Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 14, 2014


January 14, 2014 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk  and  Donna Wells, Treasurer

Keith Sterling, ZEO, submitted production sheets to the Board. Mr. Sterling expressed his offense toward the Board’s decision to temporarily permit on-street parking in two incidents. Both the Mayor and Trustee Moshier replied the Board strives to adhere to Code as written; yet, practicality sometimes outranks denying specific requests, as presented to them.

            WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Richfield Springs held a meeting at the Public Library Memorial Room on the 10th day of December 2013; and

            WHEREAS, the Village Board voted at that meeting to temporarily amend Village Code §250-6A & C; and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Board of the Village of Richfield Springs, Otsego County, New York as follows:

            1. The Code §250-6A & C shall read as follows: Vehicles are permitted to park on the right side of Monticello Street three houses eastward from Lakeview Avenue. Vehicles may not park on the sidewalk.                                            

            2. Amending Code §250-6A & C shall be in effect from this date until further notice. 

ADOPTED this 14th day of January, 2014 at the meeting of the Village Board of Richfield Springs by motion of Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Mark Yerdon, Dog Control Officer, gave his report to the Board. An appearance ticket was issued to a resident for harboring more dogs than the two-dog limit, as stipulated in Village Code §139-4.

Tom Hallock, Fire Chief, informed the Board the generator in one of the fire trucks needs replacement and offered supporting documentation on the issue and the means to repair. Motion to approve the generator replacement not exceed $6000.00 from the FD Capital Purchases fund made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.

Motion to put the turnout gear out to bid post permissive referenda time span made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the December 10th, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Motion to waive the reading and to approve the December 30th, 2013 Special Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes except Trustee Pierson who abstained.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #14 Funds: General $66,203.90, Water $8,332.47, Sewer $11,637.74, Cemetery $134.50; Total: $86,308.61. Motion to approve Abstract #14 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
     December 2013 Report - Clerk fees $30.00, Registrar $10.00; total: $40.00.
     Fire Department report given.
     Regarding 2014 Election:

      BE IT RESOLVED, the annual Village Election shall be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, from 12:00 noon until 9pm at Town Hall on 18 James Street; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Village offices to be filled on Election Day are as follows:

      Mayor                    Two-year term                
      Trustee                  Two-year term (2 seats)
      Justice                   Four-year term
      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Election Inspectors be appointed to serve on Election Day, Tuesday, March 18, 2014, in accordance with Section 15-116(1) of the Election Law; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Election Inspectors appointed are Ann Owens and Richard Harris; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Election Inspectors shall be paid $10.00/hr for Election Day with the hours for which the Election Inspectors are compensated shall be from 11:30-9:30pm for a total of 10 hours.

Motion to adopt resolution made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all elected officials voted yes.

     Concerning Corporate Justice Accounts:

      BE IT RESOLVED, the Village Board members of the Village of Richfield Springs having designated NBT Bank as a depository of this corporation; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Village Justice Account and Justice Bail Account previously open for Judge Brykailo are now closed; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the new accounts opened for the Justice Account and Bail Account; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Village Board members authorize Judge Bartle powers to exercise corporate finances including drafts, checks and other instruments or orders for the payment of money drawn against said accounts of this corporation with said depository and shall be the sole signor of said accounts.

Motion to adopt resolution made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all elected officials voted yes.

     Motion to renew Power Generation & Industrial Engines Inc. Preventative Maintenance Agreements for the WWTP at $513.50 and WTP $478.53 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
     The Lion’s Club Annual Car Show August 13, 2014 application for Spring Park and bandstand use was approved by the Board.
     October 7, 2013 Library Board Meeting approved minutes distributed.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     November 2013 Profit & Loss furnished to Board.
     Motion to approve the following transfers made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.
     $23,679.03 from A909 General Fund with $2936.50 to A5410.2 Sidewalk Capital Expense and;
     $20,742.53 to A5130.2 for Skid Steer purchase; and
     $10,771.47 from A511.2 CHIPS to A5130.2 for Skid Steer purchase.

     Motion to approve the Jan Terwilliger, Village Court Clerk, the hourly salary of $9.50 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Designated Chris Butler as first point of contact for WTP work requests. He will coordinate with the other departments, as necessary.

Trustee Hazelton – Attended Library Board Meeting today and shared information.

Trustee Pierson – Would like the Board to address the need for Ann Street Bridge repair to the Town. They will address this issue with Supervisor Enjem and Highway Superintendent Mike Kress. The Library basement floor is in need of work. DPW Superintendent Bill Collins will be asked to look at it to ascertain its needs.

Trustee Moshier – Asked each Board member to devise a list of 4 village residents (for a total of 20 nominations) interested in serving on a seven-member committee to develop a Village Comprehensive Plan, and reiterated the need to examine Village Code in the context of that Plan. It will be up to the committee to determine the scope of its work and the methods it will use.

Trustee Patrick – Received WWTP report. Doug should get licensure as soon as State requirements allow. The WWTP gates should be closed and locked when the plant is unattended. The Board agreed it would be wise.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:04pm made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk 

Friday, January 17, 2014

December 30, 2013 Special Meeting


December 30, 2013 in the Village Office.

Board Meeting called to order at 12:05pm by Mayor Frohne.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.

Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk      Donna Wells, Treasurer

Motion to approve the Demolition Permit for 42 Walnut Street as submitted with supporting documentation made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes

Mayor Frohne submitted a letter appointing Judge Bartle for Village Justice effective 12:00am January 1, 2014.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 12:10 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk

December 10, 2013


December 10, 2013 in the Public Library Memorial Room.

Board Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Frohne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Elected Officers - Mayor Ronald A. Frohne II, Trustee Raymond Patrick, Trustee Duane Pierson, Trustee Robin Moshier and Trustee Frances Hazelton.
Appointed Officers - Dayle A. Barra, Clerk      Donna Wells, Treasurer


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the regular meeting held December 10th, 2013 of Board of Trustees of the Village of Richfield Springs, Otsego County, New York, duly adopted the following resolution, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to the Local Finance Law, General Municipal Law and Article 9 of the Village Law of the State of New York:


            WHEREAS, on December 10, 2013 the Board of Trustees of the Village of Richfield Springs identified their need to purchase fire department entry men turnout gear
            WHEREAS, the total purchase of the equipment is estimated to be and shall not exceed $31,500.00, and
            WHEREAS, the Village Board will purchase the turnout gear from Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account not to exceed $31,500.00;


            The Village Board of the Village of Richfield Springs, Otsego County, New York hereby authorized the purchase of 15 new entrymen turnout gear from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account not to exceed $31,500.00. Details of this purchase are available from the Village Clerk at the Village Office.

Motion to adopt resolution made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton. Trustees Pierson, Hazelton, Patrick, Moshier, and Mayor Frohne all voted yes.

Mr. Steve Klem reported to the Board a large tree in the Village right-of-way broke and poses a potential threat. Motion to hire Ron’s Tree Service to remove tree and debris at a cost not to exceed $1000.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Faith Ann Young asked the Board permission to park on the street due to extenuating circumstances as presented. Motion to grant permission for on-street parking on the right side of Monticello Street from the corner of Lakeview Avenue through three (3) houses down made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Motion to waive the reading of and to approve the November 12, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes. Motion to waive the reading of and approve the November 19, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – Trustees Patrick, Moshier, Hazelton and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Trustee Pierson abstained.

Clerk – Dayle Barra

     Abstract #13 Funds: General $13,932.81, Water $1876.36, Sewer $6544.34, Cemetery $1000.00, Trust and Agency $165.28; Total: $23,518.79. Motion to approve Abstract #13 made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes. Motion to approve amendment to Abstract #12 decreasing General Fund by $73.38 made by Trustee Moshier, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.
     Motion to approve Spring Park Application as submitted by Church of Christ Uniting made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Patrick – all voted yes.
     Motion to acknowledge the liquor license renewal intent letter for the Genesee Restaurant and Tap Room in the Village of Richfield Springs, as received by the Clerk on November 26, 2013, and to further agree consent thereof made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all officials voted yes.
     Clerk’s report was given and Fire Department Report handout was distributed.
     The annual Boy Scouts Christmas Tree Sale proceeds the next two weekends in the parking lot.

Treasurer – Donna Wells

     Motion to approve the annual Town of Richfield and Town of Schuyler Lake Fire Department Contracts with a 2% increase made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
     Motion to approve Town of Warren Fire Department Contract once submitted made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes.

Mayor Frohne – Donna Wells expressed not wishing to remain Treasurer for the next appointment. Discussion followed. Motion to advertise for a part-time Treasurer Trainee with flexible hours and no healthcare benefits and an annual salary of $17,000.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Moshier – all voted yes. Motion for hire a part-time Clerk/Treasurer at a wage of $10.00/hour once the Trainee Treasurer takes office made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Hazelton – all voted yes.

Judge Bartle expressed interest in serving as interim Village Justice upon Judge Brykailo’s resignation.

Trustee Moshier – With many unsuccessful attempts by Treasurer to update contact name on NYSEG and Integrys invoices it was suggested the Mayor make a formal request on letterhead. The mayor agreed. Also, followed up on sign project ideas.

Trustee Patrick – Followed up from previous meeting.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:30pm made by Trustee Hazelton, 2nd by Trustee Pierson– all voted yes. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dayle A. Barra, Village Clerk