Date: May 16, 2011
Time: 4:30 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers: Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski present.
Mayor Frohne: Issue with tax base:
Motion to approve to keep the tax base at 10.8145 per thousand as originally passed for the adopted budget, made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee Patrick, Pierson, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Meeting adjourned 4:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk
Thursday, June 9, 2011
May 10, 2011
Date: May 10, 2011
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski present.
Motion to waive the reading of the April 27, 2011 minutes and to approve the April 27th minutes was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Special Business:
Lamont Engineers – Glen Simpson and Nick Green
Glen presented a change order to the board for the sewer jetter with a proposal from G. DeVincentis, which states their overhead profit will be 5%, the sewer jetter total $64,028.00, overhead and profit is $3,201.40, total cost is $67,229.40.
Motion to approve the resolution to purchase the sewer jetter through the G. DeVincentis Co. at a cost of $64,028.00, with the overhead and profit total of $3,201.40, which brings the total purchase price to $67,229.40 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
J.V.Warren still needs to finish the roof penetrations for the heaters, fan and louvers have been swapped. Now Stilsing has to come back to finish the electric work.
Restoration will be completed as soon as the weather cooperates and it dries out enough.
Nick Green presented the contingency amount left is $63,093.65. Engineering costs $29,000.00, Lamont is holding, not charged the village because they are past the budget amounts. Lamont feels the will need $15,000.00 more for observation, adm. fees and bookkeeping and recording to finish up the WWTP project. Nick will be putting together a proposal for the village to review $45,000.00 extra money for finishing the project and will present it to the board at the May 25th meeting.
Donna asked Nick about the maserator for the bar screen that is not functioning properly. He and Chris Butler are searching for this.
Jim Malinowski-
Received a notice about the CHIPS money awarded from the NYSDOT. The village will be receiving $38,988.72 with the carry over from last year. A discussion took place about possibly doing sidewalk and curbing, especially Lake St., both sides. Jim will check into this. Trustee Patrick asked about any other part of the village that could use curbing. Jim explained to the board that the only place you can use curbing is where there is a storm drain, because where there is not a storm drain the water has to run off the street.
The sidewalk snow blower is in need of repair. An estimate of $538.65 was given for repairs from John Deere in Herkimer.
Motion to approve the resolution to spend $538.65 on the sidewalk snow blower made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
The fill for the new cemetery storage shed was done by the DPW crew on 5/10/2011.
The benches are out on Main St. and the Park benches will be put out. The garbage cans will be put out before Memorial Day.
Jim spoke to Keith Brennan from the DOT about letting the village use the line striper. Also the village let the school borrow the tamper to use on the ramp for the voting. This is a good example of Shared Services within the area.
Trustee Pierson asked Jim about the paving bricks in certain areas on Main St. Some are uneven due to the frost. This would be quite an extensive job to repair this. Jim will check into this.
Trustee Patrick asked about when Doug Bordinger’s hours get increased to 30 hrs. a week. Mayor Frohne stated for the months of June, July and August. He will work with Jim again this summer a well as doing the Zoning Enforcement job.
He also asked Jim about an update on the status of the meters to be returned from being repaired. Two readers were received back. Jim will have Tom Shypski call Badger again for an update.
The yield sign on Hyde St. from Sylvan St. has disappeared. Trustee Patrick asked Jim if he would check into this.
Doug Bordinger- Property Maintenance
Notice was sent to William Donnelly, 26 Center St. for the rubbish/debris on 5/10/2011.
Someone still getting into the Beadle Block building at 20 Lake St. Also the house at 19 Lake St. is also being broken into. Doug will notify the County about both properties.
Doug and Trustee Patrick had a meeting on 5/10/2011. Willa Wright has agreed to continue as Health Officer with the understanding that if a resident ignores the health officer’s notice, the Zoning Enforcement officer will issue a ticket.
Another issue is stray dogs. Mayor Frohne stated we need to hire a dog control officer. This was approved by the board last fall.
Public Comment
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Motion made to approve the resolution to accept the bid from Vision Ford, Rochester, NY. for a 2011 Medium Duty 4x4 cab & chassis; 18000 GVW 141wb – 60 CA. to be equipped with dump body/hoist; 9’6” stainless steel v-plow and a dual electric stainless steel spreader, at the cost of $48,036.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Trustee Kurkowski, abstained.
Abstract #23 – General fund -$9,990.26, Water fund - $16,013.22, Sewer fund - $6,373.33, Cemetery fund $6,701.12, Capitol Projects - $3,149.47. Total: $42,227.40.
Motion to approve Abstract #23 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk’s report for the month of April 2011; clerk fees, $71.25, registrar fees, $130.00. Check given to treasurer for $201.25.
Tom Shypski and Jim Malinowski requested permission to attend a workshop given by CNA Environmental, Inc. for re-certification training, being held in Saratoga Springs on June 1, 2011. Cost per employee is $110.00.
Motion to approve recertification training program for Tom Shypski and Jim Malinowski made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Last year a woman ordered a head stone for a man who was in the Calvary during the Civil War and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery. She looked but did not see a headstone, so ordered one through the Veteran’s Administration. The headstone was delivered to the village office and since then, she has discovered that there is in fact a headstone on the grave already. She asks if this headstone could be put back to back with the one there already. After discussion, it was decided that yes it would be alright.
Clerk asked permission from the board to start advertising for a new clerk. The clerk will stay on to train a new clerk for probably 3 months. Also, would like to advertise in the Herkimer Telegram as well as the Daily Star and Pennysaver. After discussion, it was decided to hire for a clerk in training, Diane will stay on as clerk for 3 months to train, and hire new person to work 61/2 hr. per day (flexible hrs.) for 4 days per week.
Motion to approve advertising in the Herkimer Telegram as well as the Daily Star and the Pennysaver for the Village Clerk position made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Treasurer – Donna Wells:
Transfers: Copy attached to minutes. Motion made to approve resolution for transfers made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Called DOT realtor about the building on Rt. 28. Waiting for message back.
All bills must be in for year end by the 23rd. for the next meeting.
Budget figures will be handed out after the payroll is done on 5/12/2010.
The village attorney received a request from Blue Heron’s attorney to have a meeting with him and the village representatives, as well as the Lamont representatives. It was suggested to go to Oneonta to David Merzig’s office. It is scheduled for May 27th. at 10:00am. Mayor Frohne, Donna Wells, Trustee Patrick, Nick Green and Glen Simpson will attend. Donna will ask Chris Butler if he feels he should go. This meeting is being called in regard to the money being withheld from Blue Heron due to not meeting the substantial completion date.
Balance sheet passed out. As well as the profit and loss figures.
Stucco needs to be fixed on the library building. Treasurer will call Kurt Van Spanje to give us an estimate. Mayor Frohne state that he has gotten in touch with the Architects that were in charge of the Library addition and new roof on back side. The roof was not sealed properly and leaked into the Librarians new office. Bob Graepple took pictures and Heather will be meeting with Mayor Frohne Friday, May 20th. at 3:30.
Due to a glitch in the computer program and the meter reads Cheryl Zawko, 35 Walnut St. received a w/s bill for $651.40. The tamper mode is not working properly when the meter reads are done, so Donna called Badger for help and was told it needs to be fixed on Tom’s laptop. Motion was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson, to issue a credit to Cheryl Zawko and charge the regular fee of $20.77. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Mayor Frohne:
The issue of stray dogs was brought to the board’s attention again. Mayor Frohne stated we need to hire a dog control position. This was approved by the board last fall.
Trustee Patrick:
Noticed on a voucher for mileage there was no destination mentioned. Was agreed that all mileage vouchers should have listed miles and where they traveled to.
Trustee Kurkowski:
Asked about the status of the fire inspection for the village building. Waiting to hear back from Bob Snyder, the inspector.
Has a concern of the pickup system for the trash. The rules have been advertised in the Pennysaver but many people are still just raking to the road. Jim Malinowski can issue warning tickets to the property owners by leaving a ticket on their door. It was also suggested that in the future the village could purchase bags that would break down with the debris. Mayor Frohne asked the Clerk to ask Doug Bordinger to put on the sign that leaves must be bagged.
The building for the cemetery has not been delivered yet because the siding is on backorder.
The flowers for the Tisdale plot needs to be taken care of for Memorial Day.
The Robinson vault needs to be cleaned. Trustee Kurkowski will help Bryan clean this up.
The junk around the DPW should be declared as surplus.
Asked about the $200.00 being paid monthly for the fire dept. to store stuff. Donna has inquired about the status of the DOT building on Rt. 28. She suggests that if the state can not sell it to the village, maybe we could make a shared service deal with them for no charge of water/sewer in exchange for storage. If this worked out, we could eliminate the storage charge of $200.00 per month for the fire dept.
Trustee Kurkowski made the board aware he will probably not be available on weekends to open and close the park for special events this summer. He spoke to Jim Malinowski and they will work on getting someone to open and close. Mayor Frohne suggested that someone else on the board be shown what has to be done. Trustee Kurkowski is very concerned about the time clocks being messed up. Mayor Frohne offered to learn what has to be done. The tire swing was broken again in the park. He would like a sign to put up for no one over 15 yrs. old to be on the swing. There is a hole under the pavilion that needs to be taken care of. Mayor Frohne asked Clerk to do a work order for Jim Malinowski.
Trustee O’Connor:
There are no meters right now because they have not been returned from being repaired.
At the water and sewer plant there must be a compressor to run the plant. At the water plant it was fixed. At the sewer plant a compressor needed to be fixed at Stark Electric. Trustee O’Connor suggested that a new compressor be purchased for back up with the money left from the project.
The subject of the surplus was brought up. After discussion it was decided that all junk should be declared surplus and it was decided to ask all dept. heads to make a list for the next board meeting including the Fire Dept.Motion to declare all junk surplus made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowsk and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Trustee Pierson:
Asked about the status for Bond’s Field. Mayor Frohne asked if the village could give exclusive rights to the Legion and no one else would be able to use it. After discussion, was agreed to lease the field with upkeep being the Legions responsibility for 2 years. Mayor Frohne will speak to the attorney.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30pm. was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk
Time: 6:00 pm
Elected Officers:
Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Pierson
Appointed Officers:
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Roll Call: Mayor Frohne, Trustee O’Connor, Trustee Pierson, Trustee Patrick, Trustee Kurkowski present.
Motion to waive the reading of the April 27, 2011 minutes and to approve the April 27th minutes was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Special Business:
Lamont Engineers – Glen Simpson and Nick Green
Glen presented a change order to the board for the sewer jetter with a proposal from G. DeVincentis, which states their overhead profit will be 5%, the sewer jetter total $64,028.00, overhead and profit is $3,201.40, total cost is $67,229.40.
Motion to approve the resolution to purchase the sewer jetter through the G. DeVincentis Co. at a cost of $64,028.00, with the overhead and profit total of $3,201.40, which brings the total purchase price to $67,229.40 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
J.V.Warren still needs to finish the roof penetrations for the heaters, fan and louvers have been swapped. Now Stilsing has to come back to finish the electric work.
Restoration will be completed as soon as the weather cooperates and it dries out enough.
Nick Green presented the contingency amount left is $63,093.65. Engineering costs $29,000.00, Lamont is holding, not charged the village because they are past the budget amounts. Lamont feels the will need $15,000.00 more for observation, adm. fees and bookkeeping and recording to finish up the WWTP project. Nick will be putting together a proposal for the village to review $45,000.00 extra money for finishing the project and will present it to the board at the May 25th meeting.
Donna asked Nick about the maserator for the bar screen that is not functioning properly. He and Chris Butler are searching for this.
Jim Malinowski-
Received a notice about the CHIPS money awarded from the NYSDOT. The village will be receiving $38,988.72 with the carry over from last year. A discussion took place about possibly doing sidewalk and curbing, especially Lake St., both sides. Jim will check into this. Trustee Patrick asked about any other part of the village that could use curbing. Jim explained to the board that the only place you can use curbing is where there is a storm drain, because where there is not a storm drain the water has to run off the street.
The sidewalk snow blower is in need of repair. An estimate of $538.65 was given for repairs from John Deere in Herkimer.
Motion to approve the resolution to spend $538.65 on the sidewalk snow blower made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
The fill for the new cemetery storage shed was done by the DPW crew on 5/10/2011.
The benches are out on Main St. and the Park benches will be put out. The garbage cans will be put out before Memorial Day.
Jim spoke to Keith Brennan from the DOT about letting the village use the line striper. Also the village let the school borrow the tamper to use on the ramp for the voting. This is a good example of Shared Services within the area.
Trustee Pierson asked Jim about the paving bricks in certain areas on Main St. Some are uneven due to the frost. This would be quite an extensive job to repair this. Jim will check into this.
Trustee Patrick asked about when Doug Bordinger’s hours get increased to 30 hrs. a week. Mayor Frohne stated for the months of June, July and August. He will work with Jim again this summer a well as doing the Zoning Enforcement job.
He also asked Jim about an update on the status of the meters to be returned from being repaired. Two readers were received back. Jim will have Tom Shypski call Badger again for an update.
The yield sign on Hyde St. from Sylvan St. has disappeared. Trustee Patrick asked Jim if he would check into this.
Doug Bordinger- Property Maintenance
Notice was sent to William Donnelly, 26 Center St. for the rubbish/debris on 5/10/2011.
Someone still getting into the Beadle Block building at 20 Lake St. Also the house at 19 Lake St. is also being broken into. Doug will notify the County about both properties.
Doug and Trustee Patrick had a meeting on 5/10/2011. Willa Wright has agreed to continue as Health Officer with the understanding that if a resident ignores the health officer’s notice, the Zoning Enforcement officer will issue a ticket.
Another issue is stray dogs. Mayor Frohne stated we need to hire a dog control officer. This was approved by the board last fall.
Public Comment
Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Motion made to approve the resolution to accept the bid from Vision Ford, Rochester, NY. for a 2011 Medium Duty 4x4 cab & chassis; 18000 GVW 141wb – 60 CA. to be equipped with dump body/hoist; 9’6” stainless steel v-plow and a dual electric stainless steel spreader, at the cost of $48,036.00 made by Trustee Pierson, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Trustee Kurkowski, abstained.
Abstract #23 – General fund -$9,990.26, Water fund - $16,013.22, Sewer fund - $6,373.33, Cemetery fund $6,701.12, Capitol Projects - $3,149.47. Total: $42,227.40.
Motion to approve Abstract #23 made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Clerk’s report for the month of April 2011; clerk fees, $71.25, registrar fees, $130.00. Check given to treasurer for $201.25.
Tom Shypski and Jim Malinowski requested permission to attend a workshop given by CNA Environmental, Inc. for re-certification training, being held in Saratoga Springs on June 1, 2011. Cost per employee is $110.00.
Motion to approve recertification training program for Tom Shypski and Jim Malinowski made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Last year a woman ordered a head stone for a man who was in the Calvary during the Civil War and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery. She looked but did not see a headstone, so ordered one through the Veteran’s Administration. The headstone was delivered to the village office and since then, she has discovered that there is in fact a headstone on the grave already. She asks if this headstone could be put back to back with the one there already. After discussion, it was decided that yes it would be alright.
Clerk asked permission from the board to start advertising for a new clerk. The clerk will stay on to train a new clerk for probably 3 months. Also, would like to advertise in the Herkimer Telegram as well as the Daily Star and Pennysaver. After discussion, it was decided to hire for a clerk in training, Diane will stay on as clerk for 3 months to train, and hire new person to work 61/2 hr. per day (flexible hrs.) for 4 days per week.
Motion to approve advertising in the Herkimer Telegram as well as the Daily Star and the Pennysaver for the Village Clerk position made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Treasurer – Donna Wells:
Transfers: Copy attached to minutes. Motion made to approve resolution for transfers made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Called DOT realtor about the building on Rt. 28. Waiting for message back.
All bills must be in for year end by the 23rd. for the next meeting.
Budget figures will be handed out after the payroll is done on 5/12/2010.
The village attorney received a request from Blue Heron’s attorney to have a meeting with him and the village representatives, as well as the Lamont representatives. It was suggested to go to Oneonta to David Merzig’s office. It is scheduled for May 27th. at 10:00am. Mayor Frohne, Donna Wells, Trustee Patrick, Nick Green and Glen Simpson will attend. Donna will ask Chris Butler if he feels he should go. This meeting is being called in regard to the money being withheld from Blue Heron due to not meeting the substantial completion date.
Balance sheet passed out. As well as the profit and loss figures.
Stucco needs to be fixed on the library building. Treasurer will call Kurt Van Spanje to give us an estimate. Mayor Frohne state that he has gotten in touch with the Architects that were in charge of the Library addition and new roof on back side. The roof was not sealed properly and leaked into the Librarians new office. Bob Graepple took pictures and Heather will be meeting with Mayor Frohne Friday, May 20th. at 3:30.
Due to a glitch in the computer program and the meter reads Cheryl Zawko, 35 Walnut St. received a w/s bill for $651.40. The tamper mode is not working properly when the meter reads are done, so Donna called Badger for help and was told it needs to be fixed on Tom’s laptop. Motion was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd by Trustee Pierson, to issue a credit to Cheryl Zawko and charge the regular fee of $20.77. Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Mayor Frohne:
The issue of stray dogs was brought to the board’s attention again. Mayor Frohne stated we need to hire a dog control position. This was approved by the board last fall.
Trustee Patrick:
Noticed on a voucher for mileage there was no destination mentioned. Was agreed that all mileage vouchers should have listed miles and where they traveled to.
Trustee Kurkowski:
Asked about the status of the fire inspection for the village building. Waiting to hear back from Bob Snyder, the inspector.
Has a concern of the pickup system for the trash. The rules have been advertised in the Pennysaver but many people are still just raking to the road. Jim Malinowski can issue warning tickets to the property owners by leaving a ticket on their door. It was also suggested that in the future the village could purchase bags that would break down with the debris. Mayor Frohne asked the Clerk to ask Doug Bordinger to put on the sign that leaves must be bagged.
The building for the cemetery has not been delivered yet because the siding is on backorder.
The flowers for the Tisdale plot needs to be taken care of for Memorial Day.
The Robinson vault needs to be cleaned. Trustee Kurkowski will help Bryan clean this up.
The junk around the DPW should be declared as surplus.
Asked about the $200.00 being paid monthly for the fire dept. to store stuff. Donna has inquired about the status of the DOT building on Rt. 28. She suggests that if the state can not sell it to the village, maybe we could make a shared service deal with them for no charge of water/sewer in exchange for storage. If this worked out, we could eliminate the storage charge of $200.00 per month for the fire dept.
Trustee Kurkowski made the board aware he will probably not be available on weekends to open and close the park for special events this summer. He spoke to Jim Malinowski and they will work on getting someone to open and close. Mayor Frohne suggested that someone else on the board be shown what has to be done. Trustee Kurkowski is very concerned about the time clocks being messed up. Mayor Frohne offered to learn what has to be done. The tire swing was broken again in the park. He would like a sign to put up for no one over 15 yrs. old to be on the swing. There is a hole under the pavilion that needs to be taken care of. Mayor Frohne asked Clerk to do a work order for Jim Malinowski.
Trustee O’Connor:
There are no meters right now because they have not been returned from being repaired.
At the water and sewer plant there must be a compressor to run the plant. At the water plant it was fixed. At the sewer plant a compressor needed to be fixed at Stark Electric. Trustee O’Connor suggested that a new compressor be purchased for back up with the money left from the project.
The subject of the surplus was brought up. After discussion it was decided that all junk should be declared surplus and it was decided to ask all dept. heads to make a list for the next board meeting including the Fire Dept.Motion to declare all junk surplus made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Pierson, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowsk and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
Trustee Pierson:
Asked about the status for Bond’s Field. Mayor Frohne asked if the village could give exclusive rights to the Legion and no one else would be able to use it. After discussion, was agreed to lease the field with upkeep being the Legions responsibility for 2 years. Mayor Frohne will speak to the attorney.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30pm. was made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Pierson, Patrick, Kurkowski and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk
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