Date: June 24, 2009
Time: 9:00 am
Attendees (elected): Mayor Garbera, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Frohne
Attendees (appointed & employed): Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
Call to order: Mayor Garbera, at 9:00 am.
Roll call of members: all present
Clerk – Diane Blackwell – reading of minutes- waived by Mayor Garbera, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski. Motion made to accept minutes, Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, motion carried.
a. Abstract #02 as follows: A - General Fund $ 4,367.39
FX – Water Fund 722.64
G – Sewer Fund 584.92
L - Library Fund 759.76
CM – Cemetery 98.23
TA – Trust & Agency .00
H – Capital Projects .00
Total: $ 6,732.94
Motion to accept and pay bills: made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski,
Trustee O’Connor and Trustee Frohne voted yes. motion carried.
Mayor Garbera
a. Snack bar, questioned Mayor as to when yard pickup is scheduled. 1st. and 3rd.
Mondays during months of April, May and June ONLY.
Donna Wells: Treasurer:
a. Amend to Bond Resolution- $6,048,000.00, motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd
. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee O’Connor, yes, Trustee Patrick, yes, Trustee Kurkowski,
yes, Trustee Frohne,yes. Resolution filed in clerk’s office.
b. Library project- asked if Trustee Kurkowski would speak to Library Board and make it
clear the Village is not responsible to take care of business for Library project.
c. Auditors agreement- new auditor. motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by
Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s Frohne and Kurkowski voted yes.
Cost of single audit, $9200.00, Program Specific cost, $6200.00.
d. Solar panels proposal in. $55,000.00. Should go to stimulus package.
Reports: Dept. Heads
6) Jim Malinowski: Dept. Public Works
a. wants to put blacktop apron by Chuck Furners driveway on Cary Park Rd. because it
washes out with every rain. Should cost $345.00. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor,
2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s Kurkowski and Frohne voted yes.
b. replace Ford 350 1993 Diesel truck. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee
Kurkowski, Trustee’s Patrick and Frohne voted yes.
c. mowed Allens Lake
d. Summer pick up done
e. Working on manholes around the village. Will check manhole under stop light.
f. Boards gone again at Allens Lake.
g. Will work on water main at Creamery, Bronner St.
h. Will get stripe machine to mark Library parking lot.
Chris Butler: Sewer Plant
a. DOL – Bob and Chris went to Fly Creek for Respiratory Test, full face mask needed.
b. Ordered parts for clarifier, 2 months
c. WWTP on 6/19/09. to renew permit. No changes to be made. Possibly
might have to bypass, if so must be tested that same day, will be Lab.costs.
d. Kevin O’Connor suggested to check into Natural Gas for WWTP. Meeting set for
6/24/2009 with NYSEG at plant.
e. Bob Graepple has all paper submitted to DEC for test.
f. Chris Butler will meet with Pat Hyde on 8/26/2009 to check baffles in tank.
Adirondack cleaned out the tank. Weber not doing it anymore.
g. Lamont Engineering says things are progressing nicely with project.
i. WWTP has 6000 gal. tank for phosphorus removal. Tank due for inspection, cost is
$2500.00 to 3000.00 to inspect. Would like to replace this tank with 7-8 275 gal.
tanks at $75.00 per tank. Motion made to purchase 7-8 275gal. tanks at $75.00 per
tank, Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor and Frohne
voted yes.
8) Tom Shypski: Water Dept
9) Doug Bordinger: Codes Enforcement Officer
a. checked lawn and vehicles around town, sent out 10-15 violation notices as of
1st. Doug writes ticket, appear before judge.
2nd. If no response for lawn maintenance within time frame, village will hire contractor
and bill will go to property owner. Charge for lawn maintenance is $75.00.
3rd. Any unsafe structures Doug will notify the County.
b. Tractors- not agricultural area, must remove.
c. Difficult finding some numbers on houses, not posted.
d. Getting a lot more complaints on stray dogs.
Tom Hallock: Fire Chief
Absent Trustees:
Trustee John O’Connor:
Nothing at this time
12) Trustee Ronald Frohne
Nothing at this time
13) Trustee Ray Patrick
a. Wants to come with alternate plan for administrative fees from Cemetery Comm.
b. Suggestion made by Trustee O’Connor to call Cemetery Comm. In for board mtg. and
get answers to questions. Such as, who is in charge of Cemetery money, periodic
report suppose to be given to village, and quarterly report, also what was money
invested in? Donna will set up special meeting with the boards approval for July 15th,
2009, at 9:00 am.
c. Shared services mtg. with school. Discussed strengths, weaknesses and threats.
Suggested village set up a web site.
14) Trustee Jim Kurkowski:
a. Missing meter at Snack Bar.
b. Asked if lights could be put on Library building. Dusk to dawn lights. 1 light on side
and 1 light on back of building.
Motion made by Trustee Kurkowsk, Trustee O’Connor,Trustee Patrick voted
c. should have a fence put behind library building, danger area.
d. Complaint from resident about a backhoe being in another’s driveway. Was stated
it is his driveway, and his personal property, can have backhoe there.
e. Doug Bordinger done with crossing guard position for 8 weeks, discussion on
keeping him on to work with Jim Malinowski for 18 hrs.a week. Motion made by
Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Patrick voted yes.
Attorney Cavic:
a. Community Development Application form, passed out to Trustees by Clerk, Motion
to accept by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee O’Connor voted
b. ARRA paper, also passed out by Clerk. No discussion at this meeting.
c. WWTP project-discussion for services on hourly basis. $275.00 per hr. plus
Unfinished Business
Tabled at May 27th, 2009 meeting, Employees uniforms.
Tabled: Letters to individuals about water meters.
3) Tabled: Letter from D.A.V. Chapter 178, Forget-Me-Not annual drive in village. 9/11&
Motion to adjourn by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee
O’Connor voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
Respectfully Submitted
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk