Friday, November 12, 2010

October 27, 2010

Date: October 27, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustees Kurkowski, Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson present.

Mayor Frohne asked if there were any objections to waiving the reading of the minutes of the October 12, 2010 minutes. No objections.
Motion to approve the Oct. 12, 2010 minutes made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:

Lamont Engineers:
Glen - Contract 1- Paving done on all streets, some driveways done but weather has not been cooperating. Crews are putting gravel on sides of roads, cutting rebates. Spring Park had a low spot, G.DeVincentis will cut out and fix. Topsoil and seed is being done now and redone in the spring. Glenn has asked for the last video tapes and will check them, and then all should be good. The situation on Elm St. (Zurhmuhlan vs Crouch), Jim Malinowski suggested to leave the binder as is. It is sloped away from the next driveway. Some work on Zurmuhlan’s driveway will help with the water problem but not solve it. Manhole 4-6 will be taken care of depending on the contingency amounts available at the end of the project. G. DeVincentis will be responsible to do this, but not until late spring because how wet it is in that area.
Frank- contract #2- Blue Heron sent a schedule with goals and plans but none have been met so far. Concrete floor with automatic bar screen will be poured on 10/28/10. On Tues. 11/2/10, they plan on doing the pump start up at the pump station, reeds have arrived on site, must keep them watered so they don’t die, plan on installing the liner on Mon. 11/1/10.
Change order: 1- relocate water hydrant next to the pretreatment building, $500.00, new angle iron in the SWB room, $800.00, need to order new pump base for sledge pump in reed bed system, $1100.00, credit for the washer and dryer that was not needed, $1000.00. Change order total $1451.97.
Resolution made to approve change order totaling $1451.97 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Change order: 2- Backwash pumps for SWB’s when started up were leaking. Suggested to get new check valves for those, and to get new air leak valves. Estimated cost about $5000.00. Not ordered yet.
Resolution made to approve the order of check valves and air leak valves with an estimated cost of $5000.00 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Frank also stated that Blue Heron asked for a change order for $10,741.00 for extra hours worked on manhole #1 and #2. Franks hours logged were only 2800 and Blue Heron had 10,000 logged. Nick Green said they would send a letter to them regarding the differences.
Contract #3 – is making good progress. Running out of work because of Blue Heron’s delays.
Contract 4 & 5 has only been there 1 day, Nick Green sent an e-mail to them to return, have not been there yet.
Change order #7 - Bronner St. storm sewer work - $38,404.17
Change order #8 – for asphalt increase $3,121.77.
Resolution made to approve the change orders 7 & 8 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.

Nick then presented the updated SPDES contract from Lamont with 50% off of the original price of $27.900.00. The cost would be $13,950.00. But if the cost does exceed the $27,900.00 fee, the village would be charged hourly an additional service based on DEC comments. The deadline is Dec. 1st. 2010. This is a one time report that consists of 5 reports. Mayor Frohne expressed his concern about the cost going over the $13,950.00, and asked that this price be capped. Nick offered to give a 2 week report to the board of the process of these reports and the costs so far. After discussion, it was decided when the amount of $13,950.00 was reached, Lamont will report to the board what is left to be done and how much over the $13,950.00 this will cost the village.
Resolution was made that the contract would be approved with the condition that when the $13,950.00 amount was reached, all work will stop until the board approves further work to be done. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.

Trustee Patrick then asked Nick Green if he had a chance to inquire about the Express Mart situation. Nick has been in touch with Mike Harrington but has not had a chance to talk this over with him yet.

Privilege of the floor: public comments and requests

Cub Scout representative Scott Kessler spoke to the board asking for a second chance for the Cub Scouts to be able to hold their meetings in the village building. Scout Council asked Scott to work with the scouts and work out the problems that have been going on over the past 2 years. They are willing to change their meeting times so as not to interfere with the board meetings. They have set up a check list as to what should be done by each leader before leaving the building, including the lights, the bathroom cleaned, the doors locked, etc.
There are 4 dens that meet once a week, and 2 dens that meet every other week. After discussion, it was agreed that a 30 day trial period would take place and a checklist would be made. Scott will come to the village office to meet with Mayor Frohne and go over the checklist and discuss about the distribution of keys for the building on Thursday, Oct. 28th, 2010 at 4:00pm.
Motion was made to agree to a 30 day probation period for the Cub Scouts to continue their meetings at the village building, if this is violated the Cub Scouts will then need to find a new place to hold there meetings, and by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Clerk asked for the keys to be returned at the end of the season. It was stated that the cub scouts have meetings throughout the summer. The keys will be distributed to only the scout leaders and if a leader leaves, that key will be turned in to the village clerk, not passed on to another leader. Also the keys will be numbered and that will be listed on the sign out sheet for each key.

Frank Chioda asked the board about the building he purchased on E. James St. The ZBA told him he needed to come to the village for approval because it is zoned as industrial. The zoning will not be changed, but what he needs is a special use permit which should be issued from the ZBA.

Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Abstract #10- General Fund- $33,620.78, Water Fund - $1,795.49, Sewer Fund - $4,822.99, Cemetery Fund- $450.00, Trust and Agency - $690.96, Total: $41,380.22.
Motion to approve abstract #10 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Resolution to return all unpaid village taxes back to Otsego Co. by Nov. 5th.
Motion by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Clerk made all trustees aware that Cindy Hall, the deputy clerk/treasurer had quit. Right now would prefer not to hire someone new. Not enough work and Donna and Diane will back each other up. In the event that neither would be able to cover the office, Diane asked the board if Susan Christman could be called in to cover the phones and take in water/sewer payments. She understands it would be a call in basis, and has agreed to do this if available. Motion made to approve Susan Christman to cover the office on a call in basis and pay her $10.00 if she is needed by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk received a letter from Citizens Campaign for the Environment stating they would be canvassing the Village on Mon-Fri between the hours of 1-9pm and selected Sat. between 11-4pm. during the months of October 1st 2010 through February 20th, 2011. This is a non-profit organization.
Diane and Donna have talked to Karena Proctor about cleaning the village building including the village office on a weekly basis. She is very interested in taking on this job. The village attorney will draw up an independent contractor agreement in lieu of insurance. The pay would be $60.00 per week with an extra $20.00 for cleaning the Memorial Room once a month. We do not have a contract with the Genie Services Co. who cleans at the present time. Motion to approve Karena Proctor as the cleaning person for the village building and the village office by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
Express mart - Donna asked the board to approve adding the Env. Lab fee to their water/sewer bill plus their $5.00 adm. fee instead of sending a separate bill. All agreed to this.
Brian Coones asked when he should be done working at the cemetery. He would prefer to work as long as possible, weather permitting. All agreed to this.
Also, Brian had jury duty, law states 20 or more employees, you must pay the first three days to employee, we did that, the 2nd two days they paid him $40.00/day, our codes say we make up the difference. So, approval is needed for this to be put in his paycheck, Motion made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
The rates for the cemetery for grave digging need to be revised. The Catholic Church charges $550.00 and Frank Toth (man that digs the graves) charges $400.00 weekdays and weekends. After discussion, was decided to charge $550.00 for weekdays and weekends. Motion made to change the charge for grave digging to $550.00 for weekdays and weekends not including snow removal if necessary, by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
The chimneys on the Library building were done the way the proposal was written, but no one realized they
would be left black. Donna has gotten an estimate from Dundee Brooke for copper to cover the black; it would cost $6356.00, or musket brown aluminum that would cost $5468.00. The balance left from the grant is $4100.00. So, the cost for the village for the copper would be $2256.00 or the musket brown aluminum would be $1368.00.
Resolution made to approve Dundee Brooke to put copper on the chimney’s for a cost of $6356.00, which would cost the village $2256.00 because of the $4100.00 balance left from the grant, by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Procurement policy was checked by the attorney and he explained we could take the RFP section out without any problems. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowsk and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Masonic Lodge had a water bill last month that totaled $1200.00. They found the leak, Tom S. read the meter and they still had a leak, due to a couple of toilets running. They were using 1000 gals of water a day. The major leak was because the old meter was never taken out, when the new one was put in, and has now rusted out and is leaking. The owner does not feel they are responsible because the old meter was not taken out. It is not the village’s responsibility to remove old meters; therefore, the owner is responsible for paying the total of the bill.
The old bank building, when the water was turned on the meter was not read and the water had been shut off since early 2008. Because the meter was not read, there was an error on the water bill. After discussion, was agreed to issue a minimum bill.
2 Fire contracts have been signed, Town of Warren, and Town of Schuyler Lake. Have not received Town of Richfield yet.

Mayor Frohne:
Village clock- we received a bill for estimate and travel time. This was not authorized by the Mayor or the board. Mayor Frohne called and asked for an estimate but had not received a return call; they just came out from Syracuse and did the estimate. The bill is $456.80. If we decide to have them fix the clock, this payment would be included in the bill. The estimate was for $1252.35. The warranty is for only 1 year. After discussion, it was decided to check around for another company and another estimate. This will be brought up at a future meeting.

Trustee Patrick:
Express mart, will bring back up at next meeting. Was suggested to escalate the penalties until they decide to take care of the problem.
Medical policy- Jessie Van Court has asked about a reimbursement for not taking the village insurance. He is on his wife’s ins.
Resident on Elm St. asked Trustee Patrick about a large tree that is on his property by the road. Was stated it is the homeowner’s responsibility to take the trees down. He also asked about any grants out there to help with this kind of problem.
Light for the flag pole in front of Library bldg. Trustee Patrick has received 2 estimates, Ed Bello, $675.00 and Canadarago Electric, $605.00. After discussion, was decided to put on hold until the next meeting.

Trustee O’Connor:
Building over the pumps at the water plant. In the past we have paid Chuck Furner to do this, Tom and Jim have decided to cut one side off the building and move it back and forth with the backhoe.
Trustee O’Connor expressed his concern about the mess at the sewer plant. Very upsetting how Blue Heron is holding up progress.
The swans from the reservoir need repair. One is leaking badly.

Trustee Kurkowski:
Has been checking on prices for buildings for the cemetery for storing the lawn mowers. Trustee Kurkowski got a price for a 12x16 shed from Yoder’s Quality Sheds for $2485.00, the garage door would be $375.00, the vinyl siding would be $375.00 and ridge vents would be $60.00. These prices are not included in the $2485.00. Total for this shed would be $3295.00. This is a spring project. Donna has also called another company in Oneonta for prices.
Trustee Kurkowski and Brian Coones have measured from the pump house up and there is 393ft to the roadway, for possible mausoleums and cremation plots. Trustee Kurkowski will draw this out and bring to a future meeting.
The fire chief has spoken to Trustee Kurkowski about the condition of the fire house. We will check into the prisoners for doing repairs. Donna has told Tom in the past, that she would help write a grant, but she can’t without a design and input on the cost.

Trustee Pierson:
Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Pierson, Trustees O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk