March 28, 2012 @ 6:00pm in the Public Library Memorial Room
Appointed Officers: Clerk – Dayle A. Barra Treasurer – Donna Wells
Present: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, and Trustee Patrick. Trustee Kurkowski not present. Motion to waive the reading and to approve the March 13th, 2012 Board Meeting minutes made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd by Trustee Pierson. Trustees Patrick, O’Connor, Pierson, and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.Clerk-Dayle Barra
- Abstract #19 Funds: General $9834.81, Water $2292.52, Sewer $8360.16, Trust & Agency $333.90 Total: $20821.39. Motion to approve Abstract #19 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd by Trustee Patrick - all voted yes.
- Motion to approve Spring Park use by Lions Club April 7th for annual Easter Egg Party made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson - all voted yes.
- Suzanne Christman gave the Clerk her Letter of Resignation as ZBA member effective April 13th and it was shared with the Board.
- The Board agreed to allow the Clerk to incorporate ‘Going Green’ in the Village. To jumpstart the idea the use of large paper bags, as opposed to plastic, for lawn cleanup is encouraged. Motion to approve placing an add in The Pennysaver re: encouraging the implementation of paper garbage bags for leaf pick up made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson - all voted yes, except Trustee Patrick, who voted no.
- Janet Misencik phoned the Office to say what a great Job Bryan Coones did on resetting some Cemetery stones. This is one of the many calls the Office receives complimenting the pristine grounds Bryan maintains in the Cemetery.
Treasurer – Donna Wells
- Resolution to approve the following transfers made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson – all voted yes.
$1000.00 from A3410.2 FD Capital Expenses to A3410.4 FD Contractual.
$2500.00 from A3410.41 Ambulance Contractual to A3410.4 FD Contractual.
$38000.00 from G9710.7 Bond to G230 Misc Reserve for ARRA payment.
- Motion to allow the purchase of 3 Signs displaying Cemetery open hours made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Patrick- all voted yes.
Mayor Frohne- Public Hearing for Tentative Budget to be held April 10th at 6pm with the Board of Trustee’s regular meeting to directly follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Dayle Barra, Village Clerk