Friday, March 30, 2012

March 13, 2012


March 13, 2012 @ 6:00pm in the Public Library Memorial Room

Elected Officers:  Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:     Clerk – Dayle A. Barra      Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski all present.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the February 29th, 2012 Board Meeting minutes made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson. Trustees Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Dog Control Officer-Mark Yerdon reported a warning was given to Robert Garner for allowing his dogs to run at large after a complaint was filed by a walker stating she thwarted off an attack by one of his dogs.

Privilege of the Floor- Mr. Chuck Furner requested the Board members reverse water/sewer penalty fees assessed on last month’s bill as payment received in the office on the 21st of February due to President’s Day on Monday the 20th with the Village office being closed.  Motion to approve reversing said late fees made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick - all voted yes. Discussion followed. Motion to approve deferring penalty late fees on water/sewer payments until the following business day if the 20th of the month falls on a Sunday or the office is closed for a Holiday starting next month made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Kurkowski - all voted yes.

Clerk-Dayle Barra
Abstract #18 Funds: General $40962.13, Water $1312.87, Sewer $47068.84, Trust & Cemetery $111.35 Total: $89455.19. Motion to approve Abstract #18 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson - all voted yes.
Monthly report: $74 deposited in February.
No violations reported for Library building from the County Fire Inspection on Monday, 3/12.
Resolution to pay 2012 Election Inspectors $9.00/hr made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor – all voted yes.
The Fire Department monthly report was given to each Board Member.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
Profit & Loss and Balance sheet given to each Board Member.
Resolution to approve the transfer of $756.04 from A1990.4 Contingent account to A3410.412 Fire Department Insurance made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor – all voted yes. 
Motion to discontinue membership in NY Class made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- all voted yes.
Motion to allow Treasurer to attend Civil Service Training Class April 5th made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- all voted yes.
Motion to add State Farm Bank in Cooperstown as an approved bank made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Pierson, all voted yes.
Motion for Bryan Coones to start working at the Cemetery on Tuesday March 20th made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor- all voted yes.
Received monies from certain water/sewer accounts that have had longstanding arrears as a result of due diligence from treasurer.

Mayor Frohne- Motion to pay storage unit in full not to exceed $500, terminate the contract and empty the unit contents made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- all voted yes.

Motion for Treasurer to apply for a village credit card made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- all voted yes.

Trustee Pierson- DPW has been street sweeping and residents have complimented the work. They will also start picking up brush piles on Monday for the season due to the weather conditions of late.

Trustee Kurkowski- Motion to adhere strictly to Spring Park open/close policy of 8am to 10 pm to abide  Village Code § 198-4 Peace and Good Order made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick- all voted yes.

Motion to allow sales of plots in old section of Cemetery made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor- all voted yes.

Trustee Patrick- Followed up on feral cat control as mounting concerns over potentially rabies-carrying roaming skunks spotted the in area.  Other surrounding municipalities have incorporated local laws banning outside feeding of feral cats. Will continue to follow up with.

Memorial room is winding down in its reorganization efforts.

Motion to adjourn Board Meeting at 7:49 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Dayle Barra, Village Clerk

Thursday, March 22, 2012

February 29, 2012




February 29, 2012 @ 6:00pm in the Public Library Memorial Room

Elected Officers:  Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:     Clerk – Dayle A. Barra      Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski all present.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the February 14th, 2012 Board Meeting minutes made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor. Trustees Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Clerk-Dayle Barra

  • Abstract #17 Funds: General $28362.83, Water $1030.65, Sewer $3639.60, Trust & Agency $267.12, Capitol Projects $14789.84 Total: $48090.04. Motion to approve Abstract #17 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee Pierson - all voted yes.
  • Motion to approve Jim Malinowski to attend the Pest Recertification class on March 15th made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor – all voted yes.
  • Motion to approve Spring Park use for Church of Christ Uniting for a Craft Fair on June 9th & 10th with a start time no earlier than 6:30 am made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes except Trustee Kurkowski who voted no.
  • The Board acknowledged receipt of a letter from George Ehrmann with tentative dates for The Saints Jazz Quartet plus one performances in the Spring Park.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
  • Resolution to approve the transfer of $3031.74 from A1990.4 Contingent account with $2256.60 to A9040.8 Worker’s Comp and $775.14 to A3410.412 Fire Department Insurance made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.  
  • Longstanding FEMA grant closed out by Tom Hallock.
  • Motion to allow employees the option to have a flat rate denomination or a percentage deducted from pay for Deferred Comp made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson- all voted yes.
  • NewCom has furnished Lakeview Cemetery draft maps to the office and Treasurer requests the input of the Board to review and comment on the layouts prior to printing. She will also contact Bryan Coones, our Cemetery Sexton, for his input, as well.

Mayor Frohne- The DOT has granted permission for the Fire Department to use their building for storage of vintage equipment. Motion to clear the Fire Department items from the storage unit and move them into DOT housing unit no late than March 31st made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick- all voted yes.

Budget workshop to be held March 17th at 10am-12noon. Any and all interested parties are welcome to attend.

Motion to go into an Executive session for litigation/personnel reasons made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson-all voted yes.  Motion to conclude the Executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson-all voted yes.

Trustee Patrick- Gave an update to the Board on the progress of the Memorial room organization/clean up efforts of the Garden Club and Library staff. The only items left for disposal are boxed and for disposal. This is to be done expeditiously, as a building inspection is forthcoming. Library Board Trustee Woodrow reported at their last meeting that Grace Talma would like to enhance the side entrance to the Public Library with plantings and/or urns. The Village Board members graciously accept her offer and grant permission.

Trustee Pierson- Motion to approve Bello estimate to replace Village Garage furnace for a total of $2050.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick- all voted yes.
Motion to go into an Executive session for Personnel reasons at 7:29 pm and adjourn Executive session was made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor– all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,    

 Dayle Barra, Village Clerk

Sunday, March 4, 2012

February 14, 2012


February 14, 2012 @ 6:00pm in the Public Library Memorial Room

Elected Officers:  Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:     Clerk – Dayle A. Barra - absent      Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski all present.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the January 25th, 2012 Board Meeting minutes made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee O’Connor. Trustees Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.

Privilege of the Floor: Leo Macken asked The Board to sponsor this year’s parade. Motion to sponsor the Memorial Day Parade on May 28, 2012 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Patrick. Mayor Frohne voted yes while Trustees Pierson and Kurkowski abstained.

Clerk-Dayle Barra
Abstract #16 Funds: General $14443.40, Water $7033.58, Sewer $9319.65, Cemetery $100.00- Total: $30896.63. Motion to approve Abstract #16 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick - all voted yes.
Motion to approve correction to Abstract #15 A Fund s/b $9920.54 but was reported as $10445.54 due to return of Thomson West supplements made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
Motion to approve Maxine Armstrong and Richard Harris to be election inspectors for the 2012 Village General Election made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
Motion to approve Spring Park use for Clark Car Show on 8/26 with a rain date of 9/2 & Youth Bible Church on 5/26 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
The Board acknowledged receipt of a thank you card from Ron Crist for village efforts in rectifying the pooling water in his driveway and yard.

Treasurer – Donna Wells
Profit & Loss/Balance Sheet given to each Board member.
Resolution to approve the following transfers made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.   From A9901.03 to L5031 $8000.00; From FX8397.2  $324.11 to FX1959.8; from A1990.4 $3600.00 to A8730.4 $2900.00 & A8664.4 $$700.00; and establish a new line item A8730.4 Forestry Contractual.

Trustee Patrick- Been involved with the Library Board to organize the Memorial Room. Hesse Appraisals came to reappraise items that were on the premises for insurance purposes. The storage unit for the Fire Department is raising its fee this year and the village is looking into other options to store their equipment.

Trustee Pierson- Discussion on the Cat Tractor that does not keep its charge and thus quits operating randomly while being used. The dealership will not stand behind their equipment and it is unable to be repaired at a reasonable cost. The village attorney may have to contact the manufacturer directly to remedy the situation.

Motion to go into an Executive session for Personnel reasons at 7:10 pm and adjourn Executive session at 7:45 was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Kurkowski– all voted yes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Dayle Barra, Village Clerk