Monday, November 1, 2010

October 12, 2010

Date: October 12, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustees Kurkowski, Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson present.

Mayor Frohne asked if there were any objections to waiving the reading of the minutes of the September 14, and 29th, 2010 minutes. No objections.
Motion to approve the Sept.14th, 2010 minutes made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the Sept. 29th, 2010 minutes made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:
Tom Hallock – Fire Chief – New tires were put on ambulance. When this was done, it was discovered all ball joints were bad as well, these were repaired at Skinners. The Marcy Hydraulic bill was for the ladder truck. The power steering unit started leaking after a drill, the first assistant chief and another fireman took the power steering unit off the truck and took it to Marcy Hydraulic to be repaired and also went to pick it up when it was done. Chief Hallock wanted to let the board know this saved probably $900.00-$1,000.00 on that bill. Pumper school is going on now; when this is done the firemen are going to strip the back end of 42 down and try to patch the tank on that truck. County is trying to update communication system. This will cost the co. taxpayers $35 million dollars. Therefore, they are going to stay with the low band and make some improvements. For the R.S. fire co. there are only 14 portable low band radios, there are no longer any parts available for repairs. In the future, 14 new radios are going to be needed. Estimated cost $4200.00. UHF system was bought and there is a way to put a repeater in the rescue truck for about $800.00 – $1,000.00, and it will transmit on the UHF radio which the repeater will pick up and re-transmit on the low band for the co. This might be a way to get rid of the low band radios. Three pagers had to be thrown, because they were beyond repair. The fire dept. building is getting to the point of desperate repair. There are blocks starting to come out. Also, the roof is leaking more. The prisoners do this kind of work, and Chief Hallock would like to see the board look into this.

Lamont Engineers:
Glen - Contract 1- Paving is being done, Lake St., W. James St., E.James St., Manley St., Canadarago St., Johnson St., Elm St. and Division St. The driveways are not being tied in at this time. Sidewalks repaired where dug up. There is a problem with flooding at the end of River St. and Bronner St. There is enough money left to replace extra 75 ft. of sidewalk which was tilted very badly where it was flooded, Lamont checked with EFC to see if it could put up a curve along the sidewalk. There was enough grade to get the water to drain away from Bronner St. The video taping was completed, and Glen had them video again from manhole 4 to where they think manhole 5 is, flow was very heavy, could only go about 20ft. No charge to village for that area. Could see a big crack in the line, do manhole 4 to 6 needs to be replaced. Glen will work on the cost for that. Manhole 5 was not found, so it will be eliminated if it is a straight line.
Elm St. problem: Kurt Zurmuhlen questioned at the previous meeting about the binder that was put in at the L.Croucn residence. Mr. Crouch asked a workman from G. DeVincentis to blacktop the area between the sidewalk and the road. This was agreed upon between Mr. Crouch and the individual workman. One layer has been put down, still 11/2 in. lower than the sidewalk, and the workman told Mr. Crouch he can not finish it. This was done outside of the village contract with G. DeVincentis and should not have been handled this way. It seems to be causing flooding in his driveway and sidewalk. Glen checked into this and found that the binder that was put in is not flooding K. Zurmuhlen’s driveway but is running towards Rt. 20. K. Zurmuhlen’s driveway does have a low spot that Glen thinks can be helped if a catch basin is put in, but he will still have a low spot at the end of his driveway. So, it will not take care of the whole problem. Glen will ask Jim Malinowski to look at it with him and see what they can do about this. Kurt Zurmuhlen asked that the problem not be made worse than it already is. Trustee Patrick asked Glen if the construction co. will be putting stone or something in on the sides of the road. He answered that crusher run will be put down to taper the side of the roads down.
Frank- contract #2- Blue Heron has been by-passing for 3 weeks now. The contract states should only be for 2 weeks. All valves in, waiting on 2 8in. pumps, pouring floor in pre-treatment building, SWB’s running, startup was few weeks ago, running good, reed bed area is all filled, PCV liner in next week, scheduled to plant end of October, this should be no problem with planting this late in the season, once planted the sludge can be put in immediately, should be up 2-3 in. of sludge. Had a problem with a drain line from reed bed, new drawings and old drawings are different. Only option is to get a new 8 in. valve and put in T and tie into the under drain to drain to head of the plant. There will be an extra cost for this. The clarifier building progressing good, four guys are working on it now.
Contract 3- contractors are moving along, upset with Blue Heron because they are slowing them down.
Contract - plumbing and heating men were there one day, now are requesting an extension. Nick sent e-mail to them to explain they have had plenty of time to do the work and no extension would be given. Problem with exhaust, new route needs to be made for the exhaust.
Frank stated they are waiting for a letter from Blue Heron on the updated progress schedule.
2-Change orders- Contract 1 for slip line on Manley St. $29,900.00, Contract 2 Blue Heron, for premium on sludge disposal and additional cost to pump remaining muck into the wet weather basin at the plant, $4578.11.
Resolution made to accept the 2 change orders made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Nick passed out an Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for Engineering Services. The Amendment results in a net change in Engineering Fees of $0.00. Motion to approve made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Nick also passed out SPDES Permit Required Engineering Reports, which is due December 1st. 2010. Five (5) reports must be done. Costs for these reports are $27,900.00. After discussion, was decided the board would have further discussion on this.

Trustee Patrick asked Nick if he had any thoughts or suggestions of what could be done at the Express Mart concerning the issue of the BOD levels. He stated he is not fully aware of the whole situation but he would check into it further.

Privilege of the floor: public comments and requests:
Judie Stone from the Chamber of Commerce and David Arkema a contractor, wanted to give a report on the bandstand condition in Spring Park. Mr. Arkema has looked over the bandstand and has ideas of what should be done to restore it. He will put together an estimate and give to the Chamber to bring to a future meeting. Mr Arkema was asked about the railings and keeping within the historical codes. He stated that as long as they are not made less safe than they are.
William Juteau asked about the way the end of his driveway was left after the blacktopping was done by Hanson Aggregates. Was told that the village will probably taper off the side of the road and the end of the driveways.

Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Abstract #09- General Fund- $9,317.55, Water Fund - $804.01, Sewer Fund - $723.77, Cemetery Fund- $160.39, Trust and Agency - $81.20, Capitol Projects - $314,951.70 Total: $326,038.62.
Motion to approve abstract #09 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk’s report for month of Sept. 2010 as follows: clerk’s fees, $21.25, registrar fees, $60.00. Check given to treasurer $81.25.
Halloween night will be Oct. 31, 2010 during the hours of 6pm. to 8pm. Motion made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Trustee Kurkowski voted no. Motion carried.
FYI to all board members and Mayor, village elections for 2011 will be held on March 15, 2011.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
Transfer $5000.00 From General A9901.03 to Library L5031. Resolution made to approve transfer by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowsk and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Increase Line Item A1620.21 to reflect the Grant money received $96,800.00.
Treasurer passed out balance sheets and profit and loss reports.
The audit was received and corrections had to be made. Donna wrote up all corrections and passed out to the board for their review.
Randy Stocking called last week and asked why he was getting a water/sewer bill for 6 Lakeview Ave. when the water was turned off in 2009. Donna informed him that the office was never informed of the shut off so he has been getting the minimum charge. She asked who shut it off and was informed he had called Tom Shypski and he shut it off for him. After talking with him, Donna told him she would credit him the $20.77 for the past month and not be billed the shut off fee. He agreed and was appreciative. Motion was made to approve the credit issued on his water bill by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Letter was received with no objections from SHIPPO to repair the chimneys and paint the village building.

Mayor Frohne:
Received an estimate for repairs to be done on the 4 Face Tower Clock in the center of the village from Syracuse Time & Alarm Co. Inc. The estimate was for a new motor, travel to R.S., hours of labor and for shipping and handling charges. Total estimate was for $1,252.35. After discussion, it was decided Mayor Frohne will speak to the company about the length of warranty for the parts, and will also try to find another company for a second estimate.
Information Mayor Frohne received from Attorney Merzig: employee healthcare-opt out election. This will be discussed at a later date.
Also the residential rental registration law, if a party owns property in the village but does not live in the village, they must have a local party to take care of the property. This would have to be a local law.
And the sidewalks are considered part of the street and part of the public way, and the village regulates activity within both the street and the sidewalk area. No action can be taken without the permission of the village.

Trustee Pierson:
Met a salesman at the DPW building from the International Truck Co. Jim Malinowski has a tentative plan for a cabin chassis, diesel, automatic transmission, etc. Man coming to look at the other truck with the stainless steel sander, to see if it can be adapted to another vehicle which would save roughly $45,000.00.
DPW men closed the bathrooms in the park, except the small ones, which will be closed when the farmers market is done and the benches will be put away before Halloween.

Trustee Patrick:
Working on getting estimates for the light to be put on the Library building for the flag. Trying to get 3 estimates.
Suggests there be a form made up for questions and concerns about the project and keep in the village office. The clerk will see that it gets to the right person for answers. All members agreed and Mayor Frohne said he would make the form.
Concerned about the Express Mart fines and feels they should be increased. After discussion, was decided to table this issue for a future meeting.

Trustee Kurkowski:
Brian Coones is on jury duty at this time.
Brian and Trustee Kurkowski have been measuring land near the work shed to see if single plots could be sold there.
Also, Trustee Kurkowski offered to speak to Marston Erwin who knows the procedure of hiring prisoners to work on the firehouse. All agreed.

Trustee O’Connor:
Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustees O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk