Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

Date: October 13, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm

Attendees (elected): Mayor , Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley

Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Trustee Dawley absent, Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, and Patrick present.
Clerk- Diane Blackwell- motion to waive the reading of the August 26, 2009 minutes and to approve made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.

Code Enforcement:

1) 24 Lake St. Cert. Mail returned unclaimed.
2) 51 Main St. Cert. Mail returned unclaimed, discussion about what to do about the pigeon mess. Trustee Patrick concerned about it becoming a health issue. Was decided the Mayor will call Willa Wright the village health officer and also the owner’s real estate broker, to try again to get some action taken on this matter.

Tom Hallock, Fire Chief:

1) Test results on fire truck, 10/05/09; crack in weld on top of lower boom at midway pt. crack is 10” long. Tom called Rick Starr and Jason Purcell who are state certified welders, came on a Sunday morning and welded the crack for them. A thank you note will be sent to these two men for their help. This saved the village an outstanding amount of money to repair this crack. American testing will have to come back to finish the testing, now that the crack is welded.
2) Also had to repair the hydraulic hose that was cracked. Doug Brooks and Tom Hallock fixed this.
3) Signs are needed on sides of the truck, stating electrical hazard for fire truck.
4) Tom passed out a letter pertaining to the State budget, regarding Fire Training that will be cut back. Many volunteers will not get any training. Would like a letter written to the Governor to ask not to cut back on the money for the training of our volunteers.
5) Need to contact the oil company; one of the furnaces in the fire house is not operating properly.
6) At their monthly meeting it was voted to send $4000.00 for power pushers, extenders to help with extrication at car accidents to go with the jaws. Fire Dept. will purchase with their funds.
7) No pagers left to give out. Since Jan. 2004, 22 new members have joined, 2 have left since. 5 taking EMS classes. The daytime ALS provider is no longer certified, so shorthanded on ALS calls.

Special Business:

1) Glimmerglass Opera- Zoning change request.
Representing the Opera were John McManus, Engineer, Andrea Lyons, and Joe Galati.
Mr. McManus asked the board what was needed from them now that the ZBA has voted no for the Opera to build in the village. The Mayor informed the Opera people they would have to fill out a new long form application and present it to the Village and would be starting fresh. Fire Chief Tom Hallock asked who would be the key holder, because in the past when the fire dept. was called to the Opera building, the key holder lived in another town and would not come to open the building for the fire co. Was stated that the key holder would be in the area so that would not happen again.
The question was asked why they chose Richfield Springs and not somewhere else? Andrea Lyons replied the property in Warren is held in trust by someone else, not owned by the Opera, same as the old motel that is up the road from the Opera itself, also is held in trust. Also at the building on campus they had archeological problems. They feel bringing people into Richfield Springs gives them more to offer with the stores, restaurants and gas stations that are available.

Clerk Reports:

Abstract #009:
A General Fund, $ 27,633.01
FX Water Fund 611.22
G Sewer Fund 2,903.41
H Capitol Projects 26,543.21
Totals: $ 57,720.85

Motion to approve and pay bills made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes; Motion carried.
Clerk fees paid to treasurer for month of September, 2009, $74.00
Jim Malinowski put paperwork in to go to a re-certification class for pesticides in Oneonta, 11/13/09. The cost is $135.00.
Motion to approve made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor-yes; Trustee Patrick-yes; Trustee Kurkowski-yes; Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Cindy Talbot from JGB Properties submitted a request for one sandwich board sign to be put in front of 3 different buildings at different times belonging to JGB. Motion to approve for 1 year made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick: yes, Trustee Kurkowski: yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.
Clerk received a call from Theresa Oakes requesting to have the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the Spring Park again this year on November 29th, 2009; at 6:00 pm. Approval was given by the board.

Treasurer-Donna Wells:

1) Passed out the balance sheet thru Sept. 30, 2009.
2) Passed out the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual-June through Sept. 2009, with one correction from last month on the clerks contractual, $1000.00 more in account than on the report. Bank statements are reconciled.
3) Recommended to start charging for requests of copies of village taxes. Suggested $4.00 fee. After discussion a motion was made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried to start immediately.
4) Asked the board about purchasing 5 new programmable thermostats for the Library building, three of which would be in public areas that need to have the locked guard. Motion to buy 5 programmable thermostats not to exceed $500.00 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.
5) Also the lock on the front door of the Library building has to be changed. Will call Miers Lock Co.
6) NYSEG was called on 10/13/2009 to turn off the fountain lights for the winter. Will be off as of 10/14/2009.
7) Not received the 3rd. stimulus money, because of two reasons: 1) abstract, problem whether they will pay or not, and 2) the clarifier parts, the manufacturer having a hard time with made in America certification. Lamonts working on this with Donna.
8) Mirabito was at the Library building to service the furnace, on 10/13/2009.
9) Asked Attorney Cavic about the agreement for the Transfer site. Response was only the draft is done at this time.

Unfininshed Business:

1) 73 Walnut St. Mr. Osborn not grandfathered in. Must act on the garbage problem. As for the scrap, tabled until next meeting. Discussion about the codes, any problems noticed by board members or Mayor should make Doug Bordinger aware of it. Suggested a letter be written to Mr. Osborn regarding the laws pertaining to junk build up on property. Mayor said he would contact the property owner of this issue.

Mayor Frohne:

1) RS Athletic Assoc., Mayor has asked 3 times for copy of the insurance form. As of this date, no copy has been brought to village office. Also, the signs should be removed from the village building.
Motion made to stop the use of the field until they produce the insurance policy to the village office, made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried.

Trustee O’Connor:
Nothing new at this time

Trustee Patrick:

1) Cemetery report- cemetery would like to change the code to allow 5 members on the board rather than 4. They would also like to change the residency code to meet one of the three criteria; 1) to be a village resident, 2) to be a town resident, or 3) to own a plot in the cemetery. Next meeting for Cemetery Commission is Wed. Nov.4th, 2009. After discussion, Trustee Patrick was asked to find out at next meeting how many years left on each member’s term.
3) Cemetery commission was confused on why they were asked to set up there own accounts with Aubuchon, Taylors, Cazenovia Equipment, etc. Reason for this is that they only pay their bills once a month and if the village waits, that makes the bills late and then late charges are added. Trustee Patrick will advise them they need to set up their own accounts.
4) Selling of cemetery plots from one owner to another. Any sale of plots or transfer of plots must be recorded in the Village Clerks office. Nothing states a person can not transfer an individual plot, but it must be recorded in the clerk’s office.
5) Shared services would like a meeting during the last week of October. They want to tour the bus garage at that time.
6) The street light across from the Rosewood Terrace building is on 24/7. NYSEG needs to be called. Mayor will take care of this. The pole number is needed for these calls.
7) Trustee Patrick was approached by Joseph Spytko on the street and asked what the status was. Attorney Cavic is working on a letter to Rerob.
8) Trustee Patrick asked about the estimate received by the treasurer for a pole barn type building that would be used for storage in place of the Richfield Storage for the fire dept. Measurements are 30ft x64ft, 10 ft. tall, erected, floor not included. Estimated cost is $14,800.00.
Tom Hallock said it should be at the fire dept. Treasurer Wells had asked Trustee Kurkowski about the exempt part of the fire co. donating half of the money for the cement slab, and Mike Kress suggested maybe the volunteer part of the fire co. could donate money for the other half. After discussion, was tabled until Oct. 28th, 2009 meeting when Treasurer Wells will have the paperwork to share with the board.

Trustee Kurkowski:

1) Church property on Gould St/Church St. is a mess.
2) Spring park-power problem, need a box put in with 220 amps. that will have 4-5 outlets for 120amps. Needed under the old bandstand, not needed until next spring, need an electrician to do this. The pavilion and the bathrooms electric are alright.
3) Maintenance man, do we need to hire one or not. After discussion, was decided Donna will make calls if things need to be repaired.
4) Asked about crossing guard to work for DPW while school is out. Mayor will speak to Jim Malinowski to see if there would be enough work for an extra man while school is not in session.
5) Man on Elm St. asked Trustee Kurkowski about enforcing sidewalk laws this winter. After discussion, decided that the village is not going to get involved in enforcing the sidewalk issue.

Public Comment:

1) Jerry Zavitch asked about zoning in the village. Was stated that he was informed that the village has absolute last word on zoning in the village. He states that the village zoning map is incorrect. The village zoning map should take precedence over the county. What he feels should be done is the village trustees should find the earliest map they can find and go through all the minutes and update an official zoning map and pay no attention to the county.
Asked what the procedure was for demolition of buildings in the village. Was stated that a permit from the village is to be obtained first, and then submitted to the county.

Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters, made by Mayor Frohne, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor. Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.

Jerry Zavitch left at this time.

Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion carried.

Motion to approve purchase of easements at a price, and through those properties stated in executive session price of properties to be made public upon completion of purchases, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes, Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn; made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor; yes, Trustee Patrick; yes, Trustee Kurkowski; yes, Mayor Frohne; yes. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk