Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11, 2009 minutes

Date: August 11, 2009
Time: 7:00pm. Regular Meeting
Attendees (elected): Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick,
Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer –Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
Call to order: 700 PM by Mayor Frohne
Roll call of members: Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, and Dawley, present. Trustee Kurkowski absent.

Reading of Minutes: Motion made to waive and approve minutes by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:
*Jacob Schruuman, Springers, Inc. has approval from DOT for new sign on Rt. 20. Base will be 30ft. from the road. The sign will be on 24 hrs. day and has internal light which can be put on a timer if necessary. After discussion, motion made to approve the new sign by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
Mayor Frohne signed permit for Mr. Schruuman.

Tom Hallock; Fire Dept. report
* Ambulance-hoping by end of Sept. will be repaired and back in service.
* Need new muffler for 1997 Freightliner pumper tanker, very loud and can’t hear radio. Checked on after market muffler, none available. Would cost $1200.00 for replacement. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Dawley, after discussion, Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Having light problems with the rescue truck; strobe lights on front, one on each side of hood, one on each side of box, and one on back of box. Worked on it and found some shorts. The problem was fixed in house.
* Heart monitor returned after repairs done on it.
* End of Sept, one of ALS providers will be stepping down. One reason is there are no refresher courses for ALS in the area. People must travel to Buffalo to get re-certified. Tom asked if someone could check to see if state could possibly work on getting certification classes closer to this area.

Clerks report:
* Abstract: #005
A – General Fund- $3,415.49
FX – Water Fund- 686.62
G – Sewer Fund - 3,654.18
Total $ 7,756.29

*Clerk received a letter from Fred Eckler, concerned about pigeon droppings in front of old bank bldg. After discussion, decided that this is private property and should be considered property maintenance problem. Mayor will check into this further.
*Clerk also received a letter from Kathy Buck regarding the use of the park for marching band boosters club on 6/8/09. Unhappy about no paper products and no light bulbs. Asked for refund or portion of $100.00 back that was paid for use of bathrooms, water and electric. After discussion, was decided no refund would be returned. Clerk will write letter of decision.
* Non village residents for fishing on Allen’s Lake. After discussion, was decided to set certain criteria, such as age limit. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, to charge $10.00 for season (year) for anyone who is a non-village resident, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* NYCOM workshop for 2 volunteer firefighters- $50.00 each, Motion made to approve by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Workshops for Tom Shypski through NYRWA. 4 workshops, 9/30/09, 10/22/09, 11/05/09, 11/12/09. Total cost $148.00. Motion made to approve, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’ Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, no, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer report:
* EFC- fronting money until Governor Patterson signs Stimulus funds.
* Contacted Ed Bello about the light that is out in the barracks parking lot. Need a bucket truck to fix. He has equipment and will take care of this. Also asked him about the lights to be on the library building, he will come and give an estimate for that.
* Received notification from County on the fuel bids. Treasurer recommends keeping Paraco for propane. They have a monitoring system for refills. Keep Mirabito for the diesel fuel, kerosene, heating oil, and few small tanks. Motion made to stay with Paraco for propane and Mirabito for diesel fuel, kerosene, heating oil by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Passed out reports, balance sheet as of July 31,2009, profit and loss budge vs. Actual, June through July 2009, and annual update document for the fiscal year ending 2009,(sent to State on July 31st.2009)
After reviewing these with board members, motion made to put in paper that the Annual Update Document (AUD) was filed on July 31st. 2009. Motion made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Need to transfer $5000.00 from A1990.4 (Contingency Acct.) and $1000.00 from A1410.4 (Clerk’s contractual) to A3410.4 (Fire Dept. Cont.) And to move $10,000.00 from A9901.03 (Interfund Transfer) to L5031 (Library).
Resolution to transfer money made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes.
* When taxes were levied, $42,963.62 levied as water and sewer. Have gotten all but $18,018.22 in.

Mayors report:
* Trustee Patrick will be talking about meeting with Cemetery Commission, and will review report on that.
* With help from students, files were moved out of back storage area up to memorial room and will be sorted out eventually.

Unfinished Business:
* Discussion of audit of Village Justice’s Books, figures wrong, so will be tabled until next meeting.
* New door and access to Library building - if we can get a door that fits the door opening, Chris and Bob will put it in, if we have to have new frame work done, will have to hire someone to do.
* Fountain repair, pond must be drained before estimates can be done. Tabled for future meeting.


*Trustee Dawley, working on website, need domain name.
.org cost is $14.99/mo. $149.04/yr.
Motion made to approve application for domain name and 1 year subscription for website, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes.
Motion to establish new line. Move $500.00 from A1620.2 to new line for website. Motion made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes, Motion carried.
* Will attend the ZBA meeting on 8/13/2009

Trustee O’Connor, water plant doing well, few meters left to put in.
*Sewer plant had problem with pump. Stopped working during a storm, made mess, guys cleaned it up, and DEC was satisfied.

Trustee Patrick, will be attending shared services meeting with Trustee Dawley. Do not know what the date is yet.
*Mayor and Trustee Patrick had meeting with Cemetery Comm., on 8/5/09. Reviewed the hand out from that meeting. Attached to minutes.
The village liaison for cemetery will attend the Cemetery monthly meetings.

Trustee Kurkowski, absent

Mayor Frohne, nothing new at this time.

Attorney Cavic:
* Abstracts cost more than expected. Motion needed for increase of abstract from $250.00 up to $300.00-400.00 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.

Guests: no comments.
Doug Bordinger
* 16 Sylvan St. Lisa Stefanec was not at meeting. Overgrown lawn again. Clerk will find out who should be billed for lawn maintenance.
Motion was made that once owner is established, village will proceed with maintenance and fees. If owner different than L. Stefanec, new notice will be sent out. Motion by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, and Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried.
* Doug was asked to check a property on Walnut St.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Dawley, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Mayor Frohne, yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk