Date: September 29, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustees Kurkowski, Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson present.
No minutes passed at this meeting.
Property Maintenance: Doug Bordinger
031- 9/9/10 - 27 Elm St. – rubbish/debris – cleaned up
032- 9/9/10 - 6-8 Park St. – rubbish/debris – cleaned up
033- 9/9/10 – 26 W. James St. – overgrowth – mowed
034- 9/16/10 – 11 Church St. – rubbish/debris – letter sent to wrong address, resent on 9/27/2010.
Special Business:
Tom Hallock – Fire Chief – Truck that was repaired needs more work done on it. Now the tank is leaking, 1000 gal. tank is leaking 250-300 gals. per wk. After discussion, was decided the firemen will try to fix it, if they can’t they will have to get it repaired. There are 3 guys taking a pumper class now. The ambulance needs 2 new tires for front of ambulance. Will go to Chuck Furner’s for the tires, mounting and balancing. Will be approximately $500.00. Motion was made to approve purchase of 2 front tires for ambulance by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Tom was told by Father Bartle that when the time comes for work to be done on the fire dept. building, the prisoners will do the work for materials and meals, no labor would be charged. Tom then passed out a letter from Charles Osterhoudt, President of the Fire Dept. that stated that as previously decided by the Village Board, the Equipment Account is allocated for the Fire Dept only, and is used for the purchase of large equipment when needed.. The money allocated for the equipment is not to be withdrawn for any reason without the written consent of the Richfield Springs, Fire Dept. The account in question is the reserve account.
Lamont Engineers:
Glen - Contract 1- Binder in the trenches, almost done. The paving crew has a job in Pa. for 3 days, and then will be back here and the paving should take 1-2 weeks to do, then the restoration will be done. A final bill was received for the Bronner St. storm sewer that was done. Amount was $45,000.00(a little over). Nick, Chris and Glen re-worked the bill and brought the bill down to $37,412.00. At this time, Glen has not spoken to anyone at DeVincentis about this bill. A change order for $107,000.00 was requested from DeVincentis because of lost time when putting in laterals due to the water lines near the laterals. The letter received July 28, 2010 stated approximately 70-75% of the laterals were in conflict with the existing water lines. Then the change order request was cut down to 36 lines. Glen is working on a spread sheet to work this out. To re-do the line from manhole 4 to manhole 6 estimated cost would be $69,742.00 for 550 ft. An adjustment might be made for the amount of topsoil, 200 cubic yards of topsoil at 55.00 per yard, total of $11,000.00. This amount is probably high. When the final video taping is done on the main lines, Glen wants the line from manhole 4 to manhole 5 to be found, if possible. On Sept. 28th, 2010, the binder was started on Lake St. the add alternates states that all village streets get a full width overlay. The construction crew will do a full width overlay on Lake St. past the village line which is county road. Therefore, the cost to correct this error will be $3000.00. There is $116,336.00 in contract #1.
Frank- contract #2-The plant renovations are progressing better. Blue Heron has gotten the clarifier building frames up and tresses on, roof should be on soon. Pre-treatment bldg. replacing all valves, and wet well, installing pumps, by pass up and running for two weeks now. Began reed bed, required fill in. forced main pipes in, liner, stone sand and plants, should be completed in 3 weeks. Sweet water boy started up in plant. Contractor ordered 80 ft. of stainless steel pipe, when came in it was stamped made in Taiwan. Per the buy America agreement form that they signed, everything was suppose to be American made. Contractor was asked to replace with American made, which has not happened. Then the contractor contacted EFC, and tried to get under the 5% clause. That is 5% of total cost. EFC says it is the village’s decision as to whether they use foreign or stay with American made. After discussion, was decided to stay with American made product. Motion to use American made stainless steel pipe made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Change orders for contract #2- more sludge than expected, had to pump over to storage basin, cost $4500.00, includes premium had to pay at treatment plant.
Change order for main line replacement, problems found that were not on plans, requesting 36 hrs, after reviewing notes, Frank found 11 hrs.
Contract #3- working off the $10,000.00 cap for clarifier bldg. Had a small problem when the backwash pumps were started, the control room filled with smoke, the starter was hooked up wrong and fried, this was replaced with new starter by the contractor, at no cost to the village.
Contract #4&5- plumbing and heating, started, few things to work out, such as heater vents, now exhaust is through roof vents, must be run through the concrete deck and vented outside. The new heaters have 4in. ventilation, and the existing heater has 3in.
SWB’s require pneumatic valves that run by the compressor which causes condensation. The WWTP needs an air dryer. Chris will get prices and the village will buy up front and then be put into the project. Motion was made to approve the purchase of the air dryer up to $1600.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Nick- Lamont has an on demand gas water heater at the office and is giving it to the WWTP.
Privilege of the floor: public comments and requests:
Kurt Zurmuhlan, 14 Elm St., asked who is responsible for the sidewalks to be replaced. His neighbor had the contractor put in binder over an area which measures out 6 ft. and 77ft. long in front, and now the water runs off into Mr. Zurmuhlan’s driveway and front yard causing flooding. Glen stated that the owner told him he gave the contractor, G. DeVincentis, money to pay for this. Glen knew nothing about this until that time. Mayor Frohne will check with the attorney about this issue and as to who is responsible for area between the sidewalk and the road.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison asked about an adjustment to be made to his sewer bill because he power washed his house. After discussion, motion was made to approve credit to Mr. Harrison for this one time to his sewer bill by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Abstract #08- General Fund- $31,017.53, Water Fund - $1,097.46, Sewer Fund - $10,715.12, Cemetery Fund- $50.00, Trust and Agency - $975.40, Total: $43,855.51.
Motion to approve abstract #08 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Correction on Abstract #07- General Fund s/b $10,992.79, Water fund s/b $11,900.54 and the total s/b $617,190.15.
Clerk passed out the monthly report from Jim Malinowski for DPW and the water report from Tom Shypski, concerning the drinking water taste and odor issue. Chris Butler’s report would be the same as Lamont.
The Vet’s Club has requested permission from the Village Board to renew their Liquor License. Motion to approve the Liquor License for the Vet’s Club and to waive the 30 day notification established by the NYS Liquor Authority. made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowsk and Mayor Frohne voted yes
There has been a problem for quite some time now with the Cub Scouts holding their meetings in the Village building. The lights are left on, the bathroom is being left a “mess”, the scouts are running around the halls yelling and screaming rather than being in the meeting room. Donna and I both have approached the individual leaders, to no avail. I have made several phone calls to Roland Miner, the Boy Scout leader explaining the problems. He has been very understanding and been trying to work out some sort of solution. I wrote the individual Cub Scout leaders, with the Mayor’s approval, a letter on July 14th, 2010, asking them to return the keys to the building and then they would be signed out again in Sept. when the meetings started up again. Not one of these 4 people acknowledged the letter. On Sept. 28th, 2010 a group came in at 3:00 pm. to have a Cub Scout meeting and it was a disaster. Bathroom was left with papers all over floor and the toilet had urine all over them, and they were running and yelling in the halls. Mayor Frohne spoke to the leader to clean the toilet, and then called Roland Miner. After discussion, with Roland Miner, Mayor Frohne was asked to write a letter to the Boy Scout Pack explaining the Cub Scouts need to find a new place to hold their meetings. Mayor Frohne agreed to this. I reminded Mayor Frohne that there are 4 keys to the building out there that need to be returned. After discussion with the board members, they were in agreement that it is time for the Cub Scouts to find a new meeting place.
October 11th. 2010 is Columbus Day, a National Holiday; the village office will be closed.
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Restore NY Grant 2007 – Village board and Jerry Buck agreed for JGB to apply for grant to tear down buildings and put up moderate or low income housing. Nothing has transpired. Economic Development called and wanted to close it out. JGB is not going to do anything about it. It is now closed out. Amount of grant was $500,000.00.
Procurement policy, State Auditor asked for RFP. Donna asked to have this amended to be taken out of Procurement policy. After discussion, clerk was asked to make copies for all Trustees’ and this will be discussed further at next meeting.
Donna reported stocks were sold, $16,785.37 made.
Passed out balance sheet for Cemetery as of Sept. 2010 and the Profit & Loss by Class report from June 1 – Sept. 29, 2010.
Mayor Frohne:
Nothing at this time.
Trustee Patrick:
Discussion about who owns the property from the edge of road to edge of sidewalk.
Will speak to Ed Bello about putting a light up on front of Library bldg. to shine on flag at night.
Trustee Kurkowski:
In Lakeview Cemetery, from the workhouse up, would be a perfect spot for Mausoleum’s to be sold. Trustee Kurkowski spoke to Brian Coones and they would like to measure off this area before winter.
Also, the storage building for the lawn tractor and equipment needs to be enlarged. Brian would like to have a gas powered generator and a pump so he can pump water out of stream to wash the equipment. After discussion, it was decided to get prices for a 15 ft. addition to the building.
Trustee O’Connor:
Nothing at this time.
Trustee Pierson:
Spoke to Jim Malinowski, would like to get rid of the two DPW trucks that they have now, because of the high repair bills, and get a truck that can be used year round. After discussion, was decided Trustee Pierson will speak to Jim to put together a list of what he would want for a new truck, and to start checking prices.
Trustee Pierson would like to make a Local Law for any outside property owner to have a local person take care of property maintenance. Mayor Frohne will check with village attorney and check into this.
Donna reported there has been a complaint about the front doors to the library bldg. They need to be sanded and varnished. This will be a job for spring time.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustees O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk