April 9, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.
Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier, and Trustee Frances Hazelton. Not present - Trustee Duane Pierson.
Appointed Officers - Clerk – Dayle A. Barra Treasurer – Donna Wells
Public Hearing on Tentative Budget called to order at 6pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adjourn Public Hearing at 6:01 made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick- all voted yes. Motion carried.
Resolution to approve the 2% water/sewer rate increase made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
Resolution to Adopt the 2013-2014 Budget made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
Motion to waive the reading and to approve the March 27, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick. Trustees Patrick, Moshier, and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Trustee Hazelton abstained. Motion carried.
Motion to waive the reading and to approve the April 1, 2013 Organizational Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick. Trustees Patrick, Moshier, Hazelton and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.
Zoning Enforcement Officer – David Maury did not attend this meeting.
Dog Control Officer – Mark Yerdon reported a few calls received, one of which was a stray pit bull at large that he was able to approach and taken to the Herkimer Humane Society. There was a complaint about a property overrun with dog feces on the corner of Lake and Canadarago Street. Mark went over there and confirmed to the Board its severity. The Board will instruct the ZEO to commence action to remedy this situation.
Clerk – Dayle Barra
► Abstract #20 Funds: General $8075.80, Water $2276.89, Sewer $5244.51, Cemetery $100.00; Total: $15,697.20. Motion to approve Abstract #20 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier - all voted yes.
► Motion for Trustee Hazelton to attend NYCOM workshop April 19th made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
► The Clerk gave the Board a copy of Judge Brykailo’s resignation letter.
► Motion to appoint Thomas Hallock as Fire Chief, Douglas Brooks as 1st Assistant Chief, and Mark Elderkin as 2nd Assistant Chief made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
► Clerk reported the Garden Club will have their annual Plant Sale June 1st at the Library and the Boy Scout bottle drive on April 27th.
Treasurer – Donna Wells
► Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet distributed
► Resolution to levy all outstanding water/sewer fees on respective 2014 property tax bills along with $100.00 administrative charges made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
► Resolution to approve wage increases as well as a .20/hour increase Cemetery Sexton made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
► Resolution to approve the requirement of blue stone for cemetery foundations made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
► Resolution to approve the following transfers made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
From A3410.2 Fire Department Capital Fund Exp.
To A3410.4 FD Contractual $1000.00
From A1210.4 Mayor Contractual
To A1010.4 Trustee Contractual $150.00
From FX8340.1 Water Tran/Dist $66.69
To FX8340.4 Water Contractual $64.75 and
To FX9065.8 Medicare $1.94
Mayor Frohne – Gave an update to the Board on Trustee Pierson’s recuperation. The Board requests copies of any licenses (including Motor Vehicle) and or certifications/re-certifications as required by law for their prospective departments to become part of their personnel file maintained at the Village Office.
Trustee Patrick – Would like each department to submit a monthly report including training status to the Board by the first meeting on Tuesdays for review. He will also be checking timecards for adherence to previously mandated training hours for Doug Bordinger. The lack of communication between the Water Department and the Village Office is becoming a concern lately and this matter will be discussed.
Trustee Moshier – Informed the Board of a complaint of a junk vehicle at 63 Main Street. The ZEO will be instructed to check it out and report his findings.
Motion to go into an Executive Session for Personnel matters at 6:57pm made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. Motion to adjourn Executive Session at 8:00pm made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8pm made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk