Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009 minutes

Date: August 26, 2009
Time: 9:00 am

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 9:00 am.
Roll call of members: all present
Clerk – Diane Blackwell – reading of minutes- waived by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, abstained. Mayor Frohne, voted yes.

Special Business:
DPW: Jim Malinowski
1) Passed out list of surplus equipment not being used. List attached to minutes. After discussion a motion
was made to make a list available for bids in October 2009. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by
Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes. Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes,
Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried. Jim explained that the County
Auction in the spring is for equipment only.
2) The caterpillar tractor was repaired; new software was installed.
3) Received a call from Mark from Lamont about water at a manhole on J.D Cary Park, while checking it
out, found water and sewage on the next manhole near a test hole from Flowers Trailer Park, had to
replace about 4 ft. of sewer line where they had dug into it and crushed it and then covered it up.
4) Ditch from C. Furners old property to Doug Brooks was paved and paid by C. Furner.
5) Checked on Rapinski’s driveway, water problem and checked by Jim and Mayor Frohne, no sign of
water problem, or broken pipes.
6) Cleaned out the tin barn at the garage. Made a lot of room for storage if needed.
7) Painted roof on the backside of the cinderblock building.
8) Cleaned area behind the shop, for storage if Lamonts needs it.
9) Replaced 3 stop signs last month. Will take old ones to Dick Shypski to repaint, to use again when
10) Spoke with Tom Lane of DEC. Asked about moving the underground gas tank at garage. Adirondack
Environmental Services. Cost would be $3500.00. This would include draining out any left over gas,
supervise excavation, and remove lines. After discussion, motion made to have Adirondack Environmental
remove the tank, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes,
Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne,
voted yes, motion carried.
11) Bill Hill and Scott Street came to garage, tore down old dugouts and took fence down at baseball field
on Rt. 28. They asked about water being turned on. Water was turned on for them but Jim told them they
should come to the board and inform them what their intentions of use were. Mayor Frohne said he would
get in touch with them and find out about the insurance and what they are using the field for.
12) Trustee O’Connor asked Jim about replacing the signs for 15 min. parking on both sides of the street
of Main and James St., according to our Local Law.
13) Jim explained to members of Board concern of Daryl Decker replacing the sewer lines on his property.

Water Plant: Tom Shypski- absent

WWTP: Chris Butler
1) Went to Express Mart on 8/26/09 for draining grease traps with Adirondack Septic, Tom Endres, & Pat
Hyde. Tanks working properly. Pumping tanks every 3 months. Chris will give report to Mike Harrington
at Lamonts.
2) The WWTP project is moving along nicely. Moved from Lamont Eng., To Plant Design, to DEC, to EFC.
3) Had some issues at treatment plant, back flow preventer, failed. Bob and Chris replaced the relay part.
4) Clarifier parts are in, flights and also new drive gear. Ordered parts from a company in Detroit. Found
New co. in N.Y. called Nord Gear to order other parts from.

Code Enforcer: Doug Bordinger
1) 58 Church St. needs to be mowed. Motion made to order it mowed, Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee
Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee
Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
2) 24 Lake St.,very bad mess build up. Notices of violation have been mailed. Moved snowmobiles only.
Nothing else. Need to issue appearance ticket. Serve tenant and landlord. Certified mail to owner. Speak to
Judge to get appearance date.
3) Walnut St., spoke to owner but with no results, will pursue further.

Motion to go to executive session: Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted
yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne,
voted yes,
Motion to come out of executive session: Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor,
voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor
Frohne, voted yes.

Motion to authorize treasurer to notify State Police of check returned of insufficient funds for, made by
Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes,
Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes,

Clerk: Diane Blackwell

1) Abstract #006
A General Fund $ 7800.04
FX Water Fund 1106.60
G Sewer Fund 4155.60
TA Trust & Agency 541.71
H Capitol Projects 210,806.54
Total: $ 224,383.49

Motion to accept and pay bills: made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor,voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, abstained, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Trustee Patrick stated he did not understand at the last meeting that the workshop for Tom Shypski was needed to maintain his license to operate the Water Plant. Trustee Patrick wanted it understood he is in
favor of the men going to seminars for such purposes.

2) 4- Workshops for Chris Butler thru NYRWA, 9/30/09, Vernon, 6 hrs. 10/22/09, Oneonta, 6 hrs. 11/05/09, Little Falls, 6 hrs. 11/12/09, Sidney, 6 hrs. Total cost: $148.00. Motion made to accept by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
3) Clerk brought to the board’s attention the expense of sending the property maintenance notices by certified and return certified mail. The cost for each letter is $5.54. Since June 1st.2009 the clerk’s office has spent close to $100.00 on these notices. After discussion, it was decided that the clerk would give a monthly report on the cost. Clerk asked if return certified had to be used on each, and was told yes.
4) Clerk also asked about a time change for the 2nd. meeting of the month. Was previously decided to have the time changed to 4:00 pm. It is impossible for the clerk because the office is open until 4:30 pm. Also, it will be very inconvenient for the Mayor to attend the 4:00 meetings during school months. After discussion, a motion was made to change the time for the 2nd. meeting of the month to 7:00 pm. on the last Wednesday of the month. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowsk, voted no, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

5) Clerk received an estimate from Ed Bello for the lights to be put on the corner of the library building. One fixture with two lights, which will be sodium, not quartz, being sodium lasts longer. The estimate was for $645.00. After discussion, motion was made to approve Ed Bello do the job. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley,voted no, Trustee Patrick, voted no, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Resolution made to allow treasurer to pay postage and public utility bills prior to audited bills, Motion made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes, Motion carried.
Resolution attached to minutes.

Treasurer: Donna Wells
1) Closed stimulus package, finally signed by Governor Patterson, EFC has not approved plans as of yet.
2) Money for 1st. installment was pd. $119,660.60 and repaid to general fund.
3) $250,000.00 has been put into CD’s. Will get higher interest rate.
4) Postage meter in clerk’s office is going back to Pitney Bowes.
5) Wants to get gas card for Chris Butler for Sewer plant. Cemetery Comm. should get there own account
for gas and for Aubuchon. Their bills are on village account and makes it difficult when doing the bills. Chris
will use Express Mart, but when he needs kerosene he will use Taylors Mart.
6) Flower Project-damage made at septic line in Cary Park Dr. They should be billed for damages of broken
Mayor Frohne, Report
1) Thompson property, not much village can do. They will have to talk to Price Chopper directly.

Unfinished Business:
1) Audit of Justices books need to done. Trustee Kurskowski suggested books be audited before resolution
made to accept. Mayor Frohne and Trustee Kurkowski will audit books.
2) New door and access to Library building, Ed Bello will give estimate.

Trustee O’Connor, nothing at this time.

Trustee Patrick,
1) Trustee Dawley and Trustee Patrick will be attending the shared services meeting at the school, 8/86/09.
2) Cem. Comm. Trustee Patrick will attend meeting 1st. Wed. of month.
3) Asked about the solar panels, was told included in the stimulus, green part.
4) Trustee Patrick stated that he feels Tom Shypski needs to attend the meetings on regular basis.
5) Trustee O’Connor suggested checking into the village acquiring the IDA land. Treasurer Wells said she
will call about it.

Trustee Kurkowski,
1) The Patterson building (next to Taylor Mart) on Main St., will be torn down.
2) Asked about roof project on Library building, Treasurer Wells has all paperwork filed. Will follow up on it.

Trustee Dawley,
1) Asked about NYCOM book, has not come in yet.
2) Wants to get pictures of each employee for the new web site.

Mayor Frohne

Motion to go into executive session: Made by Trustee Dawley, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor,
Voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor
Frohne, voted yes,

Motion to come out of executive session: Made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee
O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes,
Mayor Frohne, voted yes,

Resolution made to authorize Attorney Cavic and Mayor Frohne to approach named landowners regarding
an easement across their properties for the purpose of the WWTP renovation lines that run on their land.
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley,
Voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes.

Motion to adjourn, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk