Date: February 9, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm
Elected Officers: Mayor Frohne, Trustees O’Connor, Kurkowski, Patrick, and Dawley
Appointed Officers: Clerk – Diane Blackwell
Treasurer – Donna Wells
Attorney – Paris Cavic
1) Call to order: Mayor Frohne, at 7:00 pm
2) Roll call of members: Mayor Frohne Trustees Kurkowski, O’Connor, Patrick, Dawley present.
3) Mayor Frohne asked for unanimous consent to waive the reading of the minutes of the January 27, 2010 meeting. No objection.
Motion to approve minutes made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley-yes, Trustee Patrick-yes, Trustee Kurkowski-yes and Mayor Frohne-yes. Motion carried.
Tom Hallock-Fire Chief:
1) 46 EMS calls for mo. Jan. 2010
2) New air system for trucks, new line for ladder truck
3) Expense report received from Donna, 12/14/09 thru 2/1/2010, total expenses were $8750.00 for Fire Dept. Tom asked Donna for a breakdown of every bill, $178.66 per day being spent on fire dept. out of that $74.00 was going to Mirabito for fuel. Tom is very concerned about the amount being used to heat the building. He asked the board to think about doing something to help cut the cost to heat the building.
4) PE’s were done on 2/8/2010. Had 28 people for physicals.
5) Repairs on trucks from June, 1 truck needs transmission cooler replaced, it is leaking anti-freeze. Tom will try to get a estimate of what this will cost and bring it to the next board meeting.
1) Wayne King, spoke to the board about the inter-municipal agreement for the transfer site. He would like a small change in the wording and then will present it to the town board for approval to hopefully start in the spring.
Clerk: Diane Blackwell
1) Correction on Abstract #016- the A fund should have been $10,008.16. Was reported to be $10,011.16.
2) Abstract 017- attached to minutes
Motion to approve abstract #017 made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor,Dawley,Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne all voted yes. Motion carried.
3) Clerk’s monthly report for January 2010, $1.00 clerk fees, 20.00 registrar fees, check written to treasurer for $21.00.
4) Motion made for clerk to appoint Richard Harris as the election set-up person and election inspector and Caroline Sarafin as election inspector made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
5) Clerk passed out list of records to be discarded, copy of lists attached.
Resolution made to discard records made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes.
6) Clerk asked for motion to approve to have records shredded by outside company.
Motion to approve CONFIDATA to come to Village office and shred approved records on site made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Donna Wells
1) FYI- the back door was found unlocked on Monday morning, 2/1/2010.
2) Edward VanderVroot came in to pay water/sewer bill and asked why there was a maintenance charge on his bill, there has not been a maintenance fee charged to him since Feb. 2009 for reasons unknown. After discussion, it was decided that a letter would be sent to Mr. VanderVroot explaining the error and the amount due the village is $100.00. The board agreed being that the maintenance had been being charged and then all of a sudden was not, the amount should be paid.
3) The Subway sandwich shop is not been being charged as a commercial property for maintenance fees, but as a residential property. After discussion, was decided to write a letter to the company for the back money owed for maintenance and see what response we get.
4) An appraisal was passed out to all board members for the mason work to be done on the building for the grant project. The appraisal was for $6000.00 and was submitted by Van Spanje Masonry. After discussion, it was decided to bring this back to the Feb. 27th, 2010 meeting.
5) The advertisement for the bids for the library roof project was put in the Daily Star 2/8/2010. At this time we have had 3 interested companies.
6) Treasurer passed out financial reports and balance sheets to each trustee and Mayor Frohne.
7) The treasurer needs to have transfers done:
1. transfer $1352.83 from FX 9010.8 NYS Retirement to FX 9060.8 Health Ins.
2. transfer $2000.00 from A9010.8 NYS Retirement to A5142.4 Snow Removal Contractual
3. transfer $5000.00 from A9901.03 to L5031 Library fund
Resolution made to transfer monies by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee O’Connor, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne vote yes.
8) Treasurer also wanted all board members to know that she has put a blocker on all Village bank accounts. The reason for this is to take extra security measures. Wire transfers should not be made by anyone other than Donna.
Mayor Frohne
1) General Codes – After discussion, was decided to vote on the proposal from General Codes to contract with them to have the village codes put in order at the cost of $8000.00.
Resolution made to approve the contract with General Codes at a cost of $8000.00 by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor-yes, Trustee Dawley – yes, Trustee Patrick – yes, Trustee Kurkowski – no, and Mayor Frohne – yes.
Resolution made to establish a new line item A8010.42 Code Update and transfer from A1325.41 Bond Counsel, $2500.00 to the new line, by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee O’Connor – yes, Trustee Dawley – yes, Trustee Patrick – yes, Trustee Kurkowski – no -, and Mayor Frohne – yes.
2) Glimmerglass Opera – Mayor received word from the County that the property in the historical district, Type 1 Action must start from the beginning. Trustee Kurkowski questioned the zone change as “spot zoning”. Attorney Cavic explained this is not spot zoning because they are not creating a zone that is isolated from the classification around it; spot zoning would be to create one business district surrounded by all residential districts. New information changes the classification from unclassified action to Type 1, historical district; this will significantly increase what the Opera has to do for the SEQRA process. They would have to prepare a whole new environmental impact statement as a starter. The County will be getting back to the Mayor with recommendations of what we need to do that would be helpful.
Trustee O’Connor
1) The meter at the Bruce Hall Co. is in a pit and is only read once a year, estimated the rest of the year. In order for a radio read meter to be put inside the building, extensive plumbing and carpentry work would have to be done. Tom Shypski has worked it out, but a contractor would have to do the work. Once this is inside the building it will be read every month. After discussion as to who should pay for the work to be done and the meter to be installed, a motion was made to have the plumbing and carpentry work done, not to exceed $500.00, and the radio read meter installed inside of the Bruce Hall building. Motion made by Trustee O’Connor, 2nd. by Trustee Kurkowski, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried.
Trustee Patrick
1) Shared services meeting rescheduled, don’t know the date yet.
2) Concerned about the cost of electric bills being paid out each month. The solar will help cut down the cost at the treatment plant. Concerned about the cost of the street lights.
3) Codes enforcement – continued problems with animal control man, can’t get a response for a day or two. Trustee Patrick asked if the village code enforcement officer could possibly do this job. The question was brought up about specific insurance coverage to do dog control. Was stated no for insurance but would have to deal with the Ag and Markets. Attorney Cavic will check into this matter.
4) Trustee Patrick also brought up the issue of the snowmobiles on the village sidewalks and village streets. Clerk passed out the local law on snowmobiles to all trustees and Mayor Frohne.
The hours for snowmobiles in the village is 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Some have been out at 6:00 am. Trustee Patrick suggested that no snowmobiles be allowed in the village at all. Would like the situation controlled or take away the privilege of village streets. Attorney Cavic stated that the problem is that there is no one to enforce the law. Therefore, it is not going to change.
5) Wanted to make sure everyone had seen the letter from Joseph Spytko to Mr. Borer (ReRob) – no discussion
Trustee Kurkowski
1) Judge Brykailo has asked if it would be possible to hold Village Court at the town building. Someone will have to ask the town if village court can be moved in there. Donna will speak to Wayne King, town supervisor and ask him to bring it to the next town board meeting.
2) Trustee Kurkowski wanted to know who called the State DOT about plowing Rt. 20 through the village. The Mayor had talked to Jim Malinowski and he had suggested he call the DOT and talk to them. The Mayor did and they explained the reason why they have to go the speed they do.
3) Trustee Kurkowski called the DEC about burning the brush pile, limbs and branches are okay to burn.
4) The DPW guys have been cleaning and rearranging the garage. It looks great!
5) An interested party sent a letter to the clerk about entertaining in the Spring Park this summer. Trustee Kurkowski would like to see different entertainment in the park and maybe bring out more people to enjoy it.
Trustee Dawley
Nothing at this time.
Attorney Cavic
Nothing at this time
Motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue, made by Trustee Kurkowsk, 2nd. by Trustee Patrick, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried
Motion to come out of executive session made by Trustee Patrick, 2nd. Trustee Dawley, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowsk, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kurkowski, 2nd. by Trustee Dawley, Trustee’s O’Connor, Dawley, Patrick, Kurkowski, and Mayor Frohne voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Blackwell
Village Clerk