Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 9, 2010

Date: November 9, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm

Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson

Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells

Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustees Kurkowski, Patrick, O’Connor, present. Trustee Pierson absent
Mayor Frohne asked if there were any objections to waiving the reading of the minutes of the October 27th, 2010 minutes. No objections.
Motion to approve the Oct. 27, 2010 minutes made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.

Special Business:

Lamont Engineers:
Glen – informed the board that he will be overseeing Contracts 1 – 5 from now on.
Contract 1 – All paving is done, including driveways and curbing.
G. DeVincentis had asked for $107,000.00 for a change order due to the conflict from the sewer laterals and the water surface lines they put in. Glen put together a spread sheet and Chris Yakabuci has reworked the hours and has come up with an amount between $15,000.00 and $17,000.00. Lamont is still working on this and will be in touch with G. DeVincentis. The restoration work is done throughout the village now until spring when the planting can take place again.
Contract 2 – still working on the clarifier building, contractor has new carpenters, work is moving along but the weather has slowed them down this past week. The pre-treatment building will have one more pour of concrete in the channel; hopefully will be done on Thursday, Nov. 11th. This has to set for 4-7 days, then the by pass pumps will be shut down and will be able to use the pre-treatment building again. The bar screen will be put in by the end of the week. The reed bed liner will be installed Nov. 10th, & 11th. Glen has spoken to Scott Davis, the reed guy; he will come to the plant after the liner is installed to make sure it is correct. Once the layers of stone and sand is down, Scott Davis will be back to plant the reeds.
Contract 3 – contractors not on site due to Blue Heron holding up the work.
Contract 4&5 – the toilet has been installed; contractors are working on how to vent the heaters properly.
Trustee Patrick asked Glen about the 11/2 in. lift at the Crouch area on Elm St. He is concerned about this causing injury to someone on a bicycle or walking. Glen said he will talk to Steve about it.
Trustee O’Connor expressed his concern about the condition of the WWTP grounds. Everything is just left laying everywhere and if we got a snowstorm the guys would have no place to plow. He stated he would like to see it cleaned up. Glen said he would speak to the contractors and get them cleaning up the area.

Tom Hallock- Fire Chief
Passed out paperwork from 10 years ago that listed recommendations of what should be done to the fire house.
Tom also informed the board that the inside of the fire house is being painted.
Passed out a list of all members of the fire dept. Motion to approve all members on the list as firemen made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Passed out log of calls for month of Oct. 2010.
Passed out report on annual inspection done on the ladder truck.
Also informed the board that the grant that was applied for to purchase a new ambulance was denied.
VRS finished making minor repairs to trucks and all trucks will go to annual inspection at Skinners except the ladder truck which will go to Carl Burdick’s because of the size.
There are 4 new EMS members.
Tom found a company in Millers Mills who will do the stick on signs required for the trucks that says “Danger-crush hazard”.
Tom has found an organization that gives small amounts of money to non-profit groups so they can use the RUHF radio systems to rescue truck and that will send it to the low bands.

Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Abstract #11- General Fund- $28,626.84, Water Fund - $3,549.03, Sewer Fund - $12,203.23, Cemetery Fund-
$201.67, Trust and Agency - $64.96, Capitol Projects - $711,864.48, Total: $756,510.21.
Motion to approve abstract #11 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Correction made on abstract #10, General Fund s/b $33,611.18, not $33,620.78.
Clerks report for month of October, 2010: money taken in was $3.50. Check given to treasurer for $3.50.
Clerk also reported the unpaid taxes were returned to the Otsego Co. Treasurer’s office and a final check was given to the treasurer for $6814.77, leaving a balance of $5.00 in the tax checking account.
Clerk spoke to Theresa Oakes and the Xmas tree lighting ceremony will be on Nov. 28th, 2010 at 6:00pm. in Spring Park. She invited all Board of Trustee members and Mayor Frohne to attend.
In observance of Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11th, 2010, the Village Office will be closed, as well as the Library.
Clerk asked the board if she could close the office on Friday, Nov. 26th, 2010, the day after Thanksgiving. The village workers do not work on this day and the Library is also closed. All members were in agreement.
Clerk asked to have Suzanne Christman appointed as temporary Deputy Clerk/Treasurer if a time comes that Diane and Donna can’t be at the office, so the office does not have to be closed. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk asked about the regular meeting that is scheduled for Thanksgiving Eve, if it should be changed or not. After discussion, it was decided to leave it as is and hope for a short meeting.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
Donna informed the board that payroll will be done one day early 3 weeks in November 2010.
The expense and revenue reports along with the balance sheets for the month of Oct. 2010 were handed out to each member. The bank reconciliations for Oct. 2010, were presented at the meeting, any quest ions see Treasurer.
The CHIPS paperwork was filed on time therefore the money should be to the village around Dec. 15, 2010.
Varik- account # 62400 - outside user of village water/sewer. They are apparently using their own well water. DOH says they must install a check valve so their well water does not flow back into the village system and they need to install a water meter on their water line so we can bill for the sewer at their expense, If they refuse to do so, their water should be shut off at the curb. Also, the village can set a sewer fee per month based on prior usage. Or if they wish, they can do their own septic system and get off the village sewer system all together.
After discussion, it was decided a letter will be written and they will be given 2 weeks to do what is requested and Tom Shypski will do an inspection when done. If they decide to stay with the village sewer, a flat fee of $75.00 was agreed on to be charged. Motion was made to approve the charge of $75.00 until a meter and a check valve is put on and an inspection has been done by Tom Shypski, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Transfers to be done: NYS Retirement payments, 1) transfer for General Fund, from A1990.4 to Contingent $3,236.00, to A9010.8, 2) transfer for Sewer Fund from G8130.4 Sewage Treatment/Disp. $1,690.00 to G9010.8, 3) transfer fro Water Fund from FX8397.2 Capital Expenditures $909.00 to FX9010.8. Also increase Line Item A1620.21 to reflect the amended budget amount of $125,000.00.
Resolution to approve the transfers and increase the line item made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
A Federal inspector will be in on Nov.16, 2010 to go over records and inspect the WWTP project. Also a contractors meeting will take place that same day.
Donna also passed out the profit and loss budget report and the balance sheet.

Mayor Frohne:
Step 1 in working on a solution to the dog control problem. Mayor stopped at the Herkimer Co. SPCA for information on contracting with the village for stray dogs. As of new year, the SPCA will bill dog owner for the whole cost. If the dog is there for 5 days, the total bill will be $100.00. When the dog is taken there and the owner picks up the dog, he/she is responsible for paying $100.00. If no one claims the dog, the village pays. After discussion, was agreed to speak with the attorney and work out a contract for individual contractor for dog control person. Then the next step would be to start with interviewing possible prospects for the job.
Also, Mayor and Clerk are still working on finding another company that works on tower clocks.

Trustee Kurkowski:
Expressed his concern about letting snowmobiles on the village streets that have just had new blacktop put down. He was told that the cleats in the tracks of the sleds will chew up the blacktop. He suggested for the village to consider not allowing the snowmobiles on the streets for a year. Center St. is the only street in the village that has not had new blacktop put down. Also this brings up the problem of people blocking the sidewalks so snowmobiles can not travel on them. This causes a hazard which could turn into an insurance issue. A discussion took place to look into hiring someone who can patrol the village streets such as a constable or peace officer. Further discussion and research on this concern will be done. Trustee O’Connor suggested the Village Board invite the snowmobile club officers to come to the Dec. 14th, 2010 meeting to discuss the problems.

Trustee O’Connor:
Nothing at this time.

Trustee Patrick:
Jessie Van Court-- Employee Health Care Plan Opt-Out discussion 11/9/2010:
Single cost $422.24/mo.- cost for 12 mos. $5066.88.
1) 25% will be $1,266.72 – 78.54 SS, - 17.73 Medicare, Cost to village $1,362.99, Savings $3,703.89.
2) 33% will be $1,672.08 – 103.67 SS -23.41 Medicare, Cost to village $1,799.16, Savings $3,267.72.
3) 50% will be $2,533.44 -157.07 SS, - 35.47 Medicare, Cost to village $2,725.98, Savings $2,340.90.
After discussion, was decided to approve the 25% to Jessie Van Court for opting out of medical ins.
Resolution made to pay Jessie Van Court 25% of the medical ins. plan, not to be retroactive, on a weekly basis, providing he has proof of being covered by another medical insurance plan and has signed the village opt out form, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Light on flag pole – estimate from Ed Bello, $675.00 which includes the light being installed on back of sign near flag pole, excavating and wiring pushed under sidewalk and materials. A second estimate was received from Canadarago Electric LLC, which was for $410.00, plus $195.00 for the 3 lights, total $605.00. This would have the light on a mighty pole fixture holder. After discussion, everyone agreed they would prefer the light on the back of the sign. Trustee Patrick called Matt Dawson, Canadarago Electric and asked if he would be digging the trench or the village. He said he would dig it.
Motion made to accept Canadarago Electric LLC to mount the light on the back of the sign in front of the village building for $605.00, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Trustee Patrick will talk to Matt Dawson, Canadarago Electric LLC.
Express Mart, Nick Green is talking to the Village Attorney about this issue.
Trustee Pierson: Absent

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd.by Trustee Patrick, Trustees O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk