. Must pass certain parameters, if our system does not pass, a UV system to pretreat the water before it is treated, must be put in and would cost $ 300,000.00. So far, everything tests good. Should be good for 11 years.
3) Sewer dept, clarifier is operational.
4) SPIEDES permit DEC- intent to modify the SPIEDES permit to become compliant with Chesapeake Bay Commission for the nitrates in the discharge.

Trustee Patrick:
1) Tabled the report of the Cemetery Commission meeting until 9/30/2009 meeting.
2) Allens Lake, when we passed motion to charge $10.00 fee for outside residents, possibly changed standards to recreation. After discussion, motion to rescind fee of $10.00 for outside residents to fish in Allens Lake and to only open up to village residents made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
3) Concerned about lighting in memorial room.

Trustee Kurkowski;
1) Questioned board on what is an Emergency. Concerned about Fire Dept. repairs. What has to be brought to a meeting for decisions or what should be fixed immediately.
2) Asked the status on with the ZBA concerning the Opera House. Still working on this issue. Attorney Cavic is working on this and they are now the Lead Agency for SEQRA.
3) Concerned about the sewer situation on Linden Ave. House has been condemned, and the resident is still living there. Next step is to get in touch with Otsego Co. Code Enforcement Officer, then the DA and then sheriff to have resident evicted.
4) Sidewalks- Problems with the sidewalks being blocked. After discussion, no decisions made.
5) Discussion on non-profit status making the Opera House tax exempt

Trustee Dawley
1) Went to shared services meeting with Trustee Patrick at the school. Discussion on having meetings at the school, there are a lot of empty rooms available, and also encouraged all board members to come to the Open House on Sept. 15, 2009.
2) School asked about the use of the building on the little league field. Trustee Patrick told them he would discuss it with the board.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Dawley-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009 minutes

Date: August 26, 2009
Time: 9:00 am

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 9:00 am.
Roll call of members: all present
Clerk – Diane Blackwell – reading of minutes- waived by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, abstained. Mayor Frohne, voted yes.

Special Business:
DPW: Jim Malinowski
1) Passed out list of surplus equipment not being used. List attached to minutes. After discussion a motion
was made to make a list available for bids in October 2009. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by
Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes. Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes,
Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried. Jim explained that the County
Auction in the spring is for equipment only.
2) The caterpillar tractor was repaired; new software was installed.
3) Received a call from Mark from Lamont about water at a manhole on J.D Cary Park, while checking it
out, found water and sewage on the next manhole near a test hole from Flowers Trailer Park, had to
replace about 4 ft. of sewer line where they had dug into it and crushed it and then covered it up.
4) Ditch from C. Furners old property to Doug Brooks was paved and paid by C. Furner.
5) Checked on Rapinski’s driveway, water problem and checked by Jim and Mayor Frohne, no sign of
water problem, or broken pipes.
6) Cleaned out the tin barn at the garage. Made a lot of room for storage if needed.
7) Painted roof on the backside of the cinderblock building.
8) Cleaned area behind the shop, for storage if Lamonts needs it.
9) Replaced 3 stop signs last month. Will take old ones to Dick Shypski to repaint, to use again when
10) Spoke with Tom Lane of DEC. Asked about moving the underground gas tank at garage. Adirondack
Environmental Services. Cost would be $3500.00. This would include draining out any left over gas,
supervise excavation, and remove lines. After discussion, motion made to have Adirondack Environmental
remove the tank, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes,
Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne,
voted yes, motion carried.
11) Bill Hill and Scott Street came to garage, tore down old dugouts and took fence down at baseball field
on Rt. 28. They asked about water being turned on. Water was turned on for them but Jim told them they
should come to the board and inform them what their intentions of use were. Mayor Frohne said he would
get in touch with them and find out about the insurance and what they are using the field for.
12) Trustee O’Connor asked Jim about replacing the signs for 15 min. parking on both sides of the street
of Main and James St., according to our Local Law.
13) Jim explained to members of Board concern of Daryl Decker replacing the sewer lines on his property.

Water Plant: Tom Shypski- absent

WWTP: Chris Butler
1) Went to Express Mart on 8/26/09 for draining grease traps with Adirondack Septic, Tom Endres, & Pat
Hyde. Tanks working properly. Pumping tanks every 3 months. Chris will give report to Mike Harrington
at Lamonts.
2) The WWTP project is moving along nicely. Moved from Lamont Eng., To Plant Design, to DEC, to EFC.
3) Had some issues at treatment plant, back flow preventer, failed. Bob and Chris replaced the relay part.
4) Clarifier parts are in, flights and also new drive gear. Ordered parts from a company in Detroit. Found
New co. in N.Y. called Nord Gear to order other parts from.

Code Enforcer: Doug Bordinger
1) 58 Church St. needs to be mowed. Motion made to order it mowed, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee
Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee
Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
2) 24 Lake St.,very bad mess build up. Notices of violation have been mailed. Moved snowmobiles only.
Nothing else. Need to issue appearance ticket. Serve tenant and landlord. Certified mail to owner. Speak to
Judge to get appearance date.
3) Walnut St., spoke to owner but with no results, will pursue further.

Motion to go to executive session: Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted
yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne,
voted yes,
Motion to come out of executive session: Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor,
voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor
Frohne, voted yes.

Motion to authorize treasurer to notify State Police of check returned of insufficient funds for, made by
Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes,
Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes,

Clerk: Diane Blackwell

1) Abstract #006
A General Fund $ 7800.04
FX Water Fund 1106.60
G Sewer Fund 4155.60
TA Trust & Agency 541.71
H Capitol Projects 210,806.54
Total: $ 224,383.49

Motion to accept and pay bills: made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor,voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, abstained, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Trustee Patrick stated he did not understand at the last meeting that the workshop for Tom Shypski was needed to maintain his license to operate the Water Plant. Trustee Patrick wanted it understood he is in
favor of the men going to seminars for such purposes.

2) 4- Workshops for Chris Butler thru NYRWA, 9/30/09, Vernon, 6 hrs. 10/22/09, Oneonta, 6 hrs. 11/05/09, Little Falls, 6 hrs. 11/12/09, Sidney, 6 hrs. Total cost: $148.00. Motion made to accept by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
3) Clerk brought to the board’s attention the expense of sending the property maintenance notices by certified and return certified mail. The cost for each letter is $5.54. Since June 1st.2009 the clerk’s office has spent close to $100.00 on these notices. After discussion, it was decided that the clerk would give a monthly report on the cost. Clerk asked if return certified had to be used on each, and was told yes.
4) Clerk also asked about a time change for the 2nd. meeting of the month. Was previously decided to have the time changed to 4:00 pm. It is impossible for the clerk because the office is open until 4:30 pm. Also, it will be very inconvenient for the Mayor to attend the 4:00 meetings during school months. After discussion, a motion was made to change the time for the 2nd. meeting of the month to 7:00 pm. on the last Wednesday of the month. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowsk, voted no, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

5) Clerk received an estimate from Ed Bello for the lights to be put on the corner of the library building. One fixture with two lights, which will be sodium, not quartz, being sodium lasts longer. The estimate was for $645.00. After discussion, motion was made to approve Ed Bello do the job. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley,voted no, Trustee Patrick, voted no, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Resolution made to allow treasurer to pay postage and public utility bills prior to audited bills, Motion made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes, Motion carried.
Resolution attached to minutes.

Treasurer: Donna Wells
1) Closed stimulus package, finally signed by Governor Patterson, EFC has not approved plans as of yet.
2) Money for 1st. installment was pd. $119,660.60 and repaid to general fund.
3) $250,000.00 has been put into CD’s. Will get higher interest rate.
4) Postage meter in clerk’s office is going back to Pitney Bowes.
5) Wants to get gas card for Chris Butler for Sewer plant. Cemetery Comm. should get there own account
for gas and for Aubuchon. Their bills are on village account and makes it difficult when doing the bills. Chris
will use Express Mart, but when he needs kerosene he will use Taylors Mart.
6) Flower Project-damage made at septic line in Cary Park Dr. They should be billed for damages of broken
Mayor Frohne, Report
1) Thompson property, not much village can do. They will have to talk to Price Chopper directly.

Unfinished Business:
1) Audit of Justices books need to done. Trustee Kurskowski suggested books be audited before resolution
made to accept. Mayor Frohne and Trustee Kurkowski will audit books.
2) New door and access to Library building, Ed Bello will give estimate.

Trustee O’Connor, nothing at this time.

Trustee Patrick,
1) Trustee Dawley and Trustee Patrick will be attending the shared services meeting at the school, 8/86/09.
2) Cem. Comm. Trustee Patrick will attend meeting 1st. Wed. of month.
3) Asked about the solar panels, was told included in the stimulus, green part.
4) Trustee Patrick stated that he feels Tom Shypski needs to attend the meetings on regular basis.
5) Trustee O’Connor suggested checking into the village acquiring the IDA land. Treasurer Wells said she
will call about it.

Trustee Kurkowski,
1) The Patterson building (next to Taylor Mart) on Main St., will be torn down.
2) Asked about roof project on Library building, Treasurer Wells has all paperwork filed. Will follow up on it.

Trustee Dawley,
1) Asked about NYCOM book, has not come in yet.
2) Wants to get pictures of each employee for the new web site.

Mayor Frohne

Motion to go into executive session: Made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor,
Voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor
Frohne, voted yes,

Motion to come out of executive session: Made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee
O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes,
Mayor Frohne, voted yes,

Resolution made to authorize Attorney Cavic and Mayor Frohne to approach named landowners regarding
an easement across their properties for the purpose of the WWTP renovation lines that run on their land.
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley,
Voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes.

Motion to adjourn, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11, 2009 minutes

Date: August 11, 2009
Time: 7:00pm. Regular Meeting
Attendees (elected): Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick,
Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer –Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
Call to order: 700 PM by Mayor Frohne
Roll call of members: Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, and Dawley, present. Trustee Kurkowski absent.

Reading of Minutes: Motion made to waive and approve minutes by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:
*Jacob Schruuman, Springers, Inc. has approval from DOT for new sign on Rt. 20. Base will be 30ft. from the road. The sign will be on 24 hrs. day and has internal light which can be put on a timer if necessary. After discussion, motion made to approve the new sign by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
Mayor Frohne signed permit for Mr. Schruuman.

Tom Hallock; Fire Dept. report
* Ambulance-hoping by end of Sept. will be repaired and back in service.
* Need new muffler for 1997 Freightliner pumper tanker, very loud and can’t hear radio. Checked on after market muffler, none available. Would cost $1200.00 for replacement. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Dawley, after discussion, Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Having light problems with the rescue truck; strobe lights on front, one on each side of hood, one on each side of box, and one on back of box. Worked on it and found some shorts. The problem was fixed in house.
* Heart monitor returned after repairs done on it.
* End of Sept, one of ALS providers will be stepping down. One reason is there are no refresher courses for ALS in the area. People must travel to Buffalo to get re-certified. Tom asked if someone could check to see if state could possibly work on getting certification classes closer to this area.

Clerks report:
* Abstract: #005
A – General Fund- $3,415.49
FX – Water Fund- 686.62
G – Sewer Fund - 3,654.18
Total $ 7,756.29

*Clerk received a letter from Fred Eckler, concerned about pigeon droppings in front of old bank bldg. After discussion, decided that this is private property and should be considered property maintenance problem. Mayor will check into this further.
*Clerk also received a letter from Kathy Buck regarding the use of the park for marching band boosters club on 6/8/09. Unhappy about no paper products and no light bulbs. Asked for refund or portion of $100.00 back that was paid for use of bathrooms, water and electric. After discussion, was decided no refund would be returned. Clerk will write letter of decision.
* Non village residents for fishing on Allen’s Lake. After discussion, was decided to set certain criteria, such as age limit. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, to charge $10.00 for season (year) for anyone who is a non-village resident, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* NYCOM workshop for 2 volunteer firefighters- $50.00 each, Motion made to approve by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Workshops for Tom Shypski through NYRWA. 4 workshops, 9/30/09, 10/22/09, 11/05/09, 11/12/09. Total cost $148.00. Motion made to approve, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’ Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, no, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer report:
* EFC- fronting money until Governor Patterson signs Stimulus funds.
* Contacted Ed Bello about the light that is out in the barracks parking lot. Need a bucket truck to fix. He has equipment and will take care of this. Also asked him about the lights to be on the library building, he will come and give an estimate for that.
* Received notification from County on the fuel bids. Treasurer recommends keeping Paraco for propane. They have a monitoring system for refills. Keep Mirabito for the diesel fuel, kerosene, heating oil, and few small tanks. Motion made to stay with Paraco for propane and Mirabito for diesel fuel, kerosene, heating oil by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Passed out reports, balance sheet as of July 31,2009, profit and loss budge vs. Actual, June through July 2009, and annual update document for the fiscal year ending 2009,(sent to State on July 31st.2009)
After reviewing these with board members, motion made to put in paper that the Annual Update Document (AUD) was filed on July 31st. 2009. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Need to transfer $5000.00 from A1990.4 (Contingency Acct.) and $1000.00 from A1410.4 (Clerk’s contractual) to A3410.4 (Fire Dept. Cont.) And to move $10,000.00 from A9901.03 (Interfund Transfer) to L5031 (Library).
Resolution to transfer money made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes.
* When taxes were levied, $42,963.62 levied as water and sewer. Have gotten all but $18,018.22 in.

Mayors report:
* Trustee Patrick will be talking about meeting with Cemetery Commission, and will review report on that.
* With help from students, files were moved out of back storage area up to memorial room and will be sorted out eventually.

Unfinished Business:
* Discussion of audit of Village Justice’s Books, figures wrong, so will be tabled until next meeting.
* New door and access to Library building - if we can get a door that fits the door opening, Chris and Bob will put it in, if we have to have new frame work done, will have to hire someone to do.
* Fountain repair, pond must be drained before estimates can be done. Tabled for future meeting.


*Trustee Dawley, working on website, need domain name.
.org cost is $14.99/mo. $149.04/yr.
Motion made to approve application for domain name and 1 year subscription for website, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes.
Motion to establish new line. Move $500.00 from A1620.2 to new line for website. Motion made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes, Motion carried.
* Will attend the ZBA meeting on 8/13/2009

Trustee O’Connor, water plant doing well, few meters left to put in.
*Sewer plant had problem with pump. Stopped working during a storm, made mess, guys cleaned it up, and DEC was satisfied.

Trustee Patrick, will be attending shared services meeting with Trustee Dawley. Do not know what the date is yet.
*Mayor and Trustee Patrick had meeting with Cemetery Comm., on 8/5/09. Reviewed the hand out from that meeting. Attached to minutes.
The village liaison for cemetery will attend the Cemetery monthly meetings.

Trustee Kurkowski, absent

Mayor Frohne, nothing new at this time.

Attorney Cavic:
* Abstracts cost more than expected. Motion needed for increase of abstract from $250.00 up to $300.00-400.00 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.

Guests: no comments.
Doug Bordinger
* 16 Sylvan St. Lisa Stefanec was not at meeting. Overgrown lawn again. Clerk will find out who should be billed for lawn maintenance.
Motion was made that once owner is established, village will proceed with maintenance and fees. If owner different than L. Stefanec, new notice will be sent out. Motion by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Doug was asked to check a property on Walnut St.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk