Appointed Officers: Clerk – Dayle A. Barra - absent Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski all present. Motion to waive the reading and to approve the January 25th, 2012 Board Meeting minutes made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor. Trustees Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.Privilege of the Floor: Leo Macken asked The Board to sponsor this year’s parade. Motion to sponsor the Memorial Day Parade on May 28, 2012 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Patrick. Mayor Frohne voted yes while Trustees Pierson and Kurkowski abstained.Clerk-Dayle Barra
Abstract #16 Funds: General $14443.40, Water $7033.58, Sewer $9319.65, Cemetery $100.00- Total: $30896.63. Motion to approve Abstract #16 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick - all voted yes.
Motion to approve correction to Abstract #15 A Fund s/b $9920.54 but was reported as $10445.54 due to return of Thomson West supplements made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
Motion to approve Maxine Armstrong and Richard Harris to be election inspectors for the 2012 Village General Election made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
Motion to approve Spring Park use for Clark Car Show on 8/26 with a rain date of 9/2 & Youth Bible Church on 5/26 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
The Board acknowledged receipt of a thank you card from Ron Crist for village efforts in rectifying the pooling water in his driveway and yard.Treasurer – Donna Wells
Profit & Loss/Balance Sheet given to each Board member.
Resolution to approve the following transfers made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes. From A9901.03 to L5031 $8000.00; From FX8397.2 $324.11 to FX1959.8; from A1990.4 $3600.00 to A8730.4 $2900.00 & A8664.4 $$700.00; and establish a new line item A8730.4 Forestry Contractual.Trustee Patrick- Been involved with the Library Board to organize the Memorial Room. Hesse Appraisals came to reappraise items that were on the premises for insurance purposes. The storage unit for the Fire Department is raising its fee this year and the village is looking into other options to store their equipment. Trustee Pierson- Discussion on the Cat Tractor that does not keep its charge and thus quits operating randomly while being used. The dealership will not stand behind their equipment and it is unable to be repaired at a reasonable cost. The village attorney may have to contact the manufacturer directly to remedy the situation.Motion to go into an Executive session for Personnel reasons at 7:10 pm and adjourn Executive session at 7:45 was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Kurkowski– all voted yes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Dayle Barra, Village Clerk