Wednesday, March 11, 2015

February 25, 2015


February 25, 2015 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Ray Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier, Trustee Frances Hazelton, and Trustee Warren Leonard.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk & Harriett Geywits, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

Meeting called to order at 6:02pm by Mayor Frohne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chris Butler, WWTP Operator, informed the Board Doug Bordinger passed his test with NYRWA.

Motion to approve minutes from 2/10/2015 by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

Ø  Abstract #18 Funds: General $7873.28, Water $9270.75, Sewer $8437.99, Trust & Agency $82.64; total: $25,664.66. Motion to approve Abstract #18 by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes except Trustee Patrick, who abstained.
Ø  Motion to amend voucher 398 in Abstract 17 line item from A1320.4 to A1325.4 by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Leonard– all voted yes.
Ø  Motion to approve Fire Department’s traffic control participation in the Community Center’s Run & Walk this year by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
Ø  Motion to approve Spring Park use by Farmer’s Market as stipulated in email and remains the same as previous years by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
Ø  Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting minutes from 1/2015 filed in office.
Ø  Treasurer’s notes, Profit & Loss, and Balance Sheet distributed to Board members.

Motion to approve the following transfers by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Leonard – all voted yes.

$300 from A3410.4131 Kerosene to A3410.4 FD Contractual
$200 from A5130.2 Equipment Capital Expense to A5130.4 Contractual

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer – Harriett Geywits

Ø  Reported on Lamont Engineer’s progress thus far for the Fountain repair.

Mayor Frohne – Met with Richfield Town Supervisor Fran Enjem and Chief Executive Officer of Otsego County IDA Sandy Mathes to discuss the proposed future business park. The Board is invited to attend related meetings during the planning stages. Mayor also talked with Christine Corrigan, President of the Chamber of Commerce, who shared ideas of getting businesses to occupy the many vacant commercial buildings. Discussed the Budget plan.

Trustee Hazelton – Gave status on proposed zoning amendment. Attorney Merzig will draft the proposed legislation striking out ‘filling stations’ from §275-13 B-2 District definition in Village Code, as agreed by the Board.

Trustee Moshier – Asked about Library Board member appointments.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:34pm by Trustee Leonard, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk