Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009

Date: June 9, 2009

Time: 7:00pm. Regular Meeting

Attendees (elected): Mayor Garbera, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Frohne

Attendees (appointed & employed):
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer –Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic

1) Call to order: 700 PM by Deputy Mayor O’Connor
2) Roll call of members: Mayor Garbera absent
3) Clerk – Diane Blackwell – Minutes: Motion to waive reading of minutes made by
Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Frohne voted yes.

Motion was made by Trustee Frohne and 2nd. by Trustee Patrick to accept the
May 12th, 2009 minutes. Trustee Kurkowski voted yes.

a. Abstract #018 as follows: A – General Fund $322.93

Abstract # 01 as follows:
A - General Fund $ 8,476.63
FX – Water Fund 27,658.23
G – Sewer Fund 3,065.91
L - Library Fund .00
CM-Cemetery 1,015.43
TA- Trust & Agency 20.80
H- Capitol Projects 207.25
Total: $ 40,444.25

Motion to approve abstract #018 and #01, and pay bills: Trustee Patrick, 2nd.
Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Frohne voted yes.

4) Donna Wells: Treasurer
a. Motion to approve Lamont – WWTP design project for $5.4 million dollars:
Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Frohne voted yes.
b. motion to transfer $26,000.00 from fund A9901 to fund FX5031. Trustee
Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Frohne voted yes.
c. Flower Project- SEQR Resolution- Trustee Kurkowski, aye, Trustee Frohne,
aye, Trustee Patrick, aye. Filed in clerks office.
d. Need to post an emergency # for people who have problems after hours.
ok’d clerk to post on side entrance of Library, with Jim Malinowski and Chris
Butler’s phone numbers.
e. Grant money for Library roof project, still in works.
f. Village not putting any money into addition. Concerned about asbestos
removal. Library will be closed, concerned about village office and

5) Mayor Garbera:

6) Trustee Ronald Frohne II:
a. Made motion to transfer land at Village Park to James Kurkowski. Resolve that the exchange of land, two corner pieces of Trustee Kurkowski, and corner that a jutes spring park, as documented in the draft deeds be entered into the record be accepted and approved. Trustee Frohne, Trustee Patrick and Trustee O’Connor vote yes. Motion carried. Resolution filed with clerk. b. Discussion of village properties that need to be checked by codes enforcer. He should be in touch with Dan Wilber, County Codes Enforcer.

7) Trustee Ray Patrick:
a. Cemetery Commission denied all requests for administrative fees for village.
Will set up another meeting.
b. Discussion on paving library driveway and parking lot.
c. Congratulated Donna on all the hard work put into getting the stimulus
d. Made motion to change on/off fee for w/s to $10.00. Trustee Patrick, yes,
Trustee Frohne, yes, Trustee Kurkowski voted no. Motion denied.

8) Trustee Jim Kurkowski:
a. Meter at Bella Vista – if and when property sold, then address issue.
b. Met with Library Board – only one interested party in project so far.
c. Agreement with man next door to use driveway, would like spotlights put up
on side and back of library.
d. Discussion on filling of pools, with fire trucks, Tabled until Mayor is present.
e. Park to school band boosters, 6/8/09. No lights used, due to no light bulbs

9) Trustee John O’Connor:
a. Discussion on employee’s uniforms and contract with Cintas. 3 emp. would prefer to keep uniforms and 4 would not. Concern about identification. Tabled until next meeting.
b. Clarifier at WWTP needs replacement ASAP. Cost, $11,000.00. Will be part of stimulus package, but need it now. Motion Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Frohne, Trustee Patrick voted yes.
c. Water plant, chlorine, large black tank, state inspection, cost $5000.00. Going to do away with large tank, and use small containers so no inspection
d. FYI - Water and sewer broke even.
e. Discussion on request for Community Development Funds.
f. Meeting with school scheduled for June 16, 2009 at 7;00 pm. All board
members will attend unless they notify the clerk otherwise.

1. Joseph Nicolosi – to discuss water/sewer fee for turn on and off when goes south.
Understands the fee, just would appreciate if people were notified when changes
are being made.
2. Gerry Zavitch – asking about fence ordinance. Discussion, if not covered in village
codes, then follow state codes.
Asked about yard waste pickup for months after June. Was informed residents
could take to transfer site.
Concerned about barn on Russian house property that is half fallen down, and
building on corner of Main St. and River St. Very poor condition.
3. Wayne King – work on Hyde St. Bridge on 6/15/2009.
Also wanted to congratulate the village on the hard work done for stimulus
4. Francis Estigo – no business to discuss.

Old Business
1) Tabled: ZBA members being compensated for services until June 9th, 2009 mtg.
After discussion, was decided that this issue needs to be addressed at next
budget hearing.
2) Tabled: letters to individuals about water meters.
3) Tabled: Employee uniforms.

Motion made to go into executive session: Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Frohne voted yes.

Motion to come out of executive session: Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee Frohne,
Trustee Kurkowski voted yes.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. Motion made Trustee Frohne, 2nd. by
Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee Patrick voted yes.

Respectfully Submitted:

Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk