Thursday, April 30, 2015

March 25, 2015


March 25, 2015 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Ray Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier, Trustee Frances Hazelton, and Trustee Warren Leonard.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk & Harriett Geywits, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chris Butler, WWTP Operator, reported the discolored water for the last week is a result of hydrants needing to be flushed. Chris said Tom Shypski also checked out the WTP and found nothing to contribute to the issue.  Chris confirms the water is potable and both he and Douglas Bordinger have been addressing the concerns of the residents.  

Motion to approve minutes from 3/10/2015 by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Leonard – all voted yes.

Motion to approve minutes from 3/18/2015 by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

Ø  Abstract #20 Funds: General $7602.92, Water $1832.95, Sewer $5850.51, Cemetery $99.19, Trust & Agency $82.64; total: $15,468.21. Motion to approve Abstract #20 by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Leonard – all voted yes.
Ø  Frances Hazelton won the vote for one of the two Trustee seats open at the Village Annual Election held March 17th. The second seat resulted in tie votes between Duane Pierson and Donna Walsh. Therefore, a Run-Off Election must be conducted by the Village Board pursuant to NY Election Law §15-126. Motion by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Moshier, with all members in favor, to hold such Election on Tuesday, March 31st in the Library Memorial Room from 12noon to 6pm. A public drawing conducted by Village Clerk will reflect the order of the candidate names to appear on the ballot.
Ø  Motion to levy unpaid water/sewer bills with outstanding charges in excess of $60 to respective 2015-16 property tax bills and to include $100 administrative fee by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
Ø  Motion to approve bandstand use with no additional charge for Lions Club Car Show and the Jack Clark Summer Car Cruise-In Spring Park applications by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
Ø  Motion to amend Organizational Meeting start time to 5pm on April 6th by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
Ø  February 2015 CPC Meeting Minutes filed in office.

Treasurer notes, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet distributed.
Motion to approve the following transfers by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes:

                $4100 from A1620.2 Buildings Cap Expense to A1325.4 Treasurer Contractual               
$155.02 fromA3410.413 Diesel Fuel Other to A3410.4 Fire Dept Contractual Other
                $1936.69 from A5130.2 Equipment Cap Expense to A5130.4 Machinery Contractual
$37.76 from G8130.4 Sewage Treatment/Disp to G9089.8 Other Employee Benefits
$481.07 from A1680.4 Computer Contractual to A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance
$39.06 from A1680.4 Computer Contractual to A5110.4 General Repairs Contractual
$37.76 from G8140.4 Storm Drains Contractual to G9089.8 Other Employee Benefits


WHEREAS, the Village is custodian of a gift from the Proctor Family entitled ENLISTMENT ROLL: WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-65 dedicated to honor area residents that enlisted to serve in the War Between the States from 1861 to 1865; and

WHEREAS, the piece has been on display at the Richfield Springs Historic Association Museum, currently located at 134 Main Street, since October 2014 in recognition of the nationwide commemoration of that War; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Richfield Springs does not have its own suitable place of honor to exhibit such a historic treasure; and

WHEREAS, the Richfield Springs Historic Association Museum will accord this artifact due and proper display and facilitate viewing of it by the people of this Village, especially the students of Richfield Springs Central School;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the artifact entitled ENLISTMENT ROLL; WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-65 will be indefinitely loaned to the Richfield Springs Historical Association Museum until such time as the Village of Richfield Board of Trustees shall declare otherwise; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the artifact entitled ENLISTMENT ROLL; WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-65 shall not be removed from the Museum without the express authorization of the Village of Richfield Springs Board of Trustees.

Motion to adopt resolution by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.


WHEREAS, the Village Board has requested the Village Attorney to draft a proposed Local Law amending Village Code §275-12 A. (2); and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this Resolution does hereby introduce the proposed local law entitled: “A Local Law Amending Chapter 275, Entitled ‘Zoning’ of the Code of the Village of Richfield Springs to Allow for Convenience Stores with Fuel Pumps in the B-1 Business District” which regulations shall apply to all B-1 and B-2 Districts.

Motion to adopt resolution by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Leonard – all voted yes.

Trustee Hazelton formally thanked Trustee Patrick for his years of serving as Village Trustee.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:50pm by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk