Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009

Date: November 10, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Appointed Officers: Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustee Dawley absent, Trustees Kurkowski, O’Connor, Patrick and Mayor Frohne present.
3) Mayor asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the October 28, 2009 meeting. No objection.
4) Code enforcement- nothing at this time
5) Fire Dept. clerk passed out report to all trustees.

Special Business:
1) Wayne King commented on village and Opera Zoning business.
2) Members from the Richfield Springs School Board were in attendance to discuss the Shared Services business. Scott Mondore, Supt. Barraco, and Brad Smith. Discussion on use of the Bond field and use of school fields for youth sports. The Bond Field has a very bad problem with drainage and needs work done to improve it’s condition. There are restrictions on the work that can be done from the DEC, Wildlife Division. After discussion, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne agreed to go forward with the school to work on the Youth sports group to use the school fields. The location being discussed is on Walnut St. by the Zone building. Wayne King invited the shared services members to attend the next Town Board meeting on Nov. 16, 2009. Lori Bond was also in attendance representing the Town Board, suggested to make an ice skating rink on the Bond field being it is such a wet area. If the village decides to pursue the Bond field with the DEC, an engineer would have to be hired.

Clerk- Diane Blackwell-
1) Correction made on Abstract #10, General Fund reported $7,639.06, should have been $7,600.80.
2) Abstract #11- attached to minutes. Motion to approve made by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
3) Amended:
Motion to amend resolution for Opera zoning change to correct address of 169 Main St.; made by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
4) Report of unpaid taxes sent back to County, 52 parcels, totaling $52,303.42, which includes the water and sewer that was levied. Also the clerks report for October was $106.00.
5) Clerk received an invitation to share with the Board and Mayor from the Zone Youth and after school programs that included dinner and auction with complimentary tickets for 2. The date for this is Nov. 21st. 2009.
6) Boy scout leader was in office on Nov. 9th, 2009, and asked if the scouts could sell Xmas trees that have been donated to the scouts on the lawn of the parking lot. One of the scout leaders was in attendance and explained that the money would be used for the summer of 2010 Boy scout Jamboree. The dates they picked would be Nov. 28th & 29th, and Dec. 5th & 6th 2009. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
7) Motion made to allow clerk to place bid in paper for the Hybrid Truck, electric utility vehicle, and energy efficient lawn mower, with bids to be opened on 12/08/09 at the regular board meeting, made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes, Motion carried.
8) Contracts must be signed no later than December 15, 2009 for the WWTP project. If the insurance papers are in by the December 8th, 2009 meeting, we will sign the contracts then, if not a special meeting will have to be held for the signing and resolution to be made.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:
1) Electric Contract from Municipal Electrical Alliance Inc. (Integry Energy Servies, Inc.), they have dropped the price of electricity considerably, and we can extend our two year contract through 2011. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
2) Treasurer reported that of the unpaid taxes returned to the County, $16,224.64 was water/sewer and $36,078.78 was taxes.
3) Treasurer received payment from EFC and they had deducted the engineering fees for Darrell Deckers revision, did not qualify, $2441.00. Asked Lamont to call and tell them why it had to be done. Judy Pangman is going to call and let Donna know.
4) Treasurer had conference call with NYSERDA, EFC, Lamont Engineer, and Chris Butler. The report for the energy audit NYSERDA did was not complete per the contract, so they agreed to come back at no charge to finish the audit.
5) Balance sheet and profit and loss handed out by Treasurer.
6) Green reserve; letter on the way telling us all the items listed on the Green Reserve were approved. Treasurer called Lamont, 11/10/2009; Jim Malinowski asked if it would be possible to get a sewer jettier. We are getting a camera to go down into the sewer, so Lamont will put in for the jettier also.
7) Chips payment, paperwork sent in and shows that mid December it should be back
8) Chenel property, attorney Cavic said he will ask for the recording fees to be paid by them.
9) Transfers: from Contingency account (A1990.4) $1885.46 to unallocated ins. (A1910.4) and from Machinery contractual (A5130.4) to Chips (A5112.2) which is $86.00 over. Resolution made for transfers by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes.

Mayor Frohne
1) Inter-municipal Agreement between the town and village for use of the Transfer site. Village will install locks and have control of the keys. Resolution made by the Village of Richfield Springs to enter into an Inter-municipal Agreement with the Town of Richfield Springs for maintaining of the transfer site. Motion by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes.
2) Traffic safety done by the Sheriff Dept. on 9/30/2009 from 6:00am to 6:00 pm. Report attached to minutes.
3) Mayor attended the NYSDEC and FEMA program at the Meadows in Cooperstown on 11/03/2009 about the flood zones. At this time there are 12 people in the village with flood insurance.
4) Letter from Bill Hill concerning the RSAA. Was agreed to allow them to have the key to get their property out of the building. They will sign a form for the key and return it to the Village office.

Trustees Reports:
Trustee O’Connor- no business to discuss at this time.

Trustee Patrick:
1) Reported on the Cemetery Commission meeting held on November 4th, 2009. Mayor Frohne also attended.
They were made aware that they needed to make the report available to the Village treasurer to be turned into the State Comptrollers office, also all financial records should be kept in the Village Clerk’s office. The Mayor encouraged them to use an agenda, and that all minutes must be kept in the Village Clerk’s office. . They were also told that the transfer of plots is a matter of personal business, but the transfers must be recorded in the Village office. They were also reminded that they need to make their own accounts for purchasing supplies and doing repairs. As the meeting went on, Trustee Patrick and Mayor Frohne realized that the Village Board has not appointed positions to the cemetery members. Also discussed the membership, how many years each member has. Was suggested in the following order: Ken Dreis, 1 yr., Jim Malinowski, 2 yr. Geralding Crist, 3 yr. and Linda Dufloe, 4 yr. This will be left as is at this time, and then at the Organizational meeting in April 2010, the appointments will be made by the Village Board. Currently members of the commission must be a resident in the village or town, with discussion about changing the law. Was decided to table the resolution until the Nov. 25th, 2009 meeting. A decision needs to be made if 4 members be named or change the law to 5 members. Lori Bond asked if the books would be audited yearly by the board as well. Mayor Frohne responded yes they would be.
2) Requested executive session at end of meeting to discuss personnel matters.
3) Property codes, discussion about checking into a company who would get the village codes updated.
4) Cemetery commission would like record of deposits. Treasurer Wells gives them the records.

Trustee Kurkowski;
1) Suggested looking into a company to get the Cemetery records up to date. At this point in time, the records are not in very good order. Very important for these records to be updated and organized.
2) Meeting at end of month, all in agreement to meet regular time on Wed. Nov. 25th, 2009.

Motion to go into executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes, Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski. Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk