Date: May 25, 2011
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers: Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski present.
Motion to waive the reading of the May 10th, 2011 minutes and to approve the May 10th minutes was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion to waive the reading of the May 16th, 2011 minutes and to approve the May 16th, 2011 special meeting was made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Trustee O’Connor abstained.
Doug Bordinger- Property Maintenance
Chart was passed out to all members of properties not mowed.
1) Suzette Gebhard- 19 Lake St.
2) Zenaido Londona – 20 Lake St.
3) Joseph Arcuri – 76 Church St.
4) Jongmi Lee – 241 Main St.
5) Lisa Stefanec – 16 Sylvan St.
6) Anatoly Ritikoff – 58 Church St.
7) Daureen Hunt – 9 Park St.
Motion made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, to order properties mowed, fines assessed and to bill property owners. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Special Business:
Lamont Engineers – Glen Simpson and Nick Green
Glenn reported to the board that the sewer jetter has been ordered by G. DeVincentis. Also spoke to John Steed and asked when they plan to start doing restoration on manhole 4 to 6 within the next week or two.
C.W. from Blue Heron and he said he could get some guys here next week or week after to do the restoration at the plant. Glen, Jim M. and Chris B. will get together next week to go through the village and plant to make a list of what restoration needs to be done.
J.V.Warren was at the plant on 5/25/2011 and got the roof penetration done and the roof vents are done. The final connection for the heaters has not been made yet.
The Mayor asked about signing the change order for manhole 4 to 6, and Glen and Nick explained that they are going to wait until the work is done and then they will have the exact figures.
Nick passed out an engineering amendment, which is a change to the budget for the project. This includes construction administration which was originally $134,910.00, to increase to $159,190.00, construction observation which was originally $225,810.00, to increase to $240,810.00 and bookkeeping and reporting which was originally $33,040.00, to increase to $38,040.00. The total increase would be $45,000.00. The net change to the Contingency of this Engineering Amendment will be a decrease of $45,000.00.
Mayor Frohne asked Nick about the macerator at the plant, if any thing has been done about the problem? No progress has been made at this time.
The meeting with Blue Heron’s attorney and David Merzig, the village attorney will take place on June 7th. at David Merzig’s office in Oneonta at 10am. Donna Wells and Trustee Patrick will attend.
Public Comment
Charles McMann, a history teacher at Richfield Springs Central School approached the board for permission for his history class to put a plaque on a pedestal in Spring Park to commemorate the 150th. anniversary of the Village of Richfield Springs. After discussion, it was decided to allow the class to put the plaque in the east end corner between the clock and the flower box. Trustee Pierson will check with Jim at the DPW to see if they could do the installation which would include pouring concrete for the base and Mr. McMann will check with BOCES to see if they can make a pedestal. The dedication will be during the last week of school, June 21st. or 22nd. and he would like to have WKTV and the Observer Dispatch come. He also invited the board members to join them for the dedication. Mr. McMann stated he would like to do this each year with his history class and put it in a different area of the village.
Judy Stone reported to the board that David Arkema is working on the grandstand. She asked the board if they had decided where they want to put the time capsule that the Chamber is putting together for the 150th. anniversary of the village. It is being donated by Ron Hess and is 33” x 80”. After discussion, it was suggested in front of the bandstand would be the best place. The board will decide at a future meeting.
She asked the board if they had any new ideas for the 150th, celebration. Judy has checked into banners, but they are very expensive. Mayor Frohne suggested getting more people to take part in the parade. She informed the board that the next committee meeting for the anniversary celebration will be held on June 8th. 2011 at the Historical Museum at 5:30pm. This will be put on the village sign for the public to see. The board thanked Judy for all her hard work with the Chamber and working on the anniversary celebration.
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Resolution to approve the motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, the purchase of two (2) turn out gear outfits for the fire dept at a cost of $2,993.90. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Abstract #24 – General fund -$9,501.45, Water fund - $4,251.01, Sewer fund - $7,489.56, Cemetery fund $1,467.15, Trust & Agency - $670.16. Total: $23,379.33.
Motion to approve Abstract #24 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Correction on abstract #23, general fund should have been 9,984.56, and sewer should have been $6,369.49.
Motion to approve correction on abstract #23 made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Workshop for NYRWA on June 16th, 22.00, in Little Falls for Tom Shypski and Chris Butler, also a workshop given by NYSDOH on August 4th, no charge, in Little Falls, for Fred Clements, Jim Malinowski, Tom Shypski and Chris Butler. Motion to approve both workshops made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk passed out a letter from Beth Ann Hammer to all members regarding the Youth Community Center’s Pride Days, asking for volunteers.
The village office will be closed on May 30th, in observance of Memorial Day.
Treasurer – Donna Wells:
Asked for approval to increase the petty cash in the cash drawer to $200.00 for the summer. Motion was made to let the treasurer decide when the petty cash should be increased to $200.00 and when it should be changed back to $150.00 by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Transfers: attached to minutes. Resolution to approve the motion for the transfers made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Transfer needed for a bond payment due 6/15/2011. Resolution made to approve a transfer for the bond payment due 6/15/2011, effective 6/1/2011, A9901.1 Water fund transfer, to Fx5031 Water fund revenues, made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Fuel bid information was sent to the county. Donna e-mailed the figures to them. She will make calls for bids for fuel for next year.
NYSDOT building on Rt. 28. Donna called the DOT again and found out the fuel tanks have been removed. There is a problem with the owner of the property next to this property. She did tell them the village is still interested in the property.
The Park Lounge has not received any water charges on their bill since 2008.They have been paying sewer. They are now receiving the water and sewer charges.
John Van Allen and William Purcell need the new Badger Radio-Read water meters put in. Due to plumbing issues this has not been done yet. There are form letters the board approved in 2008 that will be sent out that explains the steps to take.
When the state auditors where here, they questioned why the MVP/MCR health insurance is paid in full for the Librarians spouse and the Water Dept. employee’s spouse and the other employees with family coverage pay 8%. Resolution made to approve the motion to charge 8% to all village employees’s including those on MVP/MCR was made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Donna reminded Mayor Frohne to write a letter to Glimmerglass Opera regarding the taxes.
Donna also informed the board that the Tisdale plot has flowers for the summer.
Mayor Frohne:
The new roof on the library building that the Contract Co., Christian Brothers did, leaked this winter over the librarian’s new office. Mayor Frohne met with the Architect’s Co. Butler, Rowland Mays on 5/27/2011 so they could see the problem and discuss what should to be done to fix it. The architects are committed to helping the village to get the contractor to fix the problem.
Mayor Frohne would like to increase the payment to Brandon Dawley for the website from $500.00 to $550.00. Resolution was made to accept the motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson to increase the payment to Brandon Dawley from $500.00 to $550.00 for working on and maintaining the village website. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Trustee Pierson: Nothing at this time.
Trustee Patrick:
Feels it is time to get a dog control officer for the village. There have been complaints about loose dogs in the village. It was decided to review the applications that are on file for this position.
Wanted to make the board members aware that Doug Bordinger will be working 30 hrs. for the months of June, July and August, and he will be working crossing guard thru June as well as working with DPW and Zone Enforcement Officer.
A discussion arose about the way to handle water problems that are considered an emergency. It was stressed that when a call comes to the office, the proper procedure would be to notify Jim Malinowski, Tom Shypski or Chris Butler to take care of the problem and then to make sure the office is informed so a work order can be done and if necessary, the property owner can be notified.
Trustee Kurkowski:
The new storage shed is now in place in the cemetery.
There is a concern about the lack of replacing the garbage bags when an event is held in the park. It is stated on the back of the application all the rules and they should be followed. If the park is not left the way it should be the deposit will not be returned.
Trustee O’Connor: nothing at this time
Motion to go to executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Patrick, Kurkowski, Pierson and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8.05pm. was made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk