Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009 minutes

Date: July 29, 2009
Time: 9:00 am

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 9:00 am.
Roll call of members: all present
Clerk – Diane Blackwell – reading of minutes- waived by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:
DPW: Jim Malinowski absent, report read by Trustee Patrick,
1) Surplus Equipment at Hwy, Dept. to sell, to send to County in Spring.
a. 1993 Ford F-350 Dump Truck
b. Morbark Woodchipper
c. Homelite diaghram pump
d. JD214 tractor w/mower and snowthrower
2) Truck Bids, Skinner & Damulius most favorable
3) Sewer problem/issue on J.D.Carey Park, will discuss further with board when more
information is available.

Water Plant: Tom Shypski
1) Treated the lake and reservoir with copper sulfate. Cost about $2000.00 per treatment.
2) Problem taken care of at outlet of Allens Lake, Boards in and steel plate, 10x10 plate. 3) Flushed hydrants in July. Hydrant problem at Lakeview St. has rocks in it. Might have to dig it up.
4) Next couple weeks will flush transmission line from lake, must notify all well water users.
5) Fountain needs repairs, Spring would be best time. Lights overheat, might have to draw
water out of other reservoir at that time. May want to have it looked at this summer to see
what needs to be done.
6) Big chlorine tank taken out of service, notified DEC and changed permits and notified DOH. Decided to use 55 gal. drums, was cheaper. No permit needed.
7) Overhauling air controllers. Fitting high pressure tubing out with removable fittings. Bob and Chris helping to replace these. Expect to have these changed out in the next 6 months.
Trustee O’Connor commented on power generator service contract, Trustee O’Connor made a motion to sign the 3 yr. service agreement rather than the 1 yr. 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Motion carried.
Motion made for Tom S. to purchase up to $10,000.00 of chemicals needed for water plant. Anything over $10,000.00 must go out on bid. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes. Motion carried.

WWTP: Chris Butler
1) Flow test from Express Mart done. Mayor Frohne present. Both pumps were on. Flow was comparible to what the Engineers are getting. Still doing monthly testing.
2) Lamont – project WWTP, moving on to next phase. All dates being met and project is progessing fine.
3) Clarifier parts came in on 7/28/09.
4) Cleaning digesters tanks.
Guest: Dan Wilbur, Otsego Co. Code Enforcement Officer
Talked to board members about codes. The County works with code enforcement of villages and towns. The services offered include fire safety, building construction, and property maintenance. Trustee Patrick asked if the County approves permits for the village if the village has not. Mr. Wilbur stated that no permit will be approved from the County if they have not been approved by the village.
Mr. Wilbur stated that any inside work, like electrical, septic, and heating would be Co. only. Any outside work like construction would require village permit.
Attorney Cavic asked about “unsafe” property, how the village would handle that. That would be covered under property maintenance code. Any complaint must be in writing and filed. Name of complainant would not be revealed. Then turned over to Mr. Wilbur and he will do his investigation. Complaints will be put into priority order and taken care of asap.

Code Enforcer: Doug Bordinger
1) Last month issued many lawn maintence violations. Most of them are at that point of having to serve notices again.
2) Attorney Cavic made new violation notices to use.
3) 7/28/2009, warning given on Taylor St. at a garage, a man running an auto repair shop, against village codes. B-1 district.

Clerk: Diane Blackwell
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor to accept July 14th,2009 minutes, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes. Motion carried.

Abstract #4, attached to minutes.
Motion to accept and pay bills: made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee Patrick voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted no. Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion to withdraw Library bills from previous motion, due to Library Board did not approve bills before the July 29th, 2009 meeting, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried. Once the Library board approves the bills, they will be paid.

Motion made for Mayor, Clerk and Treasurer to go to a NYCOM conference in Sept.2009.
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, and Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk received a call from David Wells, Church group is doing a bike ride on 8/7/2009 and would like to use the park for a stop off. Should be 35-40 people. Will provide their own lunch.
Do they need to do application and deposit? After discussion, a motion was made to waive the application and deposit if the bathrooms were not going to be used. Motion made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk also had a concern about working in the building when the contractors are working on the asbestos removal. The Mayor will contact the Town Supervisor to see if we can use the town office, also the Mayor will speak to the contractors.

Clerk passed out the Local Laws from 1998 to present to all Trustees.

Treasurer: Donna Wells
Passed out a year end budget transfer 8/2009: AUD will be filed on 7/31/09. Transfer sheet attached to minutes. Motion made to accept transfers:
Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Grant from Assembly McGee to fix roof and back wall of Library building, need 2 trustees or Mayor and trustee to sign that we are eligible to do this work.
Motion made for Village Board to be Lead Agency for SEQRA on roof project. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor Frohne, Report
1) Did sign contract for Library project.
2) ZBA choice to fill vacancy, Suzanne Christman. Will have further discussion.
3) Been working on forms with attorney for codes officer to use.
4) 7/21/09 Trustee O’Connor and Mayor Frohne observed the meeting between EFC and Lamont Eng. Our treasurer, Attorney, head of DPW, and head of WWTP also attended.
5) 7/24/2009, Mayor Frohne and treasurer Donna Wells met with Kelly Pinney of Mang Ins. about health ins. options for this year.
6) Mtg. with Cemetery Comm. has been rescheduled again, for 8/5/2009 at 6:30 pm. in the Memorial Rm. of the Library.
7) Town of R.S. Supervisor Wayne King and Mayor Frohne participated in the Pride Day’s Parade on 7/25/2009.

Truck Bids:
2 lowest bids were Skinner & Damulis, and West Herr Ford, West Herr Ford was lowest but did not meet bid specks, so bid awarded to Skinner & Damulius, Richfield Springs, NY.
2010 Ford F-350, $24,086.00.
Resolution to reject the lowest bid which does not meet the technical requirements of the bid specifications.
Resolve to accept Skinner & Damulis and the lowest legitimate bid and resolve to spend money.
Trustee O’Connor made a motion to accept the resolution, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Surplus equipment: going to keep checking and adding to list that Jim Malinowski made.

New door and access for Library building side door. Steve Barringer is looking for door. Push bar will be put on by Miers Lock Co. Also, keys need to be limited.

Public Comment:
John McMannus, Andrea Lyons and Joe Galati, representing Glimmerglass Opera. Have public hearing set with ZBA on Aug. 13, 2009. After discussion, village board voted to be lead agency. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted no. Motion carried.

Carmella Chioda, tenant was given warning on using garage as a business. W. James St. not zoned as business district. Zoned as residential district.

Trustee O’Connor, nothing at this time.
Trustee Patrick,
Had meeting with cemetery commission on 8/5/09.
Been working on codes with Mayor Frohne.
Trustee Kurkowski,
ALS(heart monitor) for ambulance needs repair. Cost $1700.00 for new, Cost $450.00 to test every year. Tom Hallock will check into this.
Also, discussion about fire dept. forming district. The town needs to be approached again about this issue.
Trustee Dawley,
Researching website. Need domain name. Anything run by elected committee can be .gov.
Will attend next ZBA meeting.
Mayor Frohne,
Justice books, all trustees must review and sign.
ZBA training, motion to approve 4, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.
Discussion on ZBA appointment by Mayor.
Health Ins. Donna and Mayor met with Kelly Pinney. Papers attached to minutes. 2 Quotes for MVP coverage. Donna explained differences to the Trustees. Motion to give employees,quote 1, with standard 5%, or quote 2, their option, they pay 5% plus difference in the premium monthly. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted, yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion to go into executive session: Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes.
Motion out of executive session: Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Mayor Frohne, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes.

Motion to give Bob Graepel a $.25 raise to be on call for repairs and inform Mr. Steven Barringer his services will no longer be needed for on call, made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee O”Connor, voted no, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes.
Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn, Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, voted yes, Trustee Patrick, voted yes, Trustee Dawley, voted yes, Trustee Kurkowski, voted yes, Mayor Frohne, voted yes. Adjourned at 11:50 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk