Wednesday, December 11, 2013

November 19, 2013


November 19, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 5:02pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton. Trustee Duane Pierson not present.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk        Donna Wells, Treasurer

Motion to continue Medicare Health Insurance coverage with individual plan options and cap village contribution at $160.00 per month made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes except Trustee Patrick, who voted no.

Zoning Enforcement Officer – Keith Sterling, reported on property on Warren Street that lacks off-street parking and property owner John Morris asks that the Board give him ample time to remedy the situation. The Board will give him until June 1st to put a driveway in. Keith reported on updates, as well.

Fire Chief – Tom Hallock, discussed purchase options for high-frequency radio equipment.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #12 Funds: General $60,102.05, Water $38,016.46, Sewer $13,723.68, Cemetery $19.00, Trust & Agency $165.28; Total: $112,026.47. Motion to approve Abstract #12 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. Motion carried. Motion to approve amending abstract #11 reducing the summary total by $505.80 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. Motion carried.
     The ZBA did not give a favorable recommendation to the Village Board for Luisa Fuentas allowing her to harbor dogs in excess of the Village Code limit of two.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Motion to approve the following transfer made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes. $1467.63 from A1990.4 Contingent Acct toA1910.4 Unallocated Insurance Account; and increase A3410.4 by $6970.34 for insurance recovery for Mack Fire Truck accident.

Mayor Frohne – Motion to close the Village Office on Friday, November 28th made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Trustee Patrick – Wants to focus on measures to reduce oil and grease levels for Express Mart.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:45pm made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

November 12, 2013


November 12, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:12pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk      Donna Wells, Treasurer

Keith Sterling, ZEO submitted to the Board overnight street parking issues and follow-up for discussion.

            WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Richfield Springs held a meeting at the Public Library Memorial Room on the 12th day of November 2013; and

            WHEREAS, the Village Board voted at that meeting to temporarily amend Village Code §250-6A & C; and

            NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Board of the Village of Richfield Springs, Otsego County, New York as follows:

            1. The Code §250-6A & C shall read as follows: Vehicles may park on the street outside the line of traffic in that area on the south end of River Street where the width of the pavement has been widened beyond the traffic path. Vehicles may not park on the sidewalk.

            2. Amending Code §250-6A & C shall only be in effect from this date until further notice.

ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 2013 at the meeting of the Village Board of Richfield Springs by motion of Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes except Trustee Patrick, who voted no.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the October 30th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes except Trustee Pierson; who abstained.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #11 Funds: General $85,454.77, Water $1479.13, Sewer $6666.71, Cemetery $202.50; Total: $93,803.11. Motion to approve Abstract #11 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes. Motion carried.  Motion to approve amendment to Abstract #10 decreasing summary total by $82.94 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
     Pursuant to N.Y. RPT. LAW § 1436, motion to approve the unpaid 2013-14 property taxes returned to the Otsego County Treasurer’s office on 11/6/2013  totaling $65,153.36 consisting of 71 parcels is a true and correct total made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
     Clerk’s Report / Fire Department report given.
     The Village Clock is now illuminated, courtesy of Mr. Larry Jouben.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Motion to approve the following transfer made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier –    all voted yes.
            $20,000.00 from A9950.0 DPW Cap Res & $1490.00 from A1990.4 Contingent Acct, to:
            A5130.2 for the leaf vacuum; and
            $1500.00 from A1990.4 Contingent Acct to A5020.4 Engineering
            Appropriate $56,287.50 General Fund balance to A5410.2 Sidewalk project

     Motion to declare old leaf vacuum scrap made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
     Motion to approve the credit of $80.12 to water sewer account #6900 and $53.26 to #28400 due to a computer glitch and waive the $20.00 shut of fee to #26600 for miscommunication made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Appointed Peter Brykailo, Jr. in the office of Village Justice effective 12:00am November 1, 2013. Mayor Frohne shared ideas for interdepartmental coordination/restructure.

Trustee Pierson – Motion to approve a ‘Dead End No Outlet’ sign at the East end of James Street made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Trustee Moshier – Also shared ideas for a 5-year plan for the Village.

Trustee Hazelton – The Referenda on October 15th reflected a vote of 288 not in favor of dissolution and 48 in favor. 

Motion to go into an Executive Session for Personnel reasons at 8:07pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:40pm made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Motion to offer William Collins DPW Superintendent in Training position and, should he decline the offer, it will be offered to applicant Mr. Acker made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:41pm made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

October 30, 2013


October 30, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton. Not present – Trustee Duane Pierson.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk  and  Donna Wells, Treasurer

Property Maintenance Hearing

Zoning Enforcement Officer – Keith Sterling, submitted to the Board a list which included 4 property owners who were sent property maintenance violation notices per Village Code §207-5, yet failed to rectify yet are not present to be heard before the Board. Motion to declare properties a public nuisance and authorize immediate remediation pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Mr. Sterling also gave follow-up status of previous issues to the Board. Trustee Patrick asked Mr. Sterling to notify the County of tenants occupying a storage building unit on James Street.

Motion to approve ZEO to attend the ‘Zoning and Planning Case Law’ briefing in Cooperstown November 12th with mileage reimbursement made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Fire Chief – Tom Hallock gave handouts to the Board for review. Motion for Kraft power to fix the FD generator as quoted made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Trustee Hazelton commended the Fire Chief on their open house fundraiser.

Garden Club – Diane Jouben, Barbara Crandall, and Susan Street informed the Board Brian Boss will do some landscaping to help with drainage issues along the building. The Board would like an update when plans are devised.

Luisa Fuentes requests the Board give her a Special Permit to harbor more than two dogs as outlined in Village Code 139-4. As per code, her request should be in writing and forwarded to the ZBA for possible recommendation to proceed to the Village Board for such Permit.

ZBA members, Bob Moshier and Robert Hazelton, informed the Board they will meet only when necessary in the next coming months.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the October 8th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick.  Trustees Moshier, Patrick, Hazelton, and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #10 Funds: General $13,297.61, Water $2029.59, Sewer $6933.14, Cemetery $121.17;       Total: $22,588.11. Motion to approve Abstract #10 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee       Moshier – all voted yes. Motion carried. Abstract #9 adjustment made in the amount of $-5.80.
     Motion to return any unpaid property taxes to the County no later than November 8, 2013       made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
     The Board will hold regular meetings in November, and only one meeting in December on the 10th.
     The Rotary will sponsor the ‘Christmas Lighting Ceremony’ in the Park 12/1 at 6pm.
     The Lions Club ‘Santa in the Park’ is 12/14 11-1pm.  

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Profit & Loss and Balance sheet distributed.
     Motion to approve the following transfer made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier –    all voted yes.
            $1742.40 from A1990.4 Contingent Account, to:
            A5410.2 Sidewalk Capital Expense $830.00; and A1420.4 Atty Contractual $912.40
     Motion to approve the Leaf Vacuum expenditure $21,249.00 made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Gave an update on school crossing safety plan.

WHEREAS, the Village of Richfield Springs, with assistance from the H2O Partners, Inc., has gathered information and prepared the Otsego County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Otsego County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Richfield Springs is a local unit of government that has afforded the citizens an opportunity to comment and provide input in the Plan and the actions in the Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Richfield Springs has reviewed the Plan and affirms the Plan will be updated no less than every five years;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of Richfield Springs that the Village of Richfield Springs adopts the Otsego County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan as this jurisdiction’s All Hazard Mitigation Plan, and resolves to execute the actions in the Plan.

ADOPTED this 30th day of October, 2013 at the meeting of the Village Board of Richfield Springs by motion of Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Trustee Moshier – Shared with the Board information from the Canadarago Lake Watershed Partnership and whether to resume gathering quotes for the Park sign upgrade.

Trustee Hazelton – Asked about status of the petition filed. 

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:41pm made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

Friday, November 1, 2013

October 8, 2013


 October 8, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:02pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk  and  Donna Wells, Treasurer

 Property Maintenance Hearing

Zoning Enforcement Officer – Keith Sterling, submitted to the Board a list which included 7 properties in violation of Village Code §207-5 that were sent notices and ordered to remedy yet failed to do so who are not present to be heard. Motion to declare properties a public nuisance and authorize remediation pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

A notice to remedy was sent to Mr. Erwin on a Lakeview Avenue vacant parcel which never was regularly mowed in the past and asked the Board for permission to leave the plot as-is without violating code. This is the same situation for several properties in the Village and the Board agreed to allow him an extension through the rest of this season while they look into how to manage these properties.

Mr. Hibar spoke on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Rapenski from Sylvan Street whose property remains too wet to mow in certain areas because of poor drainage. The Board asked that it simply be mowed when the opportunity allows it.

Mr. Sterling also reported vandalism on a property that he will alert the property owner of and the Board requested Jim to look into marking it with pylons for safety reasons.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the September 25th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier.  Trustees Moshier, Patrick, Hazelton, Pierson and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #09 Funds: General $5092.19, Water $2965.45, Sewer $5235.00, Cemetery $215.87; Total: $13,508.51.              Motion to approve Abstract #09 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes. Motion            carried.
     Clerk’s report and property tax report given to Board members.
     Judge Brykailo gave written notice of his resignation effective October 31st.
     County Speed Trailer request submitted for School Crossing zone.
     Fire Department Report distributed.
     Motion to appoint Ann Owens as Election Inspector for Special Election on 10/15 at $10/hr made by Trustee         Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
     Distributed information from County regarding new SEQRA forms effective this month.
     July 2013 Library Board minutes to be distributed.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Tisdale Trust fund transferred to Cooperstown Bank for five years yielding higher interest at 1.5 %.

Mayor Frohne – Will contact the Town of Richfield to coordinate filling the Justice position.

 Mr. Ferguson reports traffic and safety issues during School Crossing hours. Discussion ensued. Motion made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier to send a letter of support to Region 9 DOT Representative expressing said community traffic safety concerns on behalf of the Village Board members jointly with the RSCS Board and Administrators – all voted yes.

Discussed the upcoming dissolution vote and the recent Petition filed by Maple Development and their attorneys.

The Mayor wants to continue to advertise for a DPW Superintendent Trainee to include local media and resources.

Trustee Patrick – Expressed his desire to better utilize employees to assist DPW.

Trustee Hazelton – Asked whether Mr. Chiodo was contacted by the ZEO concerning the E. James Street apartments. The Mayor will follow up with this. 

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:45pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

Thursday, October 10, 2013

September 25, 2013


September 25, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk and Donna Wells, Treasurer

Raisa Girshin requested the Board to repair damage to her sewer line that has a dip at the curb, as it was suggested to be a result of the sewer project from 2010. Regretfully, Mayor Frohne explained the property owner is responsible for maintaining water/sewer lines from their home to the main line and her request far exceeded the time frame in which the Contractor’s could repair any damage if indeed a result of the Sewer Project.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the September 10th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier. Trustees Moshier, Patrick, Hazelton and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Trustee Pierson abstained. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

► Abstract #08 Funds: General $32,805.44, Water $3199.63, Sewer $4540.30, Cemetery $175.00, Trust & Agency $165.28; Total: $40,885.65. Motion to approve Abstract #08 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton - all voted yes. Motion carried.
► Mr. Gerald Zavitz resigned from the ZBA.
► Trick or Treating in the Village will be held October 31st from 6-8pm along with the Halloween Pumpkin Glow at the Library.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

► Profit & Loss and Balance sheet distributed.
► Motion to approve transfer of $500 from G8120.1 Sanitation T/Lines PS to G8120.4 Contractual made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Reminded the Board that any training classes employees and officials want to attend must be preapproved prior to going.

Motion to advertise for a DPW Superintendent Trainee position with starting pay at $13.00/hr made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Trustee Hazelton – Asked about the status of the storage unit on E. James Street.

Trustee Patrick – Formulation of ideas for feral cat population control.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:55pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 10, 2013


September 10, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk  and  Donna Wells, Treasurer

Also present in the interest of the Family Dollar retail store project:

Ms. Mary Elizabeth Slevin of Stockli Slevin & Peters, LLP, Council for Maple Development
Mr. Lester A. Sittler, Attorney for Property Owner
Mrs. Linda O’Connor, property owner of proposed project site

Property Maintenance Hearing

Mr. Estigo attended the meeting. He continues to work on removing the log from his yard.

Dog Control Officer – Mark Yerdon reported the dog complaints this year have been at a minimal. Very much different than the past couple of years.

Family Dollar Store

Motion to approve the Family Dollar retail store project site plan at 25 Main Street as submitted on August 23, 2013 along with lighting specifications & plans, as requested by the Board at the 8/28 meeting, made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier. Trustees Moshier, Hazelton, and Patrick voted no. Trustee Pierson and Mayor Frohne voted yes.

(Trustee Pierson exited the meeting at this time.)

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the August 28th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick.  Trustees Moshier, Patrick and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Trustee Hazelton abstained. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #07 Funds:   General $20,290.37, Water $1405.89, Sewer $6034.89, Cemetery $590.48; Total: $28,321.63.    Motion to approve Abstract #07 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Mosher - all voted yes. Motion carried.
     Clerk’s report for August 2013 monies received - $96.75.
     Property Tax collections, to date - $527,886.13, with $85,878.25 outstanding.
     Fire Department Report for August 2013 distributed.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Motion to approve to mail the 2014 Fire Department Contracts with a 2% increase made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Initiated discussion and thoughts on the upcoming Village Dissolution Informational Meeting and future pertinent items the Board should be thinking about. Discussion followed.

Motion to advertise for a DPW Superintendent Trainee position with starting pay at $13.00/hr made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Trustee Patrick – Continues to gather ideas for feral cat control. 

Mr. Chiodo would like to turn the storage unit on East James Street into residences and asked Trustee Patrick for guidance. He will need to contact the ZBA for a Special Use Permit application. The County will also need to get involved with inspections and/or approvals, as well. Trustee Patrick will inform him of this.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:05pm made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

August 28 & 13, 2013


August 28, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:01pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, and Trustee Robin Moshier. Trustee Frances Hazelton was not present.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk and Donna Wells, Treasurer

Also present in the interest of the Family Dollar retail store project:

Ms. Mary Elizabeth Slevin of Stockli Slevin & Peters,Council for Maple Development
Mr. Kenneth Brownell of Maple Development Group
Mr. Clark Wilkinson, CEO, Paragon Civil Engineering, PC
Mr. Lester A. Sittler, Attorney for Property Owner
Mr. David S. Merzig, Esq., Kehoe & Merzig, PC
Mrs. Linda O’Connor, property owner of proposed project site

On behalf of Paragon Civil Engineering and Maple Development, Attorney Slevin asked the Board to accept revisions, as presented at the meeting, of the Site Plan to reflect the following:
1. Eliminate the access point on Cary Park Road, reserving access for ingress and egress via Route 20 only; and
2. Increased parking for the full square footage of the interior of the building, not to the square footage of retail space. (Banked, for future use, for aesthetic purposes.

It was their hope to finalize the SEQRA and site plan review process at this time. Due to time restraints put forth and the absence of one Trustee, the Board declined to finalize site plan review, but declared negative declaration for SEQRA.

AUGUST 28, 2013

WHEREAS, the Village of Richfield Springs Board of Trustees is in receipt of a Site Plan application submitted by Maple Development, for property located on the northwest corner of 25 Main Street and Cary Park Road; and

WHEREAS, the action involves the development of a Family Dollar retail store project, along with off-street parking, utility, infrastructural and associated site improvements on a 1.2 acre parcel of land; and

WHEREAS, the project is defined as an Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on May 14, 2013, the Village Board of Trustees designated their intention to serve as Lead Agency for the SEQRA review of this action, and thereafter coordinated review with all Involved Agencies.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Part §617 of the regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law, the Village of Richfield Springs Board of Trustees serving as Lead Agency has reviewed the EAF and the criteria set forth in SEQRA and determined that the proposed Unlisted Action will not have a significant environmental impact.

Motion to adopt resolution made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voting yes.

Property Maintenance Hearing
Motion to declare the following properties a public nuisance and authorize remediation pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes:

36 Lake St. 38 Lake St. 125 Main St. Church St. lot, as well as,
210 Main St. 194 Main St.

Motion to also declare the following properties a public nuisance and authorize remediation pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes:

28 River St. 11 Church St. Cary Park Rd. / Main St.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the August 13th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick. Trustees Pierson, Moshier, Patrick and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

► Abstract #06 Funds: General $11039.16, Water $1954.75, Sewer $1981.18, T&A $206.60; Total: $15,181.69. Motion to approve Abstract #06 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick - all voted yes. Motion carried.
► Motion to approve Town Hall as the referendum venue with Richard Harris and Carolyn Sarafin as Election Inspectors at $10.00/hr on October 15, 2013 with polls open 12-9pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
► Clerk informed the Board the last Spring Park event 8/28 concert by St. Jazz. The Summer Car Cruise-in Finale turnout was great; however, no one showed to open the park for them.
► Fire Department Report distributed.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

► Motion to award Central Paving, Inc the East Lake Street Sidewalk project with a bid of $59,250.00 as submitted made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
► Motion to approve the appropriation of $3800.00 from A909 General Fund balance to Engineering A5020.4 for sidewalk project made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
► Motion to approve the transfer of $10,000.00 from Library Fund A9901.03 to General Operating Fund L5031 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
► Motion to approve the amendment to the State Police Barracks lease agreement made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
► Motion to accept the quote of $13,098.21 from Midstate Utilities Technologies in Frankfort for the generator installation as outline in the terms set forth made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
► Motion to renew Williamson Law Book computer software contracts for water/sewer, tax collection and clerk programs made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Informed the Board of the Justice’s books audit taking place. The informational meeting for the dissolution will be held at 6pm September 24th, not 5pm. The Board discussed the idea of having the Mason’s use the Library building address now that they are not at the Masonic Temple. The Board agreed that it is not something they are able to consider at this time.

Motion to go into an Executive session for Personnel reasons at 7:28 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier, all voted yes.
Motion to adjourn the Executive session at 7:45 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier, all voted yes.

Trustee Moshier – Inquired about the deputy clerk line item in the budget. Discussion followed.

Trustee Patrick – Requested the SEQRA EAF long form be printed for him to read. The Clerk will send it to him.

Trustee Pierson – Jim Malinowski is looking into a tub grinder for the brush pile. He is trying to coordinate with DPW of Cooperstown to defray some costs since the former retailer went out of business.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:02pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk


August 13, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson. Trustee Robin Moshier, and Trustee Frances Hazelton.  
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk  and  Donna Wells, Treasurer

Property Maintenance Hearing

Mr. Estigo owner of 19 James Street was present and requested the Board to grant an extension for him to complete yard work and removal of downed log on property due to lack of help. The Board agreed to Monday, August 19th for yard work completion and August 23rd to remove log from yard.

Zoning Enforcement Officer – Keith Sterling, submitted to the Board a list which included 9 properties in violation of Village Code §207-5 that were sent notices and ordered to remedy yet failed to do so and are not present to be heard. Motion to declare properties a public nuisance and authorize remediation pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Further, several properties were reported in partial overgrowth and/or rubbish remediation but unfinished.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 177 Main Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 8 Johnson Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 177 Main Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 18 Lakeview Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 45 Monticello Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 76 Church Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Motion to declare property a public nuisance and authorize remediation of 129 Main Street pursuant to Property Maintenance Code § 207-9 of Village Code made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the July 31st, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson.  Trustees Pierson, Moshier, Hazelton, Patrick and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #05 Funds:   General $8256.86, Water $1924.79, Sewer $10512.67, Cemetery $467.32;       Total: $21,161.64. Motion to approve Abstract #05 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee       Moshier. Trustees Patrick, Pierson, Hazelton, Moshier and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried. Motion to approve amendment to Abstract #04 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd            by Trustee Pierson. Trustees Patrick, Pierson, Hazelton, Moshier and Mayor Frohne all voted    yes. Motion carried.
     Motion to approve the demolition for 12 William Street with supporting documentation as       required by Village Code allowing applicant to proceed to the County for a permit made by       Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Profit & Loss and Balance sheet distributed.
     Motion to accept the project proposal for paving Johnson Street Extension as submitted by       Hanson Aggregates New York LLC on August 5th, 2013 for $18,240.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
     Motion to approve $10,428.83 funds from the water repair Reserve for the control panel       upgrade subject to permissive referendum made by Trustee        Pierson, 2nd by Trustee       Moshier – all voted yes.
     Motion to approve the transfer of $1000.00 from G9730.6 ARRA BOND to G8120.4 Sanitation       Contractual made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
     Treasurer informed the Board she is putting $4000.00 for the Tisdale Trust principal into a CD.

Mayor Frohne – Discussion on Village Code interpretations.

Motion made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick that for the purpose of defining Village Code 275-17B (3) ‘retail use’ shall be defined as the length x width of the building structure’s exterior wall. Trustees Patrick and Moshier voted yes. Trustees Hazelton, Pierson and Mayor Frohne voted no. Motion not carried. Motion by Trustee Pierson to define said Village Code 275-17 B (3) ‘retail use’ as the area clearly restricted for public retail use was not seconded.

Motion made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton that for the purpose of defining Village Code 275-22 B the exceptions provided for do not include driveways, so no driveway will be allowed onto the residential street. Trustees Patrick, Hazelton and Moshier voted yes. Trustee Pierson and Mayor Frohne voted no. Motion carried.

An informational meeting on dissolution will be held September 24th at 5pm in the Memorial room.

The Mayor and Board further led discussion on the Dissolution of the Village. Ideas were exchanged to get out to the public the actual facts to avoid further misrepresentation from paid advertisements.

Trustee Moshier – Asked by Richard Shypski whether the Masons’ could use the Library Building as a meeting place on the rare instances they should need to publicly meet. Idea was tabled.

Trustee Moshier also requested the Clerk to make mention in the minutes that she has submitted a response to the Memorandum the attorneys for Maple Development sent to the village to address concerns the Trustees shared about the project.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:13pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk